Tag Archive: KB his and her sock looms


This has been such a busy day that I can’t believe it is already over. Where did the hours go? I did finish a sock. Oh, I had my NaNo project, Crystal, open all day and I was actually working on the character developments I needed. And Check☑ I got one out of 8 done. And I copied the story from yWriter to WriteItNow. But during all that I was watching season 4 of Dawson’s Creek. It’s so sad to watch the kids all go off to college. It’s called Dawson’s Creek and yet nobody but empty-nesting parents are at the creek. This show so reminds me of times with my teenage daughter, yikes, 20 years ago! And I never watched these last couple seasons as we all moved and my own empty-nest happened. But enough strolling down memory lane, that sock mate won’t knit itself. By the way, this is my last week of being 71. Yikes! It’s all above ground and healthy. Can’t complain, right?

Sunday Is the Answer

Hey, look. I’m here at nine and the computer is working properly. I don’t know why it gets so glitchy the closer to midnight it gets.

Most of the day I listened to the audio of The Stand. It is interesting to see the story in depth. The characters still remain the ones on the older series. Molly Ringwold, etc. I do understand the crazier ones through the book. Yet I am only at 68%. Five more days until it is due to go back to the library.

Meanwhile, I’m following this tutorial to make myself some scrubby washrags.


No, I haven’t received my flex-skinny yet. I’m using my old broken Hers of the KB His Hers sock loom. I like how they feel in my hands. I’m working on two other pairs of socks, two hats, and a couple toys. I do what hurts my hands least.

I still haven’t gotten my crafty things done or the socks to my daughter and her beau.

Oh, before I started reading my hubby and I watch Ad Astra. I think I would have liked the book better. Another sci-fi for the guys.

Still, it was fun to watch it together.

It was a gorgeous day here. Just right. Just enough breeze to ripple the flag. Kali and I enjoyed ‘outside’ just standing or sitting and feeling free.

CBS Sunday Morning was touching. As was the UU Zoom meeting. I’m rather sad that Sunday is nearly over.

Wow! Look at that! A whole blog without the frustration of my computer being slower than snail mail!

I hope you all had a good day. Find your quiet zen moments if you can. And



When last seen here on WP, my daughter’s sock was this length.

I had actually gotten past the heel and was well into the cuff of the sock. Sadly, I realized I had made it two inches too long on the foot. It would have fit my 81/2 size shoe but not my daughter’s size 7. Nor would it have been big enough for her boyfriend who is possibly a size 11. So as the emoji on the title predicted I threw in the towel but persevered. With sadness, I found I couldn’t tink (knit backward) past the heel. My dyslexia mind couldn’t figure out what to do with unwrapped and turned parts. So I frogged (ripped it) and reballed the yarn:

So sad. 😥

But now, I have once again got the Kitchener Cast-On toe finished. I am rows away from the fun part of yarn pulling the toe closed. Maybe I can figure out how to photograph this yarntastic storm. It is the most fun of all knitting for me so far, outside of an actual finished product, that is.

I’m not discouraged.  I prefer what I make to turn out nicely. Especially now that I realize how comfortable and gorgeous handmade socks are. So, stay tuned to see how the new try turns out. Don’t hold your breath. It will take a week or so. I’m not very fast.

I hope your Thursday was more productive and fun. 😀

Toasty Toes Tuesday

Yep, another pair of warm snuggly slipper socks ready for toes to keep warm.

This is a close up of the four-by-four ribbing in the cuff of the socks. The KB Orange (Hers) is the loom I used. I have it set up for the ribbing and the German Short Rows for the heel and toes.

My helper, Kali, had to photobomb.

The name of the yarn (Yes, this one had a label) from England, Wendy, Champagne. And here is the label:

And the colors show through best with this last partial label. It is a bumpy gray, white, black and pink or lavender. I loved working with it. I am working another pair on the ‘His’ loom.

And adult sock bootie! And then I needed to get bootie two up and running so that I wouldn’t lose the stitch markers. So the toe on number two is done. I like the part where you get to the place you can start pulling the toe closed. I’ll probably get to that part tomorrow. Anyway, my hands are hurting and it was hard to stop knitting so I could get to my writing.

I have only written a couple hundred words so far today. But my grand total so far is {drum roll, please} 12,129. I just didn’t want to get caught up in the writing and get too distracted from getting out a blog today and not after midnight.

Have a good Friday, everyone. Get tons of words!

Made (Making) Monday

I finished these cotton slippers for my friend today. Now I have to wait until payday to send them. KB His and Hers looms, followed by the how-to YouTube.

Meanwhile, I’m in the middle of making these hats:


Thursday Threads

These are the finished products I can share for today. There are lots of little bodies that need to be stuffed, sewn and eyes I need to finish by Saturday.

The doll was made on the purple KB loom (24 pegs). He is about five inches tall. I have changed how I make the arms as I just use the four pegs that line up over the middle of the legs. I knit those four back and forth until I have about 31 rows then pull the first row back on the pegs and knit together. The rest of the doll is according to LoomAHat’s instructions:

The little hats are on the white KB loom following the instructions that came in the package.

Authentic Knitting Board KB8200 KB Baby Knit Looms 3/8" Gauge

I love the finer gauge of these looms. It takes longer but the results are nicer. I think. \

Besides the body parts to sew, I have several new projects starting:

This is an adult hat on the left on the larger KB loom and the one on the right is another baby hat. The colors are off in the pictures. The adult hat has two strands, an olive green strand and variegated lighter green to beige. The baby hat is pinkish orange that is SO soft.


This is a HERS of the KB HIS and HERS sock that looks the color of a 50/50 ice cream bar.


This is my 10-Stitch done on just a piece of the Martha Stewart kit. I have gotten bored with this one and frogged it several times. I may make just a lap-ghan elderly or frog again and give up on something that large and stick with toys and hats. I do like the color combo here, though.

Make-it Monday 20190211

Since I can’t remember what projects I haven’t shared here I think I’ll show some that are in the making.

What the H#$%^&? Those are two fish and the fins and that gray in the back maybe a fish not stuffed and no eye.

A try on the purple sock loom, just following the directions from the box for the His and Hers Sock Loom.

Three little hats for the comfort dolls. They didn’t work with the doll (wrong size or yarn or color) waiting for dolls that will be compatible. The dolls are a great way to use up yarn scraps. Here’s how I learned to make the dolls and the hats:

Another knitted hat using circular needles. I can’t decide what color I have around here for the crown so I just let it sit until it hits me. A friend gave me the pattern. You can probably find it online somewhere. It is basically Brim K1P1 for about 2 inches. Then just knit until hat measure 6-61/2″ Closing is also somewhere on the nets. The bit of texture is where I did a row using continental rather than the usual right hand knit. It helps my hands to alternate.

My second attempt at the ten-stitch afghan. I use one strip from the Martha Steward loom knit kit (I found mine for $14  but I can’t remember where) that has 12 holes and I only put in 10. Yes, her looms don’t come up to the standards I think she holds. The pegs can fall out so it takes a lot of patience. I’m using GoodKnitKisses method.

By the way that afghan is boring and it may still be frogged and I’ll try not to double the yarn and see if I can make it softer.

Another ombre brown/tan hat on a KB loom. See that Kirkland Animal Crackers container? It was full of this yarn. It makes such soft hats that I’m trying to make a lot of them for the cancer patients. This one is just the knit stitch with the bottom pulled back onto the loom for the brim. It seemed that would make it softer and warmer than other brims.

And last but not least:

The socks I have been trying to make for my brother for over two years. I’m using the metal pegged KB sock loom my friend gave me last year. Finally, it is starting to look like a sock! BUT see that mess of yarn? That is because Rosey keeps finding this kit and bringing it to us as a kitty gift. She can drag half her weight down the hall yelling out how she has a present for us. This time the yarn started to escape. I fixed it after taking the picture. Now I need to find a way to get this done and keep it out of her sight. The instructions for this knitting board is on a DVD that comes with the kit. It’s pretty easy after you get the hang of it. Notice how many little socks I’ve made in learning how.

Which project will get finished first? Or will I find something else I want to try more? Stay tuned. You can ask: ADD much? And you’d be right.



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