Tag Archive: knifty knitter

Scrappy Dolls

So I had a lot of yarn in little bits. I thought, ‘Hmmm, maybe I can make some scrappy socks. But I made oopsies and needed to tink. That didn’t work out right. So I left these two-toned tube socks in their project bag until I felt like dealing with them. Suddenly it came to me that they would make sock dolls.

The other bright idea that has to do with socks is, I wondered if the Kitchener cast-on could be used to make hats without a bump or knot on the top. So, here is the result of that cast-on on the small Knifty Knitter (blue, 24 pegs):

It is a little bumpy on what would be near the big toe and the little toe, like a dimple or pimple? But it does seem smoother than the normal doll head or hat. Then I thought well, I have enough yarn to make a doll, upside down. Usually, using LoomAHat’s Tiny Doll pattern, you knit from the legs up. With the head done I decided to finish with the legs. It worked!

I like how the combinations of yarns gave an interesting pantsuit for this guy.

My sock babies turned out like this:

It makes it look like they are in cocoons with their arms out of the binding.

Just because they begged for a selfie together:

It looks like the little ones are falling asleep while the bigger kid is in charge. Or is that just me and my crazy imagination?


Per Linda:

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “movie title.” Take the title of the last movie you watched (just the title, not the premise of the movie), and base your post on that title. Have fun!

So Saturdays we often watch disaster movies when we are tired of watching shows about animals and veterinarians.  If we aren’t in the middle of a binge. Today’s movie was Day After Tomorrow. It is a fun go-to for us if we are both busy writing or knitting or reading.

The day after tomorrow is Monday. Cloudy, cold. But the day after that may have snow. I hope the snow we have right now isn’t gone so that soon the world will be as white as the world in the movie. No, I don’t want it that cold. I certainly don’t want to have to move to South America to get warm.

I promised that the second slipper sock would be done by today and: Ta DA!

I can’t wait to make more of these for the charity. I can imagine people stuck in bed needing to have warm feet. Again, this is done on the blue, 24-peg Knifty Knitter loom with (I think) homespun. It had to be a cuff down as the toe-up Kitchener doesn’t work well with this yarn. The cuff is e-wrapped and folded. The rest was a combo of mostly flat-knit or u-wrap.

I still have three socks on separate looms, a hat, and about three toys in the process. So I can’t tell you what will be finished the day after tomorrow.

I wish I could tell you what the next binge is for the day after tomorrow. We seem to be at a loss since finishing Gilmore Girls. Please don’t groan. My daughter tried to get me to watch them with her when she was in high school but I was working and very busy and just couldn’t get into it. When I finally got to it I groaned. I seemed to have run out of anything interesting. Sometimes you just have to give a book or a movie a chance. After watching the first few episodes alone, my husband came in and got addicted, too.

Being able to move through the last few decades, seeing old actor ‘friends’, the music and movie references just made this so much fun. And associating it with my daughter, empty nesting and the like made it a sinus clearer! It is weird that I haven’t needed my nasal spray or anything since watching it. We watched all of it and then the Seasons In The Life. Gosh, I miss it! I may have to go back and start again!

Any suggestions for our next binge?

Per Linda:

Today’s is the 17th prompt for Just Jot it January 2020, and it’s brought to us by MB. Thank you so much, MB! Please be sure to visit her blog to read her post and say hello. And follow her while you’re there!.

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 17th, 2020, is “jade.” Use the word “jade” any way you’d like. Have fun!

The only thing that I can come up with for the prompt word ‘Jade’ is actually how jaded I feel about what is going on in the world and how divided we all are and how we all seem to get stuck in kindergarten name-calling.  And the flippancy of talking-points, cliches of oneliners that seem to prove one-up-manship. My biggest gripe lately is, “Getting ahead of your skies.” Really? Because cart before the horse is cliche? Okay, we don’t use horses and carts as much anymore. But I can’t imagine what happens if a person gets ahead of their skies!

Anyway, these oneliners are used as power points. Whichever side says the best one wins. Pow! Take that? Talking is cliche. Liking each other is soft. And if you listen to all of this a lot you start thinking about pre-school or kindergarten. I start yelling at my TV: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. What you say is what you are! Yeah. Jaded.

What isn’t jade is the latest slipper sock. Soft Red comfort. I feel better talking about this sweetie anyway:

Blue, 24-peg Knifty Knitter loom. Folded up cuff in e-wrap. Mostly flat-knit stitch. I tried to do toe-up but the Kitchener cast-on doesn’t work very well with this home-spun type yarn. By the way, the color is much redder than the picture shows. I’ll probably finish the second sock tomorrow as it works up very fast.

Satisfying Sunday

Finished today:


As you can see, I used the green Knifty Knitter. Which made the hat for a smaller adult than me. Or Teen. I made the brim and a few of the bumpy-outy spots using the e-wrap/purl combo that makes a one-row garter stitch. Then flat knit stitch. This was of scraps blending two strands and changing out to another combo as I got the notion. Just in time for the Meeting tomorrow. 🙂


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