A Story of River
A Story of River by Lana Axe
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I am one of the few people that finds Lord of the Rings to be the most boring, male chauvinist books around. So I have to say, that if you like LotR you might like this. I found myself wanting to read other books. I had a hard time liking any of the characters. The one I did like? Well, I think the author didn’t know what to do with that character. Too bad. She was the only female that wasn’t arm candy.

The last few chapters of the book were engaging but had I not felt I needed to read this, I wouldn’t have gotten that far. I hate to give such a mediocre review. It was free for an honest review so I felt I should. But like I said above, there are a lot of male nerds and geeks that would love this and want it to be a video game they could play in their mother’s basement. Bad Dar, snark much?

Oh, I did like the dryads and River, too bad the story didn’t surround those instead of evil and war. Meh.

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