Occasionally the occupant of this room (me) tries a different occupation. As most of you know, I love loom knitting. But I crocheted most of my life and had learned to knit as a teen. But when I found how little pain I got with the loom as compared to the other hobbies, I stayed with the favored one of my hands.

Today I saw a Youtube that I thought was going to teach me a new pattern for the loom but I was wrong. It was a way to cast on for knitting by using a crochet chain. Best of those two worlds! I couldn’t resist. I had to try. Now On Casted (OC) I’m left with the actual knitting of the thing. Sigh! Let’s hope I don’t have to have occupation therapy for this! By the way, I’ve added this to my projects on Ravelry. I’m darravels over there. Here is the creator’s Ravelry: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/copycat-cc-beanie

Have you watched Blue Planet? It is a favorite for me if I have insomnia. But somehow I needed a background show first to nap, then to attempt this new pattern. BBC was playing Planet Earth II when the nap overtook. Then it changed to Blue Planet. I love the ocean. I had wanted to be a marine biologist at one time but… life.  One can learn a lot when busy doing something else. 🙂

Oh, speaking of watching something. (This is Stream of Consciousness Saturday, right?) Before the nap, my honey and I were watching The Kindness Diaries. My friend recommended it as it is about to be taken off Netflix. Bring your Kleenex, not for the sadness but the overwhelming kindness that is shown. I’m on the last one where Leon is in Hollywood. What a beautiful story!


Here is Leon’s site: http://www.leonlogothetis.com/netflix/  And who knew? He has a book!

Needless to say it’s on my wish list.

But if I get as far as Hollywood, I need to see my favorite part of California (Unfortunately, they are the more expensive parts, which is why I don’t live there.)

Santa Barbara, Sunset over the Pacific Ocean at Arroyo Hondo Beach near the city of Goleta in southern California.

And my favorite place to walk:

Near lifeguard station 69 in Newport Beach, California in Orange County (OC)

Okay, Linda G. Hill, do I win?  She brings us both


with the prompt of ‘oc’


Go over and see how this works. It’s fun and keeps me writing every day. Thanks, Linda!