Tag Archive: Linda G. Hill

Though I am still tired from my drive to Bend Friday, I still feel excited at driving on a road trip at any time.  From the time I got my license I became the family driver. My mother hated driving so anything that needed a driver, I was elected. Yay! Dad was a night worker/day sleeper so it was up to me. Not once did I grouse at the thought of running an errand. Mom even got me a job to drive a family to church on Sundays and so I got to keep that family’s car with privileges to light fun driving on Saturdays.

From age 16 on, I got to do a majority of the vacation driving. I remember very early one morning driving between Arizona and New Mexico. The sky was fantastic. There were lone clouds that were raining surrounded by blue skies. All the reds oranges and tans of the geology mixed with the gorgeous sunrise. Everyone in the car was asleep. I felt like I had just gone to Heaven it was so beautiful that this teen cried at the sight.

I remember driving in Oregon the first time and seeing the red ground. It was like crossing the border between California and Oregon separates the types of dirt. I was fascinated. It was only since living here in Oregon as an adult that I understand that feature. Oregon uses lava rock to keep the roads from icing over. It is far better a solution than using salt that deteriorates the roads and vehicles.

Another fun thing to learn as a teen was driving in Oregon, especially Portland, and Washington was scary. I was from Southern California, near Los Angeles. But these more northern cities had the worst drivers I had ever seen in my short life. By the way, I have driven in Portland as an adult and I haven’t changed my mind. Especially raining seasons. Goodness. Wet roads are dangerous, slow down! And this comes from someone my ex used to call Mario Andretti so this isn’t coming from a slow old lady! I do try to obey the laws but I do love a freeway that allows 75 MPH. I would love to drive an autobahn someday!

Now that I am healthier I would love more opportunities to drive. I am driven to travel!

Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “drive.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Last time I saw this picture was in July last year. Oops! I haven’t colored in a long time! But today I finished using pens and crayons. I didn’t like the story they presented. I have a Marina in my latest Haven book so I rewrote the bottom. Which is nudging me to make the next story about Marina. I really like her and I think she has a lot to offer. My Marina has short blonde hair but I suppose she enjoys wigs or can grow it out now that she has been gene-popped with the other Havenites.

So now I have the beginnings of an outline for JuNoWriMo! Thank you Linda, for tickling the muses and getting me back to enjoying the escaping!

Here’s the next pic in that book. I hope I can hit this before mid-month for a change! It really helps to play with the crayons and colors!

I don’t like the idea of swords or knights or other things attacking my dragons, but this may well happen in the next book! Woe be to those who attempt to kill my Haven dragons!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill, for this fun prompt. I am always happy when I join in the fun of the Escapist Coloring Club

One-Liner Wednesday

Dream it; Question it; Commit to it.

Felicia Day, Embrace Your Weird

Badge by Laura @ riddlefromthemiddle.com

One-liner Wednesday is an easy prompt brought to us by Linda G. Hill.

What does this:



and this:


Have to do with utter breakdowns, sweaty palms, shaking uncontrollably?

Noive! As our Cowardly lion taught us. Okay, the word is Nerve but I always heard him say it noive. I lose my nerve on phonecalls (answering or making–any that aren’t family and friends), speaking on stage. Meeting new people (though I love meeting new people!) and I used to–and probably would again since it’s been so long–singing solos. But what I learned from that lion is that if you do your best to memorize the song, dress up and look your best, and play the part of someone confident I can sing. The song that goes with that noive for me is sung by Maria Von Trapp: I have confidence. When I can internalize that song I can psych myself the nerve.




2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/


Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “nerve.” Use it any way you’d like. Have fun!


Just Jot It January 2021 – We did it!

I feel pretty proud that in spite of myself and the world at large, I managed to blog every day this past month. I must admit that a couple of them weren’t labeled JJIJ but if the rules of even a shopping list counts as jotting, then the occasional book review or whatever I ended up doing instead.

So it is with honor that I accept the participant badge of this year. (And put off until tomorrow for a promptless blog entry.)

Thank you, Linda, for a fun way to keep the writing going. As soon as I have new glasses, I will get over and read yours and everyone else’s blogs. I miss reading them all so much!

Writing Can Be Hard Work!


There one line! Today was difficult in that I no longer have any main characters to develop. So it was all story. And then the electricity went off. Thank goodness it didn’t stay off. It’s going to cold tonight. 29 degrees Fahrenheit. Not the coldest but without heaters would be uncomfortable. Apparently, there was a blown transformer. I’m grateful the people get on things like that right away. Isn’t it funny how the family gathers and gets a little antsy as we are all out of our element without our electronics to work on?

Okay word count: 30,065 words. Barely made it over the goal for today of 30,006.

I’m still trying to get my Scrivener version up and running so I am not just reliant on yWriter or WriteItNow. My eyes have a harder time with Scrivener. I have had to use a text-to-speech program to read the instructions to me. And it has taken me a couple days to get through the QuickStart. Imagine how long it would have taken to get through the whole thing? But it does have features that look like it would help me be more organized. And I think I can change the backgrounds and fonts to make it easier on my eyes. By the way, there are videos on the Scrivener website that bring it down to what I wanted: How do I get started. Boom! There is was. Tutorials.

One-Liner Wednesday is a fun prompt brought to us by Linda G. Hill.


One-Liner Wednesday–Air

What do you call air with an aire?



I woke up with that witty or not so much on my mind. I wasn’t sure why. But it’s a one-liner of sorts. If it were on one line.

Anyway, I will be naming the town Violetsville, thanks to Willowdot21, who also did a beautiful one-liner. Click on her name.

I developed my second character today. When I was done pulling in the descriptions, I presented them to my husband. Who looks like that? I asked him. He suggested Felicia Day. April will have shorter hair anywhere from platinum blond to purple or even a Mohawk. So here is vaguely what she looks like:

The word count is 7,374. Moving right along. Despite what is going on in the world.



This One-liner Wednesday is the baby of Linda G. Hill. Click on the blue underlined title to learn more.

One-Liner Wednesday

When all is said and done, let’s hope all is said and done; I’m just sayin’


Linda G. Hill is the queen of One-Liner Wednesday. <–Click on that blue URL to take you to the main page.

So this is the before picture. I decided to try something new. I have all those pens and markers. So I didn’t do the crayons and pencils this time. I like that it works up faster but I miss the crayon smell and the ability to shadow or highlight.  And I think I see more stroke marks. Bleh! Oh, well, lesson learned and a hot day spent relaxing.

Maybe from an airplane, it looks good. Lessons learned.

Here’s the picture for next time:

So that is my submission of the July Escapist Coloring Club. Thank you, Linda, for a fun prompt.


Anyway, Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “check/cheque/Czech.” Use one, use ’em all, use ’em any way you’d like. Have fun!


My mind is but a muddle of thoughts. So far the stream is but a drug-induced puddle. Yeah. I’m still on the antibiotic and the Vicoden. I decided to take half a pill rather than a whole because that was needed for pain but maybe it will last longer while the Amoxicillin takes care of the actual infection. My husband warned me that the Vicoden can do horrid things if you quit it suddenly so my thought is to take less at a time. My toothache mouth wants more, Who knew a little tooth could hurt so much? Yes, the ice-skate is looking like an option. (Castaway). I’ve slept a lot today. I think my body is trying its best to get me well.

To break up the monotony of bed and zombie drooling, we watched Crawl. On the one hand, it was good for immersing in cool water, swimming with the star as she escapes, just barely, alligators. That helped with spiking the adrenalin. I’ve lived in Earthquake land. Now I’ve lived in wind, possible tornado land. I’ve lived where the Mojave Green rattlesnakes were the worst of the animals we’ve dealt with. But mostly they didn’t chase us. Though their bites would have been deadly within minutes, my children learned to stay away (unlike this guy) make a lot of noise stomping so they are never surprised at your being there. They run away from people. Just watch where you place your hands and feet as you climb or hike.

But the alligator seems set on eating you alive. Besides the humidity, it is one reason I would never want to live in Florida or other southern domains.


Oh, back to Crawl. It made me tired. But that could be infections speaking not my usual Jaws loving energy,


Check it out should you get the chance.

Well, while I’m thinking of it, I might as well tell you about the other shows I’ve been watching. I can’t remember if it was early this morning or late last night we happened upon Only.

Yeah, no. Just kind of boring.

It was nice to see Chandler Riggs (TWD’s Carl Grimes) for a few minutes.

Over the last bit of time, I’ve finished Outlander, again, sadly. I’m nearly finished with all the related books by Diana Gabaldon. Yes, I will read other books by her!

I can’t wait until they can get back to filming.

So I decided to follow The Bag Lady‘s suggestion and watched Poldark. It gives the English version of the times. And I admit I will watch it all the way to the end of the series. But it is missing the time-travel and Doctor Claire Frasier.

This guy is gorgeous but feels like he should be in a vampire movie It is a good one to watch while knitting and getting my health back. The music has the feel of Outlander, even the occasional bagpipe.

Well, this stream went a different direction than I planned. Or am I still in the muddled puddle? I dunno. Let me check. Yeah, I haven’t moved an inch!


2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/



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