The Orphan's MotherThe Orphan’s Mother by Marion Kummerow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I hated to end the reading or listening to this book. Sarah Durham narrated the story with all the acting skills needed to do the many parental and child voices. She managed the German and Polish names and words; at least, I thought they sounded right. It is one of the reasons I love Audiobooks so much. Other languages, if read by my voice and eyes, would probably be wrong.

I love books about women during the wars. You know there must have been situations like this. There must be even now with COVID19 orphans, earthquake orphans, etc. The news rarely brings the stories to life. But people get misplaced and have to survive somehow.

This is more than just one mother. Watching all the moving parts turn the story deeper and deeper is intriguing. Amazing writing!

My only objection is the missing parts of the orphan’s life. I wanted more.

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