Tag Archive: Michele

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My friend, Michele, shared this from The Mind Unleashed. We both agree it is cute and useful as long as the material is nontoxic.

I forgot there was a prompt for today. In fact, I have a few of them. One from Linda G. Hill for Stream of Consciousness Saturday and the other two from a friend on a writing group on FaceBook. In that order: In other words, Rabbit, Rabbit, and Errant. (Thanks, M)

Well, this nearly writes itself, doesn’t it? Except rather out of order.

Rabbit, Rabbit = Bunnies! In other words, these two rabbits get together as adult rabbits do and, possibly they leave the party rather errant in their mission. Must I spell it out? The horse would have died? They used to use rabbit urine or something to prove pregnancy. Oh, heck, I need to look this up.

Okay, didn’t want to lose the stream in that–quick look up a pregnant woman’s urine would cause the rabbit to ovulate. Didn’t get far into the horse part as I felt an unfairness going on. What? To prove the human woman is pregnant the poor bunny had to endure the horniness of ovulation? How fair was that to the poor bun-bun? I fear my stream is spilling over the edges of propriety here. I will be considered errant if I follow almost any thought patterns beyond this point.

On the other hand, this sent me on a stream of research then into stream of horses for menopause. Oh, how errant can this stream go? I think I should have quit. In other words, never mind!


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