Tag Archive: Monkey

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “key.” Use it as a noun, a verb, or use it metaphorically. Have fun!

“Key!” she shouted. It made no sense to me. What key? What did I need a key for?

She was pointing down toward the table in the mud room. There was a key. But why did she shout? What am I supposed to use it for? I barely had the time to think. A huge man was behind my mom. Suddenly she was tumbling down the stairs. It took me no time to realize she was dead. Her neck bent sideways at a ninety-degree angle.

Without another thought, I took the key and ran to the car. Luckily, those keys were in my pocket. I wasted no time getting out of town. This seemed an impossible mission. But we’d had so many break-ins at home and work that I knew it had something to do with me. In that sense, I was a key. People were being killed. People I loved.

An old motel just out of town offered me the respite I needed. While sitting at the old bed, hoping the bed bugs would be kind, I looked at the key. Not house, not car, bank? Why me?

These questions would have to wait. A strange sound came from the bathroom. A toy wind-up monkey?

end of stream

Galaxycon and a Monkey

Snow seems to be the new normal to wake to. I didn’t take a picture of it this morning because it was an early Kali ‘outside,’ and we went back to bed. It melted by the time I actually woke. It is snowing now—big beautiful flakes.

Sunday went along rather regularly CBS Sunday Morning after UU. Then a fun GalaxyCon. Here is the cutest moment:

It was so much fun that I actually had tears in my eyes when it was over. Guess I’m missing my Doctor Who fixes.

My brother put up the Christmas trees today as he had the living room to himself. It was too cold out there, so I stayed in the bedroom. Tomorrow we’ll put on the lights. That is always a cheer to the soul.

This evening my son and I continued watching Legends of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fritz was captured and was being held in a cell. As he was trying to figure out where the team was and how they were taken, he also kept track by drawing monkeys on his cell wall. I got distracted by my urge to draw, said the monkey. I didn’t do too badly and found it so much fun. I took a picture while the show was paused so I can play with the doodle some more.

Do you get distracted by a need to draw something? What this made me think of is the Kilroy was here doodle you used to see everywhere. I drew those on my class notes quite often.


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