Tag Archive: #NaNoWriMo

One-Liner Wednesday

After all these years of NaNo writing, I finally have a line I like (It’ll probably need to be edited out)

“Still, they all felt that uneasiness that comes from paranoia brought about by valid fears.” All mine!


Life is full of expectations and hope. I had wished that I would get 50K words this November, but life has gotten in the way. If I struggled against that goal, only getting 1100-1400 words a day, I would, by now, just give up. I know my psyche. I like my story. I think it holds some fun things that suddenly go with the last book, almost a part two but few of the same characters. They will possibly meet in the end, but I am not sure how. Still, the story itself overlaps. I don’t want to lose the story to the word goal. Does that make sense? So, as of today, I have a new goal of 35,000, giving me a daily goal of 730. It’s so much more doable. Especially when I need more world and character-building. I want a stronger story. This is how I will gain it. I am rarely at the words “the end” on November 30. I have been writing NaNo-way in that I like busting out 30-50k words in a month. It pushes on my creativity. I have done my best with a vague framework ready on the first of the month whenever I choose to do the writing.

Now I can spend unguilty time doing yarn things.

How I feel now, 🙂


Sometimes, things happen, and you see synchronicity in the works. Friday on GMA3, they shared about Dewali. I won’t try to explain as I am very new to the idea.

I was about to let it go. But today, in my writing, I randomly generated a young girl whose name is Puja. The heroes of the novel rescued her, and so that she would feel at home, they set up their house to celebrate this festival of lights. I’m still new, but it seems a great way to welcome a scared orphan.

I don’t know where my story is going. And I am 2k behind. But I will not give up because the story is still teaching me.

Happy Dewali!

My first character developed after midnight. She has never seen her own face. Her reflective gift/curse is that she has always seen ghosts in the mirror or even the shiny ball when she was three. And the spirits talked to her and sang with her. Her parents thought that she was cute with her little imaginary friends. Tonight I shall dedicate the writing to All Saints Day. I hope it will be a meaningful write. (Word count 1,697 so far)

And it has been snowing since early this morning.

Sorry for the shaking. I was excited to see this beautiful scene. And grateful to have a bit of relief from the drought.

Making Monday

Yes, knitting still happens during NaNoWriMo. Especially while I wait for the computer to warm up or while thinking through a plot issue. Here’s the hat that I totally frogged and began again.

This is a combination of the blue and pink of the last two hats. It seems to come out a bit of grey this way. It feels as soft as the other two hats, and I think it will be warm for ears with the double layer brim.

I still have two pairs of red Christmas socks in the making, but the hat is taking the hands hostage. Who knows why some projects win for the day, and others have to sit and wait? They’ll all get done.

Crystal has moved from my #Inktober project to my NaNoWriMo project. I had a little story that I am rewriting as I am adding to my yWriter. Though this may be a rebel month if Crystal proves to be a short story rather than a full-blown novel, I have other projects to get my wordage to grow in. But after today, I am beginning to think this may have possibilities. I managed 2,613 words today. A lot of that was character development. The more I develop her, the more she becomes real, even if her stressful ability is one I’ve never heard of before, so I have no idea how it works. I still feel more that I want to write, so I think I’ll get back to it.

Just a word of guilt. Except for the slightest tootle yesterday, I haven’t touched my recorders in four or five days. I wrote up a schedule, but the world and I disagreed with how it was written. Obviously not in stone! And, once again, I missed my Easy Writers Zoom Meeting. I set an alarm, but that was for the exact time or within five minutes. But you know ADD means if I am into another activity, I can’t just walk away. Next week I’ll set the alarm for 5:30 to give me the time to get out of whatever project and sit and tootle some while waiting. Which may be the way to creep the music back in. I hope to do a toot or two tonight to break up the extra writing.

You see, I want to get a few days ahead. I know that the second Friday of this month is my eye consultation, and that same day I get a COVID test in prep for an upper GI to see why I am a constant heart burner. My doctor thinks it is a hiatal hernia. I guess we’ll see soon. Anyway, there are two days I might not get the chance to write. And though it hasn’t stopped me any other year, there is Thanksgiving. Heck, I’ve sat on the floor at my daughter’s house with my laptop, and while we all visited, I typed away. I tried to stay focused on my loved ones while the story flowed through my hands. I can’t promise it was well done, but it was words in the story!

So without further ado, lots to do before I sleep!


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