To Infinity and BeyondTo Infinity and Beyond by Neil deGrasse Tyson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I loved this history of science and the fiction of science fiction. Mr. Tyson takes us through the errors in our group thinking and movie ideas that won’t work, all with great story-telling and a sense of humor with methods he usually portrays.

Though I would have rather had Neil’s voice, the text-to-speech captured his personality well. I even woke my husband laughing at the phrase, ‘Timey Wimey, Wibbly Wobbly.’ I was so happy to have my Whovian ticklebone struck so boldly.

I must admit that some things do go over my head, but others make perfect sense. This might be a good reference book to have on hand when specific theories are brought up in real time or fictionally.

I do recommend this book. I picked up my copy from Libby. What a great way to get to read even when funds grow short.

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