Children's book: Poochy: Adventure Rhyming Story for all dogs lovers with a surprising endChildren’s book: Poochy: Adventure Rhyming Story for all dogs lovers with a surprising end by Noa Geyer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oh, how I love getting to read books like this! Thank you, Noa Geyer!

I picture every pet store, animal shelter, and other animal care facilities carrying it. Teacher and parents could have as much fun as their young students sharing this treasure. Just reading it aloud would be fun, but the pictures of this scruffy little dog and his attempts to help humans will keep conversations going about how we can help strays or our own puppies have better lives. And how they can help us.

Maybe this is a good book to read prior to getting a new pup from the animal shelter. I love that the author tried to show that the shelter was helping the dog even though the dogs looked uncomfortable in the cages. I loved how the scruffy looking dude was the one chosen by the family. Maybe showing that the cutest ones may not be the ones best for your family and the not so attractive could be smarter or more fun.

So if you are an animal lover, pick this one up. It’s only $.99 You will be as delighted with it as I was!

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