Tag Archive: Pandemapocalypse

NaNo Update/Word Count

Wow! It took me all day to finally get to the writing. I had wanted to do another character development. But the snow and distractions of the day kept me from the actual book part. I really didn’t get anything I planned done. I didn’t plan on a sink of dishes, which usually doesn’t happen around here because everyone takes care of their own dishes. But I got there to make my lunch and rather than sit and wait for my veggie patty and quesadilla to microwave, I did them. Kudos me!

I think my biggest distraction was this:

Front yard, back yard. We thought it was done. And even though the temperature was 28 degrees, the snow was melting in the driveway and street. But suddenly we got more.

Oh, but there was CBS Sunday Morning, which we didn’t get to until about 2:30 PM. I had caught the UU service on Zoom earlier. Meandered the stations while waiting for my husband to be free to watch the Sunday Morning and found Nightmare Before Christmas. I already watched it on Halloween but I love the music so I let that play while I knitted a hat. (I think that one will be finished tomorrow)

Of course, it isn’t Sunday without Zombies. So we watched last week’s Talking Dead, then this week’s Fear of the Walking Dead and Walking Dead World Beyond. I don’t know. I love the Talking Dead the best. I like the making of any show better than the show. It is when you see how much goes into a show that it stops being something you can judge and becomes a work of art. Make-up, cameras, directors, actors, all pulling together to make something to eat popcorn to. Humbling isn’t it. I would give you a review of these but I am reserving that until I see where the two series are going.

So finally, I was ready to write. The living room was so cold, even with the little radiant heater on 6, the highest, and me in my three layers, I didn’t think I could wiggle my fingers enough to warm up. So I took my stuff (it takes two trips!), to the bedroom and got set up in here. I hate sitting on my bed. It is an uncomfortable desk or place to knit. But it is warmer. We put on Pandora and played Celtic Women station. It is the best music to have in the background. Peppy and I don’t know the words so I don’t end up singing and not typing or typing the words into the story.

Today’s scene was on Haven. Since I am reading the first book a little at a time to my writing group, I am reliving my first characters landing there. So my newest character, who can now dragon, popped to Haven and is learning about the zoo and wishes and about the healing there. I learned so much more about Einstein the gorilla who can do sign language. And I never knew Fuzzy Wuzzy the elephant could fingerspell with the best of them. Oh, and he loves to read! Who knew? His favorite books are Dumbo, of course! And Haven helps him to fly! And

The Elephant Whisperer (Young Readers Adaptation): My Life with the Herd in the African Wild Lawrence Anthony  I’d never read it. I decided I need to know what my elephant character know so I bought the audio version with a credit. It sounds really good!

Then Violet met someone I never met in the zoo on Haven before: Ethel (I think will be her name) the giant tortoise. She communicates very slowly and Violet has to concentrate very hard so as not to be rude. She actually finds that this reptile can calm her brain and they fall in love with each other’s spirits.

Then, of course, Violet is hungry and learns of Haven’s way of granting wishes.

So much more. As you know the goal is to write 1,667 a day. The goal for today would be  13,336. The story was so much fun I manage 1,914 words bringing my total to date: 14,766. Yay! Me!

Look I know the frustration of sitting in front of the blank page and not getting any words. I know when that happened I type out gripes and complaints and whine. But this time, my characters are leading the way and I only have to type. Which is hard enough with fingers that forget to spell the easiest of words!

So now I am going to put the laptop away and listen to a book while knitting. Hopefully, I will get to sleep before 3AM!

Wow! How did we get here already! It’s already Friday! It’s been so long since I have been inside a business. Somewhere on this blog, I talked about taking my Kali to the vet for her shots. Somewhere on this blog, I told about going and getting temporary fillings. By the way, they are still there. I hope they will continue to hang on. <–My first “O” word! I think it was the beginning of March. OMG! It seems like forever ago. It seems like yesterday. It reminds me of how we have always remembered common dates. We ask, ‘What were you doing when JFK was shot? Or ‘Where where you when we heard about Bobby? And the not distant past asks, Where were you working on 9/11?

This one is different. Maybe it goes like this: What was the last real day before lockdown?

The thing is, I never went anywhere before. As retired folk, we can’t afford to go anywhere. Often the bones were hurting, and I didn’t feel like going anywhere, Now, I feel like hopping in the car and just driving forever. I’ve always been a bit of a hobo, I like to travel. And fibro put an end to that. Too tired. But now I think I have rebellion working overtime. The body is still complaining. I barely have the energy to walk around the yard. But not being able to, enforced by the wicked virus, is crazy-making. Right?

So that is what day it is. Anyway, Word count that was caught up yesterday on CampNaNo. Behind again. Ouch! So I must leave you and get over to yWriter and see what I can do to fix it. My characters are having dance parties in the middle of the Pandamacalypse. And today is the day on Grey’s Anatomy that O’Malley dies. O’Malley! {See what I did there?}



What Day Is It Anyway?


Don’t Know!


BUT I am finally caught up on my CampNaNo wordage! Well, I was at midnight. Oh, the quandary that was. At fifteen minutes to midnight, I needed to make sure I got a blog in so I wouldn’t lose my daily streak. I am now at 147 days that WordPress has kept track of before midnight posts I know in my heart that I have blogged daily for nearly a year, but just once if you miss and blog a minute after midnight, it starts counting from zero again. I’ve done better with Duolingo. I am on day 259. Duo does the same thing. Do it a minute after midnight, and the count starts back at zero.

So it dawned on me that all I needed to do was reblog something fast and then come back when I finished writing on my CampNaNo project. So I reblogged Linda G. Hill’s latest blog figuring if someone wanted to do the fun blog prompts she gives us. It would be a perfect place to start. Jake is your uncle, I am caught up on all counts! Today I needed 16,670 words to be right on track if I write 1,667 every day until the 30th to have 50,000 words in my novel, Pandemapocalypse. I keep rearranging the title as I have a hard time remembering it. But I think that is the right one. Anyway, the count for today-well before midnight was 16,711. Woo Hoo! The sad thing is that gene-popping dragons can catch the virus. And the virus may actually be an alien. Who knows? My characters need to figure it out. I’m just along for the ride. Well, typing.

So what day is it anyway? It is hard to tell after midnight. I haven’t gone to bed yet, so it is still Friday. That’s my opinion. Not the clock’s. I know it is Friday because and this is another stumbled, it was trash day, but at almost noon my brother realized it didn’t go out. I hadn’t thought of it, nobody in the house had thought of it. But we took our chances and rolled it out. The pick-up guys usually come at around 10:30, but last week they were later. Whew! They were late again, and our trash went away. And then it was friends’ time to Skype? Well, our first time trying Skype in forever and found it froze on my end, and the picture was fuzzy. So we went back to Zoom. That seems a better way. At least we don’t find what we talked about being advertised on our FaceBook page the next day. And only just now did I realize I didn’t make a call I promised. And last Saturday, I promised someone I would set up a time to chat, and not until the middle of last night did I realize I never called them back. Geez. I must be brain-dead! I hope these people understand that time/day wackoness is the problem and not my lack of love for them.

Okay, can I consider myself done and go to bed, please?



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