Tag Archive: Pandemapolypse

How are you all? I am so far behind in blog reading and e-mail reading that I don’t even know how to catch-up. I miss visiting all of my bloggie friends.

The good news is that as of tonight, I think I will be caught up on my CampNano word-count. As soon as I get off here, I will write 582 more words, and finally, I will be where I need to be. Today I should have 15,003. As of this moment, I have 14,421. My favorite line has been, “But the biggest enemy here is a monster so powerful it has to be seen under a microscope.” Apparently, it was spoken by the virus itself. The virus prefers to be called ZOTci.

So Haven’s characters are back and they are called to communicate with the virus while teaching a group of college students and their mothers, and now a zookeeper, how to communicate telepathically. And they have all learned how to become dragons. Little did they know that all the gene-popping (the ability to become other creatures and thereby talk with them) makes the virus stronger and could lead to the deaths of Haven’s own. The writing is fun. Mostly because I just do the typing. My muse tells me the story and I just write it down.

So this is my edition of the #AtoZChallenge, combined with my CampNaNo report. Click on the links to learn more.

Now on to CampNaNo…


Then to bed.

Pleasant dreams all! And stay safe and healthy!


This is both a greeting to you and an assessment of my day. All quarrels of the past were mended, and hilarity ensued. I wonder if anyone has done a study of the lockdown process and where the highs and lows are. How many arguments happen and how did the people survive, not killing each other, and these are the people we love and would never want bad things to happen. I’m sure if lockdown were alone or with roommates, one doesn’t like much it could get scary!


Anyway, this #What Day Is It Anyway and #AtoZChallenge is brought to us by the letter:

Before I get too far, I need to say that once again, it is very close to midnight, so I hope I can get done before I lose my daily blogging record. And that is #What Time Is It Anyway. But Hey! I had a

And I used it in my #CampNaNo Writing today as I will assign it to one of the characters or a couple of them. What if we all write down what we don’t want to be left unfinished, or unsaid? Since the virus is hitting closer and closer as we know, more and more people who have it or have recovered from it or sadly didn’t get to finish with the rest of us. I made a list that was quite long but

At the top of my list is I would hate to not finish my daughter and her boyfriend’s socks.

My CampNano seems second for now. The characters are holding their own.

There are letters to write

People I want to see again and give GREAT BIG HUGS to

The list went on and on. The more I thought of it.

I don’t know if it will work. It has in movies. The main character can’t die because there is just too much for them to do.

And speaking of CampNaNo:

I wrote 2,248 today without a problem. The story is taking off. The word-count is now 10,076. It should be 11,669. So close, but if I can pull off another day like today, I will get caught up. Yay! Me!

Shoot it is after midnight. I hope I didn’t lose the daily streak.

Anyway, a quick recap of my CampNaNo story Pandemapolypse. So, of course, write what you know. There is a pandemic. My characters have learned via a dragon that is in all my Haven books, Enelrad came to help us all. She chose these characters because they have this innate ability to communicate with each other. How many of you have friends or family members so close that you talk alike, you pick up the phone at the same time, you can sense their troubles and are ‘Johnny on the spot’ for them and they for you? Well, this band of mothers and daughters have this for their peers and maternal bonds. In fact, when the daughters were having their last camp/picnic/birthday party, and the dragon appears, the girls were so afraid, for only a moment, but it was enough for the mothers to drive up to save the daughters.

And the adventure starts. And there is a lab cave. And there are huge aquariums where one of the daughters learns to communicate with marine animals. And the biologist/microbiologist has discovered that she can communicate with the virus on the slide. What! Yes! Well, this virus has it’s own name for themselves: ZOTci. They are angry beings! One of the first things they do is call humans bigots. And I guess from their point of view that must be true. We, vegetarians, don’t eat meat. But we kill the virus whenever we can.

There is a lot to do to solve this issue, on the real-life timeline and in the story. I think I will have much more fun trying to see the world from a virus’s point of view than facing lockdown and hospital truths shouting at us all day every day.

Anyway, that’s the gist of it! So hopefully you are all snug in your beds and staying healthy or getting healthy, Stay safe. Find ways to be grateful.


Well, here we are on the fourth day of the #A2Z challenge.




Dragons! Yes, today is the fourth day of #CampNano. And I am two days behind. I need to be at 6,668 words written. But somehow, as with everything else like blog reading, housework, journal keeping, I’m way behind. So far I only have 3,006. This is why I like to set up characters and some sort of outline ahead of the month of writing to get started running.

By the way, yes, my favorite dragon, Enelrad (if you reverse the letters you get Darlene), bounded in yesterday, surprising my three main characters as they were practicing their archery. As Liz took aim and let loose, Enelrad telepathed to her ‘Ouch!’ Well, dragons have a sense of humor. She materialized as her natural self, a huge, jewel-toned dragon in all her beauty of purple and turquoise. Then she changed to her go-to human form, Susan, so they could communicate better. Now dragon and dames are getting acquainted. There is a mission. It has to do with the virus going around. One of the young women is a biology/microbiology major. whose mother is a doctor. The mothers heard the fear in their daughters and left their homes driving to the campsite. These gals got game! I can’t wait to see what they all get up to.

As for my paper journal I am four days behind. What Day Is It Anyway? What Time Is It Anyway? And what is the purpose of saying I’m sorry that I haven’t written in the last few days as all the future archeologists will see is a new day and continued writing. They missed nothing. They were lucky I didn’t write as I did as a child, Dear Diary, today I breathed in and out. Your friend, Dar.

So, the prompt for #SoCS is “deep” staying with the AtoZ flow. Thank you Linda G. Hill for your many prompts!

In the forest, Susan led the women deep into a cave system. Darkness had surprised them as they talked and they knew, at this point going home to stay would be useless. Following a stream, as it meandered around rocks and small hills, the saw a mass of ivy climbing a hill. Susan spread the plants. There was a door. She tapped on it, and someone inside opened it. “This is my friend, Dusty. She’s here to help you fight this disease in a way you might not even have thought about. But step inside. It is getting cold and damp out here and I know how much you girls hate the way it makes your hair frizz. Mine, too!

Well, there is the start of my Chapter two! I am not there yet. But it is like watching a coming attraction. I can’t wait to see how we get there! Welcome to Pandemapolypse. That is the name of my newest Haven novel. I am getting excited to get back to the actual typing.

Yikes! I still haven’t done my languages of the day at Duolingo!

Danke schön for reading. Stay at home. Wash your hands. Dance!





Title Much?


Hashtag Much?

Get ready, this is April and I am connecting to all the things I am trying to do while, oh, I can’t resist:


So as the title suggests I am trying to remember #What Day Is It Anyway?

That’s easy. The trash is out for tomorrow’s pick up. I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy. Oh, yeah. this is Netflix. I decided I needed something to play in the background while I write. Hence rerunning from Season 1 on. I am now at Season 2 Episode 2: Deny, Deny, Deny.

I know. Why do I, with all this medical stuff going on, choose to watch medical shows, or disaster shows. If there is a psychiatrist out there, I hope they answer. Meanwhile, the most angst I get is how poor Meredith has to deal with her mother and how I relate. Differently, yet. I get it. ‘Ah, denial isn’t a river in Egypt,’ as Meredith says, ‘it’s an ocean.’. Seriously?!

We need yet another hashtag: #What Time Is It Anyway? I can’t believe that I was up since 7 (I usually don’t get up until 9:30 or 10. But as opposed to staying awake until 3 in the morning. Last night I didn’t read. But I hadn’t napped. So crash time happened at midnight last night. Ugh! Anyone else having weird hours? Geez! No wonder my brain is weirding me out if I leave it alone to its own devices.

So I thought about doing CampNaNo. But by the time sleep overcame me I had no idea what I was going to do. I couldn’t believe I was going to let one slide, but I assumed I’d deal with it. Below is a synopsis of what I’ve written so far. I think the story is actually better than what I tried here. But objectivity isn’t a quality I have during pandemics

I woke up hearing BBBB or 4B. Yeah, brain, shut up I want to sleep. I heard my new characters laughing in my head. I saw a pile of curly chocolate licorice. I didn’t understand why that was so funny. Then I saw my main character, Lizzy, whose nickname is exactly BBBB or 4B. Then I heard why. Lizzy and her friends had known each other since babies. Her friend April learned at a young age how to fix Lizzy’s hair from Lizzy’s mom. April’s first do was two ponytails. Lizzy’s mom gushed with, “Big, Beautiful, Black, Buns!” The girls had been so proud. And that is how Lizzy got that nickname. As teens, the guys found out and the nickname and teased Lizzy. But she cupped her ponytails and walked away with pride.

The pile of candy? What was so funny? Well, in the middle of a pandemic, when one sneezes on the candy that looks so much like those buns, and your best friend sneezes and you see the same thing, AND you almost pick up a piece of that candy anyway but the look on your best friend’s face reflects the same thing, you laugh. It’s what you do.

So now I have 1,579 words on my new NaNo I’ve titled ‘Pandemapolypse’. Who needs fiction when real life gives such crazy scenarios to start with? I need 3,334 words before bed. I’m a little less than halfway there.  So I best go get done!

And there my Sesame Street friends is #CampNaNo/#A-to-Z representation. Brought to you by:

and the letter




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