Tag Archive: peace

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War ChildWar Child by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I read this a couple days ago. But I still remember the story with fondness. I was afraid to read it. The title, War Child, made me think this was going to be a book about war. Then I started reading and the first few pages showed that indeed there was to be war. Definitely not my type of story.

This was written by a member of our writing group that I think of as a friend. It was that friendship that caused me to continue reading past the part about war. Spoiler: This is a story about peace. A beautiful story about peace and how it could be attained.

Okay. There was one thing. Yeah, it was a short story. I always want more. No, it doesn’t leave you on a cliff. It’s just that I really liked the characters and wanted to hang with them longer. I’m sure another chapter or two could come out of this. Please, Margaret, please?

Meanwhile, pick it up on Amazon. It’s only $.99. Well worth the lessons that could be learned by all of us are within its pages. Try it! 🙂

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