Tag Archive: possibilities

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 1st 2024, is “train.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thank you, Linda!


Some people wake up and see their day full of organized plans like this.

It’s peaceful to know where the train is taking you.

On a good day I wake to

Mostly my trains have a spiderweb network of tracks that overwhelms me.

This blog helps me focus. In case you think yarn and weather is all I deal with, just know it’s just about all I concentrate on before life and distractions take me elsewhere.

Oh, speaking of weather

This is how 2024 started in Christmas Valley. Freezing Fog. It looks like snow. But it isn’t. And you can only see just beyond the porch.
Rosey at 20 finally likes me and my lap as much loved as her main human’s, my hubby.
Leg warmers are getting more colorful. Wow, they’ve reached 10 inches of 24. Among other projects.

So, I need to train my brain on the personal possibilities of this new year.

My stationary bike goal has increased from 5 miles in 30 minutes to more miles in less time. Today I reached 5 in 28. So win!

I know last year I planned on podcasting. Stagefright won. So it goes back on the list of things I still feel I want to do.

Besides German, Spanish, Italian, French, Scottish Gaelic, Latin, Esperanto, Japanese, Navajo, Hebrew, I’d like to add a couple more to my Duolingo list so that I am always doing 10 lessons a day. And I want to get more serious about my American Sign Language classes. My brain loves working on languages.

Hello editing. You are cruelest of all. I’ll do what I can and finished products will go see the light of day on the podcast.

I still will continue working on getting healthier.

My diamond paintings are calling so tomorrow I will play.

Why did music find itself this far down the list? With a new ukulele, I’m trying to learn to make my fingers fit the chords needed. But daily practice might get me there, right?

The recorder is calling. No more trying Carols. Now I can enjoy whatever music strikes my fancy.

Okay, piano. I hear you. I will turn around from the diamond painting table and tickle you on occasion.

Singing loud and proud and dancing like no one is watching sneak into this list.

And that’s not including the bins of organizing I’m already doing.

And I want to get over my phone fear and try to enjoy socializing a bit.

There are only so many hours in a day but all these trains want to leave the station and make their way to improvement and new possibilities. There has to be a way. Some things must be daily Duolingo and blogging (no longer on a struggling list but on the ‘it happens’ like eating list).

The list looks like last year. More has been added. Few trains ended their tracks. My brain and strength expand to meet the fun.

Train-ing is fun

Well, here we are again! Doesn’t it seem each year goes faster and faster? Yet what happened in 2018? Angst, worry, anger, and somehow we got through with much of our freedom and health still intact with hope in our hearts that it will remain so.

On a crafty note, I am so far behind in sharing the fun projects I got to make for Hat Huggers. So maybe I’ll start with a couple of the latest and over this month I’ll work backward over the past forgotten months of knitting/loom knitting. I’d start with what I’m working on but it is a present for someone and I don’t want to ruin the surprise.

The dolls are based on LoomaHat‘s comfort dolls. The blue hat was actually needle knitted.  I had a lot of that maroon and beige yarn so I made a few of these. Both are the usual hat patterns, with the 1by1 ribbing and the body of the hats knitted (the blue one I alternated regular (right hand) knitting and continental (left hand) giving a bit of texture.


On facing the future, I may have mentioned this to you last year, my friend and I try to write possibilities. We’ve been doing it for most of our adult lives. It isn’t resolutions which take willpower and belief beyond the normal range. Possibilities can be adjusted as you go or forgotten on purpose if not pressing enough.

This year I started with what I want to do. First is visiting with family and friends, regardless of how far away. I hope I can find a way to see many of them over this coming year. I’m happy I can see so many online, but that face-to-face/hugging stage is missing, you know? I won’t list them here to save their identities.

The want-to list brought up museums and lava sites and even a movie or two. Living an hour and a half from a major town means most trips are about grocery shopping and truck upkeep. So I’m asking my inner self for more energy to go to town for fun, too!


I had to give up my studio/hobby room when my son moved in last year. Now I find our place is tiny instead of roomy. So I added a clean/organize possibilities. I hope to clean a drawer a day (of the hobby plastic drawers.) I’m hoping to have drawers to put loose stuff roaming around the house (Yes, sometimes the four-footed polydactyl feline, Rosey, finds yarns and stuff to bring as ‘presents’ to us. It would be nice to keep my things cat-spitless.

AND the ugly one: clean the sweepers. I hate that job but vacuuming doesn’t happen with a hair-clogged mess. I may not be able to do the standup job as that job kills my back, but if I do the sit-on-the-floor cleanouts that don’t hurt so much maybe I can talk someone else in the house to do the sucking of the dust.


Last on my list is to try and get here as often as possible to cover Jot It January, Reviews (books or entertainment), One-Liner Wednesday, Color Pages, Stream of Consciousness Saturday, Reviews of knitted creations, edits, and postings of my own books.

Oh, and I will finish those socks for my brother (they are a couple years overdue!)

Notice there isn’t a word about getting into shape or dieting? That doesn’t mean I won’t try as I can but I feel I already work hard at staying upright against arthritis and fibromyalgia. I do try always to eat right. But the pain makes getting out there, in the cold, next to impossible. Anyone know of a website for yoga/exercise for the couch potato or physical challenges? Preferably YouTube.

Jot It January and many of the bloggy adventures like the color pages, One-liner Wednesday, Stream of Consciousness Saturday are all brought to us by Linda G.  Hill. Join the fun!

Every January we go through traditions. Many choose the New Year to make resolutions to quit habits or institute new ones. A friend and I have used our New Years to write up possibilities. We feel resolutions are made to be broken whereas if you think ahead and wish to do better or see changes in your life you should write them down. They aren’t necessarily predictions, though they could work out that way, but rather shine a new light on our lives. The only prediction that comes out of this is as a counselor once told me: The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And of course, then continued with the solid advice that the only way that changes is if a person has hurt enough from that behavior and wants a change from deep in their soul.

When we see little changes happening for the better, they can put on the label of possibility.

I want to thank Linda G. Hill for asking for prompts for these Just Jot It January blogs. I had to take the time to think of what I wanted to put my thoughts and predictions. I will keep private my possibilities as I think it spoils the silent work I put into them if I share. Thank you, everyone, who used my prompt of Prediction. It’s been fun to see what you came up with.


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How Free is Free

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...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

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Spirituality And Psychic Development

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Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.