Every January we go through traditions. Many choose the New Year to make resolutions to quit habits or institute new ones. A friend and I have used our New Years to write up possibilities. We feel resolutions are made to be broken whereas if you think ahead and wish to do better or see changes in your life you should write them down. They aren’t necessarily predictions, though they could work out that way, but rather shine a new light on our lives. The only prediction that comes out of this is as a counselor once told me: The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And of course, then continued with the solid advice that the only way that changes is if a person has hurt enough from that behavior and wants a change from deep in their soul.

When we see little changes happening for the better, they can put on the label of possibility.

I want to thank Linda G. Hill for asking for prompts for these Just Jot It January blogs. I had to take the time to think of what I wanted to put my thoughts and predictions. I will keep private my possibilities as I think it spoils the silent work I put into them if I share. Thank you, everyone, who used my prompt of Prediction. It’s been fun to see what you came up with.