Safe Haven

Safe Haven by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I need to say that the author is a member of the writing group I belong to, and I consider her a friend. That said, I want to be as objective and honest as I can. But Margaret need not worry. I was impressed!

I must admit that at the beginning I felt the story a bit formulaic. I started reading once and got sidetracked by other books. But I got back in and put on my text-to-speech on fast to help me get engaged into the story. Once I was, I didn’t want to leave.

Lily, the main character, is a sweet, lovable soul who became real to me. Her sister, Sam, is cute as a button. Both are now orphans. Worse… they hide a secret from everyone. Even the law. Sam is a Natural. Naturals are against the law and put in an asylum.

At first I was confused by what being a Natural meant. But as I understand it now, a Natural is a person who can make and repair things made of metal gears and steam, seemingly as if by magic. To make matters worse, Lily finds herself falling for the local cop, Henry.

I was so sad to see the story end, even with a satisfying finish. Luckily, it seems there will be more to the story. I can hardly wait. Meanwhile, I have Ms. McGaffey Fisk’s other books on my Kindle shelves and ready to read. Great job, Margaret!

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