Tag Archive: Share Your World

Share Your World March 5, 2018

What did you or did not like about the first place you lived without your parents?

Really? Everything! I lived in a small town four hours from my parents. Yes, I shared it with my husband, but I felt so grown up. It was a big apartment. Two bedrooms. Huge living room. Open kitchen so that I could be a part of things while cooking or washing up. Oh, there may be my negatives. That husband thought in very ancient terms. But the place was beautiful and modern. Not something I love now, but then it spelled freedom and maturity! Oh, yeah, in your twenties a tiny town with only one blinking stoplight and nothing for youth to do, was BORING. But we learned to be adventurers. We drove to nearby towns. Or that four hours to see all the family and friends left behind. Then SO happy to be back in my own apartment.

What is your most favorite smell/scent?

Ocean. Oh if that could be bottled! The second best is forest, camping, campfire smells. Near the ocean–Heaven!

Would you prefer snowy winters, or not, and why?

Since we are retired, the snow is beautiful outside. Sometimes we take walks in it. I have to admit to loving watching the snow and seeing the scenery clean and fresh with white linen. In fact, around here, if there isn’t snow it is SO much colder. Like minus numbers colder. Without the snow, that is just misery!


What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination.

What I appreciate is having my license back. Not having the funds to get it renewed at the right time was devastating! But due to unfortunate events, I now have a truck and a license which I intend to relish and show gratitude in huge amounts. After all, who knows how much longer I will be able to drive? My grandfather made it into his 80’s I think, but others in my family didn’t make it that long. Now to find the funds to do some awesome road trips!

As usual, thank you, Cee, for Share Your World. A chance to look at life and share with others.

Share Your World January 2, 2018


Share Your World is a feature from Cee’s Photography I love her site and all the features and pictures!


What one word describes you best?

ADD. My mind is all over the place and I can’t pin it down.

What is set as the background on your computer?

My favorite cheat sheet for my favorite game Return to Ravenhearst I always mess up the telephone connections.

If you have been to a foreign country name those you have been to?

Mexico and Canada. No further. I wish…

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

My daughter sent a photo Christmas card with her guy and cat and a sweet note. And my friend sent one, too. We just picked up the mail today. We took down the tree, today, too. Maybe too soon. But our Rosey keeps bring us the stuffed toys I pile around the tree just for her. Her timing of gifting us is middle of the night, so sleep is more important than rituals of Winter.


Share Your World–A Day Late


When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?

Alone or not, and as often as I can get by with it I am barefoot. Our yard is full of rocks and sticker so I do wear my sandals (or Crocs) out there, and most everywhere from the time of 40 degrees and upward. In the winter socks with or without Crocs.

What was your favorite food when you were a child?

Grilled cheese sandwiches. Still a favorite, pizza wins if there is a contest but I could live on on GCS.

Are you a listener or talker?

That depends on how comfortable I am–Really scared shuts me down. Somewhat uncomfortable I talk too much. With good friends and family, I think I can give and take with the best of them.

Favorite thing to (pick one):  Photograph?  Write? Or Cook?

Write. I hate cooking and am allergic to cameras of any kind. Loom knitting is starting to take over my passion for writing or making music but it will eventually calm down and I’ll find my balance.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

So grateful to have lived through another month of weather weirdness. But seeing that there is hope of Spring ahead. We are starting to leave windows open during the day! WooHoo!!!!! Oh, the bear that was supposed to be finished Monday? I ran out of yarn and had to get creative (donated yarn has no labels so don’t know how much I have. And this new pattern had me tinking and even frogging to get what I have. Tomorrow I will sew him/her together and tell the fantasy and real story behind him/her. I’d show a picture but, guts and things–yech!

Sorry to be a day late on this. Share Your World is the baby of Cee of Cee’s Photography.

Share Your World


Wanting something to quench your thirst, what would you drink?

I’d love to come up with something unique here but my go to is water.

Complete this sentence:  Never In My Life Have I…. 

Been drunk or smoked weed. I can say that I had tried an edible but maybe not enough to help in any way.

If you could be given any gift what would it be?

There are a lot of things we need but our needs are met. I couldn’t ask for anything more than the love I have in my life already.


What do you do if you can’t sleep at night? Do you count sheep, toss and turn, or get up and try to do something productive?

That’s a tough one. Sometimes I lay very still and hope sleep can find me. Sometimes I turn my Kindle on and continue reading. Sometimes I watch a very familiar movie like Pirate of the Caribbean so that if I drift off to sleep I won’t miss anything. Sometimes I get up and wander to the bathroom, just to walk the short walk brings a certain reality back and shoos away worries and possible nightmares.

pirates of the caribbean

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I’m so grateful to have had the chance to see my family and friends this last week. And that fantastic road trip!

This week I’m looking forward to going to my Hugger Hats group and maybe make a trip to the library. I have to admit, though, it is good to be home and enjoy the quiet.

I love these little prompts that Cee comes up with. If you want to get better at your photography or just check out a very interesting blog, go to Cee’s Photography and join the Share Your World team!

Share Your World

1.  What is your favorite word?   pusillanimous

But I have a couple others: appoggiatura (thank you, Laura H. Music Theory Prof!) and Love that beats out that first word and Kindness that helps that leap and a step. 

2.  What is your least favorite word?  disingenuous A liar in sheep’s clothing or phuck spelled the other way. It is such a Smurf word than impies angry sex, rape. I rarely use it and see no sense in it. So many other words would be clearer.

3.  What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? With my ADD it could be any shiny chicken that crosses my path. The ocean, lightning, nature, pets……….

4.  What turns you off? Too many people, big, busy cities

5.  What is your favorite curse word? Shit. Didn’t realize. Hubby told me it’s the one I use most.

6.  What sound or noise do you love? Music, Ocean, Thunder, Rain, Baby laughter

7.  What sound or noise do you hate? Gun shots, traffic, wind

8.  What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Marine Biology, forest ranger, hey, what about author?

9.  What profession would you not like to do? Housekeeper, data input–anything that calls for repetitive movement. I go utterly crazy and put the socks in the underwear drawer (Mother of 4 I know of what I speak!)

10.  If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? There’s the energy we’ve been missing up here!



This one was kind of hard. But Cee’s Photography has this fun feature and many others to enjoy.

Share Your World


Share Your World is brought to us by Cee’s Photography. Stop by her site and join the fun!

Does your first or middle name have any significance (or were you named after another family member)?

I was going to be named Georgeanne after my dad and grandfather. My grandmother changed my mother’s mind about that. I kind of always wanted to be called Georgy.

Music or silence while working? 

Noise. I get too involved with music and silence causes my ADD/pain issues way too many problems. So TV. I don’t have to be watching. It’s just noise. Distraction.

If you had a special place for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronics, people or animals), what would they be?

First of all, if it isn’t one of those things it is probably no special. Breath is in my lungs. Blood is in my heart, love holds it all together and universal.

The Never List: What are things you know you never will do?

The only thing that I think is an impossibility and thereby a ‘never’. I will never grow younger. But if you discover time-travel… I’ll take it back! You see, I don’t believe that people can say what they would never do as they haven’t been tested to that limit.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Grateful for people who care and give when they can. New to us sofa, so cool! I can’t tell you what I am expecting, except that it will be a wonderful week.

Share Your World


Share Your World is brought to us by Cee’s Photography. Go check it out and come and join the fun! I cheated this time and read Joey’s answers first. I love her blog and read it nearly every day. Please see what she’s been up to!


How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? 

Oh, this is such a hard question to answer. My spirit is probably around 35-40. If my body let me do what I wanted I could probably give people of that age a run for their money. But I think I have aged 20 years in the last couple. I feel older than 90 in what I can do. Yet, I think having Kali around is helping me find my inner child. I think with the walks we’ll be taking this spring and summer I may find the ageless me again. By the way, here’s the latest: Kali listening to secrets and concentrating so hard while I give her kisses.


So, you’re on your way out and it’s raining. Do you know where your umbrella is or do you frantically search for it all over your apartment/house?

I know where all my umbrellas are. I used to like the rain in my hair. But now, with glasses, I like protecting my eyesight more than my hair. If only there were windshield wipers for glasses! I do have rain boots and I think Kali and I may just take a walk in the rain soon. But will I be able to hold the leash and the umbrella? Maybe I’ll leave my glasses at home so I can forgo the umbrella. As someone said on Joey’s site, that’s why we have hoods on our coats!

Do you recharge your energy by going out with friends for a good time or by spending with quiet time alone?

I do feel recharged when I spend time with my friends, either real life or on Google Hangout. I feel drained if I try to connect by phone. I can feel very drained if I have to go somewhere to be with them and there are other people. The more people the more drained. YET my spirit is happy no matter how I connect. On the other hand, I LOVE time alone. There are times when my hubby goes to town and my brother is at work and so I get to be alone. I get so much done. I get to watch favorite shows or read text-to-speech with no headset! Or nap, or go outside with the dog and just enjoy nature. I’m happy either way.

Name three things you and your spouse, partner or best friend  to have in common.

My BFFs and my hubby and I enjoy reading, writing, Doctor Who and other Sci-Fi shows. We are Geeks and proud of it! And my BFFs are now loving loom knitting! So fun! If only I could talk my hubby into trying it!

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I’m grateful for healing. I’m glad my hubby is feeling stronger. I’m grateful that I am feeling more energy and less pain. I’m grateful that Spring is here and the rain is here. That I can go outside without a coat and hat and bundled up. I love looking at the snow, but I hate having to go out in it. That cold makes me hurt. But Spring!!!!!

I am so looking forward to getting out and walking with Kali. It is going to be so fun. I am looking forward to coloring my hair–has it really been over 7 months? I don’t know if anyone else feels it makes me look better, but I always feel better once it’s done. I’m looking forward to feeling good enough to take the bus, with Kali and my new coccyx pillow. I think being prepared will help me weather the trip.


Share Your World–Monday

Do you push the elevator button more than once?  Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster?

Oh, that would be silly! On the other hand, I think it makes the idiot button thinks there is a crowd waiting to cross the street. That or it gives me something to do when looking at all that traffic.

Do you plan out things usually or do you do them more spontaneous (for example if you are visiting a big city you don’t know?)

Though I get a lot more done if I have a plan, life is meant to be lived. And I have enjoyed many an adventure by the seat of my pants! Yep, I’m a pantzer that likes a bit of an outline.

Describe yourself in at least four uplifting words.

Curious, Escapest, Milliner, Musician, Artist, Friend

If you had a choice which would be your preference salt water beaches, fresh water lakes, ocean cruise, hot tub, ski resort or desert? 

Salt water beaches, ocean cruise, hot tub, desert. Though the order is reversed in my living it.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

I am grateful that I received the battery and adapter for my HP! I am grateful for my mind still working. I’m glad to be learning three languages. I may not be perfect or be able to speak said languages, but I am having fun learning. I am glad my hands work and I can learn to make new things.

I’m looking forward to getting out to see the other Hugger Hat people. Keep your fingers crossed that we can figure out what to do with Kali who can’t be left at home alone.


Share Your World is brought to you by Cee’s Photography. Go check out her photos and join in the fun!


Ever ran out of gas in your vehicle?

Not that I can remember. But I have been in cars when that happened. It is such a weird feeling to be going along toward a destination and suddenly the car stops. So inconvenient! I think that is how I learned never to let that happen. But I did stretch my luck quite often. Usually waiting to get to the station with the better priced gas.

Which are better: black or green olives?

Black olives are so yummy! Oh, but those stuffed green ones, with garlic or cheese or…okay I just love olives. This question sent me to the fridge thinking I had some. But it was a jar of mushrooms and they weren’t nearly as tasty! Boo!

If you were a great explorer, what would you explore?

Space. The final frontier. Or the ocean. Or caves. Heck, just my backyard, sometimes!

Quotes List: At least three of your favorite quotes?

“But how will I know what I want til I get what I want and I see if I like it?” Cinderella, Into the Woods by Stephen Sondheim.

“Books may well be the only true magic.” Alice Hoffman

“I read so I can live more than one life in more than one place.” Anne Tyler

“The greatest danger to our future is apathy.” Jane Goodall

There are so many more on my GoodReads pages. 18 pages so far…


Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Well, look, we are all still alive and well. Thursday my hubby sees the shoulder specialist and we’ll see what his next step is. He is still hurting pretty bad so I hope there is something they can do about it all.

Share Your World is brought to us by Cee’s Photography. Come join the fun!



When you cut something with scissors, do you move your jaw (as if you were about to chew)?

I don’t think so. But along those same lines, I nearly always find myself smiling when I post a smiley face. 🙂 Does that happen to anyone else?

Do you chew your pens and pencils?

I did in grade school. Don’t know why I stopped. It may have been teasing along the lines of getting lead poisoning. Yes, I was/am rather gullible. I remember those pencils that looked like a beaver had gotten a hold on them, just below the perfectly intact eraser. I learned to do it lower so as to make two pencils out of one. And yes, I know now that that stuff is graphite. But I still don’t put them in my mouth anymore. I think I became a germaphobe.


Are you a collector of anything?  If so what?

Suddenly, YARN!  But dragons, sheet music and instruments. Oh, looms!


By the way, I finished two of these projects. Still working on the blue scarf for my brother for his birthday tomorrow–YIKES! I need to get finished! I have about 14 looms now and usually have two to five projects going at once. Oh! Books! I used to have thousands of tree books, but with moving and needing more space that got widdled down to two shelves and the need for two more. BUT I have about 8K Kindle books. With my bad tracking and focus, I found I do better reading with text-to-speech on. Tree books never had that for me.

What size is your bed? 

Twin. But with three pets taking it over I need a bigger one! Hubby sleeps in a recliner for his apnea. With his broken shoulder and arthritis, he needs this space that is safe from a flailing spouse. Yes, with my fibro I can flip flop all night long. Only the dog has learned to stay with me and not get hurt.

Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

We have found a good space with our lives. There is always too much food–brother works at a produce store. He finally has a car to drive the 8-mile round-trip to work and an occasional errand. Can’t wait for things to dry and get warmer as we plan to explore our Oregon Outback. So last week falls into that. And my friends and I are learning how to connect on Google Hang-outs so I don’t miss them nearly as much.

Can I hope for Spring? I want to start going outside but the wind is so awful and cold and snow seems to be in the forecast. So I look forward to seeing my friends on the Hang-Out.

Share Your World is brought to your by Cee’s Photography. Check out her web page and join us in the fun!



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