Tag Archive: #shareYourWorld

Share Your World August 30, 2021


(Going DEEP on these today)

Are human beings required to better themselves, and will doing that make them happier?

Who would require this? So no. I don’t think humans are required to better themselves. Nor can I say that those who strive to better themselves are happier in the process, or even with the final result of said bettering. I would love to say that some chose not to work on themselves at all. But maybe that is judgemental of me to look at them from the outside. Maybe they are doing the best they can at where they are in their path of living. I try to not judge myself either and just do my best to do what feels like the right thing to do.

Is it easier to love or to be loved?

Being loved is out of our hands. And though it may seem a nice thing, it can be torturous if you can’t return in kind for whatever reason. But truly loving a person holds deep responsibilities. So though the emotion can be easy, the follow-through can be painful. So I didn’t answer with a definitive. I guess loving is easier if it is your constant choice in how you live your life. Having loving habits makes that follow-through more automatic.

Outside traumatic brain injury, can memories be completely erased?

I don’t think so. They readjust as they are reflected against current moods and life. Bad memories can be less emotionally charged when leveled with knowing other information unavailable when the memory happened. Good memories can come from looking a the mundane with loving understanding. In this case, seeing your mother’s grocery list in her handwriting after she passed. I still get a tear in my eye when I remember picking up that boring bit of scrap paper.

Is there such a thing as a good death?

No. I guess I am bad about endings. I’m bad about people who leave me, or I have to leave. Even when I know, we will see each other again. Lots of tears. The sadness of the loss. But I wouldn’t want a person to live in debilitating pain. That would hurt worse.

and one ‘silly’ one because the former questions were fairly serious:   What do you imagine is inside a baseball?    

I imagine a rock in the hardball and a baby chick in the softball. I have seen the inside of a golf ball, my favorite jacks ball; it looked like a bunch of rubber bands. And I suppose if I got curious, I could go Google it. Not that curious. Sorry. Throw me the baby chick, please.


Feel free to share something uplifting this week!  

I am grateful that the hot summer seems to be ebbing. We have to drip our water tonight as the temp is predicted to be 32. I am grateful the flies are on their last days!

Thank you, MELANIE B CEE, for Share Your World questions to pursue!

Share Your World

MELANIE B CEE’s questions for today are fun and interesting as usual.

QUESTIONS      (a random bag today)  

Can you parallel park (if you drive)?   If you don’t drive, can you still skip?

Parallel parking. Ugh! Yes. I can do it if I have to. And maybe because of poor depth perception it is very hard for me. I will drive around the block to find easier parking and walk as far as I needed to to avoid parallel parking. I feel almost as adamant about left turns that don’t have lights to help out. I’ll make five right turns to get where I need to go rather than risk a fast left.

I think I can skip. I can walk and sort of run if I need to. I may have to come back to this question later.

Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

Do you prefer early morning or late evening?  Or something in between?

I am a night person who has had to live in the world that praises the early birds. What’s so good about worms? It is so quiet after midnight. My best ideas flow during that time. But the dog or earlier in my life kids or jobs have to wake me early and so after midnight the only thing that gets done is reading. Not enough energy or vision to write. Barely enough energy to follow a story. And because my circadian cycle wants me up at night and not waking every few hours to take the dog out, let’s talk positively about naps. I love naps. My best sleep happens during naps.

Do you like avocados?

I love avocados. I just wish ours from the little stores here weren’t small rocks that rot the next day.

Is mind or matter more real?

Glass half empty or full is still a glass but we make it better or worse with our minds.

and a bonus ‘deep’ question just because

Are people in this current generation less or more sensitive than people from past generations?

Let’s stop being judgmental about folks that aren’t us. A little walking in others shoes might be needed here. Who do we go to to fix our computers? Or Phones? They know things and react in different ways than we do because their paths and life experiences are different to ours. We have a few things to teach but we can learn from them, too.

Share Your World is Melanie’s Prompt

  When you just need to forget the world for a few hours, what helps you get away from it all? 

This is hard for me to understand. I’m a part of this world. All the news and confusion of the political and weather and disease is still there. But reading, writing, creating in any way keeps me going and not drowning in the muck. Knitting, recorder, piano, singing, drawing. So much keeps me busy that I don’t notice a lot of the crazy, or it doesn’t get inside any more.

If you woke up tomorrow with a unicorn horn extending from the top of your head, what would be the biggest advantage and disadvantage of your new appendage?

I would hope that it is a magical unicorn horn with healing abilities and will shoot out rainbows if needed.

What is the creepiest thing you’ve ever seen someone do, that you’d be willing to talk about, of course? 

People do some bizarre things all the time. Halloween? Christmas madness comes close. I have never been able to go to haunted houses due to the fear that the crazies aren’t just dressed up in weird costumes, but those weapons may be for real. People spending every dime on gifts and decorations makes no sense. Maybe because I have never had excess money.

What’s the silliest or pettiest thing that tends to really upset you?

High heel shoes, uncomfortable clothing, too much make-up. I don’t understand why people can’t handle just being themselves.


How comfortable are you with meeting others who are very different from yourself? (no judgment implied.  Different in any way you’d like to think about – different cultures, different races, different mind set (opinions)? 

I used to like meeting lots of different kinds of people. Developing social anxiety meant that most of the time if it isn’t people I already know, I’m afraid. Once I get to know a person, I feel they are friends. I have friends that are other political points of view, religions, colors. Maybe our new world makes getting out there meeting others clashes with my inner mental wimp. I want to get to know people here on the blogosphere. The thing is, I can usually find something we have in common. That no matter what kind of person they have, things I can learn, and I have things they can learn from me. And love can lead the way over my fear.

I started my morning glancing at The Sound of One Hand Typing and found his answers to the Share Your World questions provoking.

Here are the


What do you believe but cannot prove?

I just read and reviewed How to Die In Space. Wormholes were the thing Mr. Sutter said was the least likely item out there. Yet how would Star Trek, Farscape, or even Doctor Who get around without them? See? Case in point! They have to exist!

A little more serious. I do believe in the power of prayer. Not like I learned at church, but what I have absorbed metaphysically. When I pray, I feel I take the time to put my mind onto something or someone; I find the energy flows and have seen results. Often, I find my prayer worded so that I need to revise on occasions to be the most loving outcome for all. No, I cannot be the one that brought about the result. That means whether my hope went one way or the other, the result is out of my hands. Love is in charge. In that case, then, I believe, God/Goddess is love.

Do animals have morals?   Exclude human beings from the equation please. 

Here is the question that John Holton and I differ on. And from the mere observable point of view watching our cats. I suggest, like every group, there are terrific and rotten and variants between.

I had a cat who took in some other cat’s kittens. Kimberlina raised these kittens, caring for them like they were her own. With four kids in the house, she became mother number two. She would lead me to see naughtiness in the works. Many other cats we’ve had were not as morally beautiful. But in cat-world, we believe she was a saint.

Meet Kimberlina, Kimby for short. She’s the big one on the right. The kitten is a foster my son, not the one pictured, but the one who worked at a pet store brought home knowing Kimby would be good at taking care of it. Kimby came to us when she couldn’t even hold up her head. Her eyes were closed. We couldn’t find anyone with milk for her, so we used plain yogurt, and she seemed to like and thrive from it. We had her, I think, for 17 years. Through divorce and a million moves. (Exaggerate much?)

In fact, this very balcony was where she decided to see if she could fly. We were on the second story. Talk about scared! But the kids (who were late teens and early adults) found her and brought her home. She hid under my bed for a couple nights. One night I couldn’t handle it anymore. I whispered out to her. She came out. She shook it out. Jumped up on the bed with me and seemed just fine for another six years. Gosh, how we all miss her! It’s been 20 years, and we all still talk about her with tears just below the surface.

Thanks for the memories!

Is there inherent order in nature or is it all chaos and chance?

Wow! Nature prevails over the chaos and chance, I think. Chaos, like forest fires, may kill everything in the area, and yet before long new life exists in the burnt areas. Look at Chernobyl. Nature has managed what we humans haven’t. The above chaos is manmade. But hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, etc., can kill everything off, but Nature brings life back.

Where is your least favorite place in the world?

I’ve not been very far in the world. But I bet I can universally narrow this down. Offices full of cubicles. I can’t think of any I could ever handle again, no matter what country or planet it resides in. I have met some really awesome people in that work environment and am still friends with them. But I couldn’t survive another moment in that kind of place.

GRATITUDE SECTION (Participation Always Optional

Feel free to share something about the seasons that makes you smile!

Growing up in Southern California, we had Summer and warm everything else. So when we moved here in Outback Oregon, we have most of the seasons. I’m smiling at the upcoming summer is showing its face. The following is probably done for a while.

But this is today:

This last picture is the same mesquite bush that was full of snow in January’s picture. Sadly, we still need to drip water at night. But I was in T-shirt while taking the greenery above and only a little chilly. Yay! Warm is coming!

Share Your World


A piece of clothing from your younger childhood you still remember?


I had a plaid dress. The primary color was purple but all the blues, reds, and yellows had me fascinated by the magic of the blends. I am still looking for that plaid just to see it.

Somewhere between these two I found on Google:

I, also, had a dress handed down from my fashionable cousin that had pink buttons along the scoop neck and the skirt was striped. For some reason, it reminded me of Good and Plenty candies.

Irregardless of your physical fitness, coordination or agility: If you could be an athlete what would do do?   Remember this is SYW, dreaming is always allowed.

I’d be an Olympic swimmer or swim the Channel as they say.

In a car would you rather drive or be a passenger?

Driver, unless stuck on the parkinglot of a freeway. I don’t like lots of traffic or town driving. I hate traffic circles!

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  I was so happy to get to see family and friends in Reno last week. And yes, it was a fantastic drive. 

Share Your World is Cee’s fun project. Check it out here.

Share Your World – February 12, 2018


Are you a practical jokester?

No. I don’t like the kind of humor that makes another person look stupid. It is why I gave up watching Ellen. For the most part, I love her, but watching her terrify her guests or do tricks on them didn’t do anything for me.

Who cuts your hair?  You, a friend, or professional.

I do. I never like how the beauticians do it. I was a cosmetologist in my twenties. I quit because standing in one spot hurt my back and legs horribly. I still love cutting and coloring my own hair. I just wish I could take off my head and sit with it and fix it all up like we could the Gloria-heads we learned on so long ago. But if there are mistakes, heck, it grows and I can fix it later. I don’t have to look at it.

Ah, the memories flood my head and nose of the days working with this lady! I miss her!

By the way, here is what I use now as it is quicker and cleaner than scissors:

Did you have a stuffed animal when you were a kid, if so what kind?

Well, I had a bed full that looked something like this:

But my favorite looked something like this guy the last I remember of him:

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

Many things make me smile in a week and I appreciate so much. Why do I never write them down so when confronted with this question I have a ready answer?

I loved the snow we got last night. There are still patches tonight. I got to show my California son his new normal as it fell last night. Speaking of which, it is starting to look like I have a living room again. They aren’t finished with the move but it’s settling. Wish the living room were warmer so I could stay in there and work more. But summer is coming regardless of what the Starks say!

Thank you, Cee, for the inspiration and memories!



What would be your ideal fantasy way to spend Monday?

With all that has been going on with moving in my son, today we took the dog for a walk. It was fun to chat and stroll. Perfect Monday.

What one person that you are out of contact with would you like to say thank you to?

My grandmothers and aunts. Every one of them gave me gifts to be grateful for. My maternal grandmother was a spitfire a tiny giant. My paternal grandmother (who I think I look like most) a warm hospitable woman with a sense of humor that lasted far past her Alzheimer’s. My maternal aunts who taught me to knit, crochet, sew, and to want and love children. I think of them every day! My paternal aunts, one inspired my desire to learn German and encouraged me in ways I didn’t even realize until I got older. Another of my paternal aunts feels near all the time. Her sense of humor, like her mother’s and love that just never ended. Her daughter shines the same love.

There are so many other aunts and ALL my wonderful cousins–What you wanted ONE person? Can’t narrow it down!

Oh, and we haven’t started on friends… If this wasn’t so public I would mention each and every one. I love you all!

List your favorite toys or games as a kid?

Swimming pool. Does that count? Okay, pogo-stick, jacks, twirling on the bars at school, swinging, oh how I miss swinging. Hula hoop, biking, wiggle-waggle board, BOOKS,oh, and swimming. Other things I loved are pictured above.

What did you appreciate or what made you smile this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

Going through all the pictures of the games and toys made me smile. Thinking of my awesome life makes me smile.

Thank you Cee for this fun way to explore our worlds. Check out her site: Cee’s Photography.

Complete this sentence: I’m looking forward to….

Though the circumstances are rather sad (their father is very ill and they need to move him closer) I will get to see my offspring this week end as they move my oldest in to live with us. There goes my music/hobby room but I mostly work here in my bedroom. The piano will move into the living room. Even so I look forward to seeing everyone even for so short a time. Just praying the snow isn’t a problem. We’ve had weeks of fairly nice weather but the news is predicting winter weather in the next few days. After they are all safe and sound in their own homes the weather can do what it wants.

What is your favorite comfort snack food? 

With the stress of my ex being ill and worrying with my kids about their father and the next steps, I have been craving Pringles. Luckily there are none here so not able to binge. Yay! Me!

What was one of your first moneymaking jobs (other than babysitting or newspaper delivery)?

Well, that is the main thing I did as a teen and young adult. I have a lot of cousins so I was always babysitting. My first real job was as a cosmetologist. If it hadn’t been so painful for my back I would still be doing that as I loved the creativity of working with hair.

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I shared yesterday the Heart to Heart answer to I can’t: “Show me the hard part.” These words not only can help a young child, but I think it meets the frustration in all of us.

Share Your World is the brain child of Cee’s Photography. Thanks!



Sorry to be late to the party. Share Your World is a Monday thing. To learn more about it go to Cee’s Photography. She had a ton of challenges and fantastic photos to boot!


Do you prefer a bath or shower?

When I was younger this kind of situation would make me drool. Deep long baths are so soothing. But our clawfoot is sitting up on a platform about a foot and a half. Getting in is difficult. After a long soothing bath it is impossible to get out–for me. After pulling the shower curtain down with me, I decided against those long spa treatments. Now it is a quickie in the small bathroom over the sink or a quick shower. UNTIL my shower in the small restroom is completed. Hopefully by the end of this week. Then showers become my second favorite.

What do you do to make a living or during the day? If you are retired what mostly occupies your day? Or if you are a student what are you studying?

Retired means finding your own rhythms and desires. If you have money that is a limitless dream. But on SSI it is tight. Still, I spend my days making comfort items for charities with donated yarns. Mostly I loom knit. I’m learning to do some needle felting. I spend some time on four languages on Duolingo. And I write and edit previous writings of 12 or 13 books. And lots of reading and binging on Netflix.

Is there a stuffed animal in your bedroom?

Since I do my knitting in my bedroom, this is an example of the stuffed animals in my bedroom. Or does the always hungry Rosey count as stuffed?

What inspired you or what did you appreciate this past week?  Feel free to use a quote, a photo, a story, or even a combination. 

I think getting back into my blogging and getting to meet new people or learning more about my blogging friends has filled my heart with joy. You all are fantastic!


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