Tag Archive: Sophia DeLuna

Taxi - Trials (Book 2)Taxi – Trials by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Get ready! I got behind on my reviewing, but the reading just kept going.

This one, the second of the Taxi series by Sophia DeLuna. Remember how peeved I was that Taxi was merely a short story? Yeah, well, it seems there is more over on Smashwords. My only problem with getting it this way is that it is that each section is $.99. In the olden days that wouldn’t have been a problem but now that I am on such a tight budget. And if I didn’t like the characters and the story itself I could ignore the next parts. No cliffhanger to make me anxious between reads, but still, as I said before, I wanted to hang with my new friends and see what happens.

I don’t want to tell you much about the story. I hate spoilers as much as short stories. Needless to say, the new relationship deepens along with the insecurities we all have as it starts to take off. Hence the title, Trials, I suppose.

When I get ebooks from Smashwords, I usually download it to my MoonReader Pro. That way I can listen and read on the same reader. If I download to my Kindle, I have to listen on my older (keyboard) Kindle while reading along on the tablet. Can’t wait until I can afford the Kindle Fire DX 8.9 as it will have a better text-to-speech voice than MRP. I really need that TTS feature as my eyes can’t handle too much reading at a time, and you can tell I love my reading!

Anyway, I still have more to review. By the way, if you are into LGBT stories, especially of a romantic nature, you might like these. My only wish is that the stories were all in one book rather that $.99 a bit.

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TaxiTaxi by Sophia DeLuna

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Too short! But that is what I always say after reading a short story. It was just right for that time just before bed when I’ve just finished reading longer books. You know, not ready to go to sleep yet, and not wanting to get involved in another longer book. I hate when I start to read something and can’t remember the next day what I read so I have to start over. With a short story, you have the whole sweet tale to sleep on. So I guess I shouldn’t hate them. BUT I always want to know what happens next!

What is nice about this story is getting to be in another country in a taxi. You get to know the driver quite well during the story and learn about the passenger a bit. It was a fun read. I just wish the author, Sophia DeLuna would flesh it out into a full sized book. There is a lot here she could work with!

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