Success! Spaghetti Squash for a second time in my Instapot. I little olive oil and a sprinkle of salt, and I had a good breakfast. AND I finally figured out why my phone and the pot didn’t connect—the wrong password. So if any of you have an instapot that is wifi connected, you need not give it its own name and password. It needs your wifi name and password. So now I may be able to figure out more things to make and keep track of the cooking without standing in the kitchen watching the pot because, as you know, a watched instapot doesn’t …

I meant to tell you all yesterday that I managed to go to the doctor to set up my PCP. Yay me!!! So now I can get busy and find out what ails me and fix the problems I can. She was happy to hear about my Intermittent Fasting and leaning toward Keto. I am not being harsh with myself. I’m getting better at having salad and salmon or sardines a couple times a day and letting go of the bread, at least, and working on better carbs. My waistband is looser. One of my favorite breakfasts, which is after 12 noon, is salmon with olive oil, garlic, and parsley with spring mix then cheese. Pop in the microwave, and it is beautiful to look at and so tasty. I was a vegetarian until now. I wanted to be vegan but cheese. So I figured I need all that the salmon can give my old body, a lot more protein than I had been able to manage before. And the plus of Keto is cheese. I’m just narrowing my eating time and making sure it is more healthy than before. It’s been a few weeks of growing into it, and I think this is something I can make a good habit of.