Tag Archive: Star Wars

Nothing good can happen until you get through the wrapper. At least Wednesday has that one-liner ease to get you over the hump. But Tuesday makes you work at it!

Still, we managed. I started watching season three of Outlander.

Until the male grumblings around me. So I decided to get us all watching Mandalorian. I have to admit to being bored most of the time. I like the Star part of this series. I hate the War part. And this was 99% male. Ugh! Mid-series, they added a woman and a girl and a few more females. But I was so not into it by then. I am happy to see Bryce is one of the directors and her episode was great. But not worth keeping Disney Plus.


I guess I need to take the stab at reviewing the only reason we decided to try. Hamilton. Sorry, everyone who loved this. To me, the most boring musical ever written. I just quit halfway through. It did seem the same ennui I felt trying to read the biography. Bloviating males. very few females. Disney knows nothing, John Snow knew more!

Please don’t write to me about how wrong you think I am. I’m being honest. I did my best to like these two shows but I found myself getting up and washing dishes or taking a walk outside. I want depth and I want to have my imagination working with the show. Outlander, even on my third watching of the Netflix three seasons still holds my imagination. My what-ifs keep going long after the show. How would I write it? How did the author decide to do that? What if the director had filmed it this way? And the music flows with me long after I turn it off.

Meanwhile, hat number two is nearly halfway done.

So that was Tuesday, answering the ‘What Day Is It Anyway?’ question. #WDIIA

Happy Star Wars Day

If William Shakespeare Had Written Star Wars | Brain Pickings. I just read this in my Paper.li (which will be out as soon as I finish editing.) This is so much fun! It made me think of how writing in someone else’s style helps us improve our own writing.


Petualang Baru

Law that attracted me!

My transformation from outwardly rituals to internal mantra of sub conscious mind


unlock your dream doors

Sophia's Baseball Blog

I am a student who loves baseball. My goal is to become a professional sportswriter.

tiny hearts

binge thinking and other things in life

How Free is Free

How does a free blog site work when everything is tied to dollars? How do you create content without using proprietary themes when it seems even the colors and fonts are tied to upgrades for usage? Is it even possible? I hope to find out.


...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


Senior Girl Is Here. Now Ready Set Go Read Me.

Wellness in our World

Navigating Health and Wellness in Today's World


System of thinking ( MIND )

Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.