Tag Archive: steampunk

The Desert ThiefThe Desert Thief by Daniel Patrick

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclosure: I was given this copy in exchange for an honest review.

Daniel Patrick has done it again! This was the second book in his children/young adult series involving Lara and her locket. It is very steampunk and fun. There are new friends and dangers, including the sinister Sora who is out to kill Lara and get her locket.

The first book The Locket Thief felt very much like Golden Compass without daemons and drunken polar bears. But this had just as much action and adventure. This book made a great continuation of the first.

Daniel’s characters are fun and likable with a bad guy you love to hate. There is flying in airships and long treks through the lands below. I really like the new people. I didn’t so much at first. I didn’t understand the beginning with a differing point of view but I stuck with it and soon understood.

I have to admit that I wasn’t in a childrens’ book mood so it took a lot for me to get into it. Having it downloaded in my Moon Reader Pro helped with that as I just put on the text-to-speech and allowed the story to encompass me. Soon I couldn’t stop and found myself reading far later than I should. I blame this book for my 2PM wake up. Where does the day go when you rise so late?

If you’re looking for a fun little adventure to pull you out of your mully grubs this is the series for you.

One note, I would suggest reading both books as closely as possible if you have a memory like mine. I think I could have used more reminders like, Where did the locket come from? Why is it important? Who were the folks that died before and how did they die? Mr. Patrick did include a few clues but I could have used more.
And… I hope there will be more as I am concerned about threads that weren’t neatly tied up. At least I’m left feeling safe, no cliffhangers.

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Secrets (The Steamship Chronicles Book 1)Secrets by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I feel I can claim I am friends with the author, Margaret McGaffey Fisk. She has been an important member of the writing group I belong to. I don’t think that comes into play in this review, first of all because I fell deeply into the world she created, and second because I was saddened to find myself back in reality when I finished this adventure.

Safe Haven began this adventure for me. It precludes the series The Steaamship Chronicles of which this, Secrets, is book 1. I had already fallen in love with the characters, Lily and Samantha. To research the burbs and other reviews please check out Amazon and GoodReads.

Meanwhile, my review. Although this started sadly and then got exciting, it leaves me in the heads of Sam and the boy, Nat. I would guess this is the set up for much more fun ahead.

I wish Samantha was set free to do what she does best, but, again, that will happen, I’m sure, in the next books. There seemed to be times where I tended to put the book aside and attend to other shining things. I don’t remember having that problem in Safe Haven. Maybe it is all my own problems and not that of the author. Maybe I am not in the demographic the book is for. I do know I would have had fun reading this to my children, or had them read it to me way back when.

It is: A great bedtime story, a great for Young Adults as Sam learns to fit in her world. And fun for this old lady!

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Translations by M. Pax

TranslationsTranslations by M. Pax

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Another short story. Too much romance not enough action. Didn’t care for the main character. So, um, meh. But don’t take it from me. Many reviewers have given it high praise.

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Review: Safe Haven

Safe Haven

Safe Haven by Margaret McGaffey Fisk

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

First of all, I need to say that the author is a member of the writing group I belong to, and I consider her a friend. That said, I want to be as objective and honest as I can. But Margaret need not worry. I was impressed!

I must admit that at the beginning I felt the story a bit formulaic. I started reading once and got sidetracked by other books. But I got back in and put on my text-to-speech on fast to help me get engaged into the story. Once I was, I didn’t want to leave.

Lily, the main character, is a sweet, lovable soul who became real to me. Her sister, Sam, is cute as a button. Both are now orphans. Worse… they hide a secret from everyone. Even the law. Sam is a Natural. Naturals are against the law and put in an asylum.

At first I was confused by what being a Natural meant. But as I understand it now, a Natural is a person who can make and repair things made of metal gears and steam, seemingly as if by magic. To make matters worse, Lily finds herself falling for the local cop, Henry.

I was so sad to see the story end, even with a satisfying finish. Luckily, it seems there will be more to the story. I can hardly wait. Meanwhile, I have Ms. McGaffey Fisk’s other books on my Kindle shelves and ready to read. Great job, Margaret!

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Review: Silver Tongue

Silver Tongue
Silver Tongue by Evelyn Ink
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: This was a free Smashwords ebook from the author for an honest review, Thank you!

I love the way Evelyn Ink thinks. Her books are always so creative and fun. The worlds she builds are like our own but not. The people have many words similar to ours and some that stray from ours but in logical ways. The best part about her worlds are that they are somewhat steampunkie with aeroships at the like. Her characters are believable, flawed but ever growing.

Silver Tongue’s blurb presents the book as dark and scary. As a middle schooler or junior high student that might be thrilling but as an older student I think this book is just a fun adventure. I can imagine reading this book to my own children so long ago and having a great time with it. But it isn’t simple. Older people can enjoy it, too!

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Review: The Locket Thief

The Locket Thief
The Locket Thief by Daniel Patrick
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you, Daniel Patrick, for the offer of a lifetime! You were right! This book was brilliant! I hated when real life drew me away from reading it.

This book is like a combination Golden Compass, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Annie. The action and adventure never lets up. The characters are well developed. I loved that it felt gender neutral. I think young men and women would love this equally, as well as children and senior citizens. There’s something there for everyone. This could easily be made into a movie.

***The problems written here before have been edited out. So this author deserves five plus stars!!!!***

Fabulous read! Thanks, again! Can’t wait to read the next book!

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