Tag Archive: #streamofconsciousnesssaturday

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “starts with mono.” Find a word that starts with “mono” and use it in your post. Enjoy!

Mono Lake is one of the most enchanting places on Earth. On a solo drive from Southern California to Reno it captured my imagination during a rest stop at sunset. I wish I had taken pictures. The tufa looked like fairy castles and the little flies were the fae. Please click on the underlined Mono to see a bit of wonder. As I pulled into the scenic view “Time to Say Goodbye” was playing on my Camry’s CD player.

My favorite song, I think.

Here’s another view of Mono Lake:

Be glad I chose not to tell you about my non-kissed mononucleosis. The lake is far cheerier !🤪



Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “val.” Find a word that starts with “val” or if you’re not doing the A to Z Challenge, find a word that just has “val” in it, and use that word any way you’d like. Enjoy!


Though I value your approval of my  Steam of Consciousness I feel like an invalid. My brain is a dormant volcano Ash just lying there not moving. It’s been a couple days of just mindlessness. A stream like that isn’t moving very fast. I have no excuses. I’m well and able. It has been weird, don’t you think? I can’t imagine how all of you with outside lives are getting along. Like I’ve mentioned before, we were already homebodies. Oh, how I feel for you parents of young children. I can’t imagine raising my four during times like this. I bow to you all.

Maybe I had brainless times before C19, but now it seems so overwhelming. It’s like it doesn’t leave when going to sleep. So the dreams continue the stressors, waking one up and resetting calm thoughts. To be replaced again by: Did I wash that bell pepper well enough? Is this cough allergies? I wish I knew a way to turn off the uncontrollable thoughts and turn on the ones that are needed for creativity. I used to think of myself as a bit of a rational person.

I’d rather be knitting. But even that seems to present problems as now my wrist hurts if I work too much. Maybe I should work on the hats and toys for a while as they didn’t take so much concentration as sock cuffs.

Okay, the stream’s gone dry. Please tell me you are all doing well, that your brains are happy and creative in spite of the tiny little virus taking over the whole wide world.


Given that Linda G Hill set up the prompt to begive/given/giving.   I thought I’d play along. Though I’d already written my #atozchallenge for the letter G this is a bonus gift I’m giving.

Today I am thankful for wonderful people in my life. Giving people, sweet people. Today our friends gave us a double recliner. We had to take it all apart to get it into the house but we all kept at it and finally got it in. It was so cold

It was so cold today, rain, snow, sleet, sunshine. We were exhausted by the time we got it in the house we left the cold living room to put it all back together tomorrow.

I promised to make a cozy handle for my friend’s loom pick. I’ll give it to her at the Hugger Hat meeting. It is all about the giving!


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