Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “photograph.” Use it as a noun or a verb or both. Have fun!

Photograph. This brings songs and groups to mind that remind me of the times in the car with my teens in the late 90s. They were late to the Beatles and to Depeche Mode and the Cure. But we had fun with the 80s music mixed with my 60s fun.

Ah, but I have a photograph for you.

The last two of the suncatchers are finished and hanging. It is a cloudy day, so this is the best I could share today.

The picture looks easy. Even when I found it on Amazon. Looks easy. And the diamond painting part was. But this little kit wasn’t easy for my eyes or fingers when it came to the chains and the rings and connectors. Maybe if you are into jewelry making or trying it out, this might be a good start. But I don’t think so. As I scanned through YouTubes, I couldn’t find those bendie things anywhere. And they seem to need lots of pressure to close them tightly around the last ball of the chain. Maybe stronger fingers? It could just be me. You may have much better luck and talent with these. For me? I’ll stay with coasters or keychains for smaller diamond painting fun.

Speaking of which, here’s the photo of today’s turtle progress.

I’m ready to move on to the next section. I love this picture (and the photograph!)

Oops. I am floundering in how to bring up floundering. But I think today’s evidence is the suncatchers. Sometimes, when we flounder, we find what we can’t do.