Tag Archive: Sunday

Making Monday on Sunday

Just in case you think I quit knitting. Here’s what I finished today. Someone I love will get this.

Loose Ends Make Plarn

After sealing one of my dragon diamond paintings, I found a need to do something while listening to my newest Libby. I remembered a few years before we moved I had gathered plastic bags. I took the time to fold them so they would be ready to start cutting the strips. Today seemed like a good day to get some plarn going. Here’s my process.

Here’s the plastic bag folded.
Cut off handles.
And bottom.
A stack of bags detopped and debottomed.
Tops and bottoms heading for the trash.
Lined up folded bags under strip cutter. I run the rotary blade up an inch apart.
This creates a bunch of flat loops ready to link up.
Loop one opened
Create this knot by placing loop B over loop A. Reach under the conjunction. Pull end of loop B under loop A and through the middle of loop B. Now gently pull. This creates a little knot.

Keep looping and soon there is a ball of plarn to knit or crochet

I still have a lot of bags to process into plarn. Unlike when I first started recycling plastic bags, when bags needed to be recycled, now there are fewer bags due to laws. So I’m planning to be more conservative with what I have.

I’ll let you know how I decide to use my new plarn.

Happy Sunday!


Finished awaiting sealing and framing.

I can’t wait to hang this on my tea cabinet!


This has been such a busy day that I can’t believe it is already over. Where did the hours go? I did finish a sock. Oh, I had my NaNo project, Crystal, open all day and I was actually working on the character developments I needed. And Check☑ I got one out of 8 done. And I copied the story from yWriter to WriteItNow. But during all that I was watching season 4 of Dawson’s Creek. It’s so sad to watch the kids all go off to college. It’s called Dawson’s Creek and yet nobody but empty-nesting parents are at the creek. This show so reminds me of times with my teenage daughter, yikes, 20 years ago! And I never watched these last couple seasons as we all moved and my own empty-nest happened. But enough strolling down memory lane, that sock mate won’t knit itself. By the way, this is my last week of being 71. Yikes! It’s all above ground and healthy. Can’t complain, right?

Yesterday (actually today but I plan to schedule this for tomorrow) my daughter drove me home. It was so nice to spend the extra time together. We listened to these podcasts:

Sorry for the bad quality shot but I felt that would be the easiest way to look up the podcasts. Type the second line in the Google.

The following is as we entered the heavy smoke of the Bootleg Fire. Sorry about the chatter and podcasts in the background.

I feel badly that my daughter has to drive home alone and go back through that smoke. But then there are people who live there some of my writers group live there. Send prayers and healthy thoughts.

Sock Sunday

Finally finished the slippers. Pretty proud of these leftover bits. The perfect way to finish a beautiful Sunday.

I don’t know if I’ll get any editing done. I did take my walk. Kali is out cold on the sofa. Guess I wore her out.

Now onto Duolingo and early to bed.

Happy Sunday and

Well, On My Phone…

I found classic editor up in the three dots to the right of PUBLISH. See screen shot below.

Mine is an android phone if that helps. The three dots change after the selection of classic editor to the next screenshot.

I hope that helps others who are trying to figure it out. I’ll play with the laptop version next time I need a break from knitting. 😁

Happy Sunday!

Sunday Socks

Finished these today. About a shoe size 9 ladies. Wool. Made on Hers (KB His/Hers–orange looms). Kitchener cast-on, flat knit-stitch, German Short-row heel, four-by-four knit/purl, ribbed cuff. For my charity, Hugger Hats.

The color looks orange, but it is more rust brown.

I’ve started convertible fingerless mittens with the last of this yarn. I hope it works out.


Sunny Sunday

We have two newish chicks. The white hen is the mom. One baby is drinking water, the other is upper left. They are dark brown like their daddy.

Fall is happening. Yellow trees, yellow driveway.

I’ll take another picture tomorrow as this was two days ago. There are lots more on the driveway today, and the tree is more naked.

By the way, working from my phone is easier now than laptop. Go figure!

Happy Sunday!


Petualang Baru

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Sophia's Baseball Blog

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How Free is Free

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...hard choices bring consequences and even harder choices... free will is the cause and effect of our lives...


مجلة السلام الاكترونية


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Towards Good Life

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