You know that feeling when you finally hit the sand at the beach, you take off your shoes and feel the warm grains of sand massaging, absorbing your feet and spirit, and then that precious moment when you stand in the foam and hear the pounding of waves, smell the salt in the air? Or that moment when the car gets to the forest of evergreens and you have to stop the car as your eyes release the tension of the sun and city, and you smell the pine and dirt? That is how this blog affected me.

Okay, I am not doing the sunrise thing. Been there, done that. But I understand the concept. The only way a sunrise is beautiful to me is when I have had a productive writing night and I see it as time to go to sleep, at last.

The rest of this speaks to my soul. I hope it speaks to yours, too. Thank you, Jasmine, for sharing on

16 steps to happiness.