Bermuda Triangle
Bermuda Triangle by Susan Cartwright
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

My author friend, Susan Cartwright gave this story to me a while back to see what I thought. For some odd reason I didn’t do a review. Maybe there wasn’t a place here on GoodReads at the time? I don’t know. I just saw it listed on my Shelfari. Yeah, I keep forgetting that site is there. So I thought I would try to make sure this review happened.

Okay, the writing was great. The overall story was interesting. My own biases get invovled here. I found it too man-heavy. I am not into military life and jargon, though the author did a wonderful job in her research. This is where my navy husband was able to verify that research.

I did like the ending, it felt rather like Twilight Zone or X-Files. You do not guess how it will end.

Oh, my other bias is short stories. I am not only a novel reader, I prefer LONG series. I love getting to know the characters in depth and learning about their worlds. So, unfortunately, this made me uncomfortable in telling my friend how I felt. Still, after all this time I remember the story, so I am going to raise my rate from three stars to four. 🙂

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