The Descent Series: Vol.1
The Descent Series: Vol.1 by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sometimes when you read something that doesn’t work, you have to put it aside and come back with fresh eyes. That is what I had to do with this series. The first time I tried to read it I found myself getting messed up with the dates and years. This is where a tree book would have solved my problem quickly. But with the Kindle flipping through pages to see the beginnings of each chapter messes with the ability to sync between apps. So I let it go and started this again a couple days ago. I still had that date issue but plowed on through and–wow! I was glad I did! Turns out that things resolve themselves so that you can figure out if it is in the past or present moment. So don’t worry about it.

Okay. If anyone knows me, they know I am not into werewolves, angels and demons, etc. Nightmare stuff for me. So, take it from me, that S.M. Reine can tell a story that will keep you focused on nothing else but her story. Yeah, there is a lot of blood and guts, and all the above. Yet the characters she has inhabiting my world (yeah, Reno!) are likable and flawed. There is enough faith in these characters to know that the good guys win and make it a better place to live.

Did I mention Reno? Ms. Reine placed her story in my city and I could picture everywhere than she mentions in this book. I have to admit that I will keep on the lookout for zombies and giant spiders near the university. And watch out for demons here, everyone!

The pictures I see of the author make her look like she’s twelve, but she is a fantastic writer. Not a word is wasted, every word moves the story and you just can’t wait to see what her young mind can make real next. You would think I would understand how it is she writes so well with as many of hers books that I’ve read, but I am more amazed with each book.

For those of you just getting started I’d read the Seasons of the Moon series first and then move into the Cain Chronicles then you can do the side step into the Descent Series. I still have a couple more of those and then there is the Ascension series. I plan to read them all. I can’t get enough of this author’s words and worlds. Well done!

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