Tag Archive: The Walking Dead

Sorry you’ve had to see these so often. It’s hard to photograph my recordering or uking it up.

Finishing bigger turtle’s top fin. If you click on the picture you can see tomorrow’s fun.
I seem to get hyper focused on these, too. I’m on #24 of 43. The thing about crossword puzzles is how you have to mind-read.
Starting the heels tomorrow. Trying for size 7.

I’ve been trying to rebinge The Walking Dead. I’m finally on season 11 on Netflix. This Sunday we’ll see the what happened to Rick and Michonne.

It has a lot of dark scenes. I don’t like how they show dark as I can’t see anything. I guess people who have better televisions can see but between our TV and my eyes, I tend to concentrate on my knitting rather than strain my eyes.

I’m enjoying a second read of the Clan of the Cave Bears. I love listening to this second book, Valley of Horses while Diamond Painting. It helps me sit there longer. I think this is my favorite of the series. Does anyone know if they ever did a TV series? No, there’s no way it could be as good as the books, but still it could be good.

My constant Flounder not just in February is with time to sleep. Especially if it’s a good book! Bedtime doesn’t even have diamond painting for a side distraction.

Per Linda: Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “watch.” Use it as a noun or a verb, use it any way you’d like. Have fun!

Watch this; I will meander all over the place during this session and find myself right here. Meanwhile, I spent a lot of time on Duolingo. Sometimes I just can’t stop. Sometimes I just can’t. Ya know? Word order is the hardest part of all the languages.

While doing things that take a brain, I usually put on something I nearly have memorized just to have a place to look farther away than arm’s length. I can’t do music as I get too involved in the music and get nothing done. So this time is another run at the Walking Dead. I am always surprised at the wisdom of the writer of how humans respond to scary things. The show has never been about the monsters. It is about how people react to each other and find their own tribe. Or think they have until it is proven that that tribe doesn’t exist.

A while ago, while my husband was in here with me we were watching The Chosen. I am very surprised at how much I like it. It is not for everyone. But then I loved Jesus Christ Superstar, and my mother found it offensive. I think it is like the people in The Walking Dead. Our tribes show up, and even within our tribes, things show that, in the end, our views are our own. We can only agree where we can and find others that fit with other parts of ourselves.

If we feel the need to nap, and since I love to read after midnight, I often need a nap, I put on some animal show. Dogs 101 found my restful place, and I woke wishing for my new canine friend.

So many uses for one word. My husband has a watch that tells him his blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. I had one, but the sensor burned my skin. But I am smiling now as I think of Dick Tracy.

No flying cars yet, but Rosy, the Roomba robot, vacuums our house, and we have these watches that are telephones!

And now I am tired of Floundering.

Back to knitting.

Thus Thursday

My friend suggested Tirade Thursday, but it isn’t as alliterate as I would choose. And we didn’t spend the day complaining, just a bit of it! Her with too much snow, me with not enough. Both with too much wind to enjoy being outside on walks. For some reason, it is always too cold and windy here. The snow clouds surround our area but just spit in passing. We are still fighting the drought conditions. And complaining takes a lot of energy!

Oh, I still don’t have a working treadmill. The company has been notified. I miss it. I never got the runner/walker high, but I had developed a bit of a habit, and now I find that half hour a waste.

At least today, I got something done. My husband sat in his recliner writing. Okay, okay! So I pulled out my memoir and started the editing process. So, my cousins who have been waiting for this for over a year, there is a bit of a promise here. And as I edit, more story comes to mind that I forgot in the first writing. I added 123 words. That brings the total to 65,870. I’m so happy to be married to a writer!

I have finally caught up on The Walking Dead franchise: TWD, Fear of the Walking Dead, and TWD Beyond. Finished. Now I’m ready for the next shows to drop. I loved seeing how they intertwined in the end.

Does anyone else take the list of recorded shows as seriously as any other task list? I do. What I watch are stories written by others, with music I want to hear, with actors and directors doing their best to portray what the writer tried to convey. I like all those aspects. I actively watch or listen while knitting, drawing, writing, or reading. But because of the way I watch, I must often watch something many times to catch all the nuances. Yes, actively means I’m active doing stuff while watching.

We finished watching Eureka on Freevee.

It was as fun as the first time we watched it. FreeVee, I think, is where we watched it.

We also watched Warehouse 13

Another we loved revisiting on FreeVee

And we just finished Scorpion

All three above were for my husband and me to binge on date weekends. ❤

What have you been watching?

This day has pretended to be anything but Thursday. Thank goodness my brother knew it was the trash is ready for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I’ve been in password hell. My laptop went belly up. A new cell and Fire should help until we can get a new laptop. But every little thing needs a sign-in and new passwords. Maybe others do okay with all of that, but ADD/dyslexia of 2022 with all the two-step verification makes me wish for the simplicity of 1998.

I haven’t talked about the binges lately.

My friend and I between her two visits here and mine to her home, have enjoyed a couple shows. We really got sucked into The Umbrella Academy. I kind of hope there will be more, yet it doesn’t leave you on a cliff.

Stranger Things is on the edge of your seat exciting.

To calm down I’ve resorted to Bridgerton.

It’s kind of a nice change and you can’t take it seriously.

Ah, but as I’m busy with password hell or writing (I have gotten a little done but have no idea how much. I’m not working in yWriter so accurate word count, etc. can’t happen.) It’s back to old trusted noise of Outlander, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead, etc. I figure I’ve shared them often enough. I can’t wait to get back to the history of  Doctor Who on Amazon. By the way, the others are on Netflix.

I think I’ll get back to my writing and TWD. I’m two weeks behind! Yikes! I’m filling in with trip memories. I’ll put them in the right journal later. I just need to write.

As I meandered my thoughts about today, I found my eclectic stroll even more so.

My current binge is The Walking Dead, again. My son has all ten seasons. I like watching the old way because there are extra bits like ‘the making of’ or interviews. The show parts I can let slide by as I have committed a lot to memory.

I was watching Outlander again. But it won’t have a new season until next year some time. I’d love to read another book or two, but I’m caught up there, too.

One thing I found in common between these two shows is the music. Guess what? Same musician in both.  Bear McCreary is amazing!

Today was my last Beginning Recorder  class with Jennifer Carpenter of the American Recorder Society.  They were free. As soon as I can, I plan to join. There are more lessons coming up in September. I’m loving learning on my alto and soprano recorders.

Meanwhile, I have a lot of Kindle and paper books to keep up the education.

And there are lessons on YouTube like those of Sarah Jeffery and Team Recorder. She is so much fun.

For those who think Recorder is for grade school take a listen:

That beginning photo at the top of my post? I stepped outside with the dog. The wind was hitting me in the face and the sky looked like it disguised itself with a mustache. It felt so grand to feel such a cool breeze coming from the north. That meant a lot less smoke for us today. I’m thankful for that!

Maybe soon I can start taking walks!? I did learn at the doctor’s appointment on Monday that I have lost over 23 pounds now. Lots still to go but hey, it’s working.

Sunday Funday

It has been a fantastic Sunday. I know to most of you it sounds boring. But I did my usual Zoom service, CBS Sunday Morning, and then for most of the day I watch some Galaxycon Live. Then The Walking Dead and Talking Dead. The whole time I am just knitting. I was nearly finished with the brim of a hat but made a mistake and had to frog. So now I am trying out a different stitch for the brim.


Sounds like my usual Sunday, doesn’t it? It was sunny but that breeze is still cold. 

Best of all I got to talk to my son! He had some pretty exciting news that I don’t know if I can share. But regardless of the news, I was just happy to hear from him. I can’t wait until we can all see each other again! By the way, we get out vaccines tomorrow, all in my house. So by tomorrow night at this time shot one will be checked off the list. Then in a month we get our second. Yeah, Moderna.

The Walking Dead, Vol. 14: No Way Out (The Walking Dead, #79-84)The Walking Dead, Vol. 14: No Way Out by Robert Kirkman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

For the first time, I’m at the same point in my Walking Dead binges of watching and reading, Alexandria and the angst of surreal safety. Though the comics book handled it differently than the television series, the overall story stays the same.

Again, I have to admire Robert Kirkman and fellow authors and artists who wrote a great foundation for the directors and actors to play with. I personally could have used a few less f-bombs but who knows what I’d let fly while fighting surrounding zombies?

And, for these old eyes, I love the way you can enlarge each frame for ease of reading or examining the artwork. Getting the Kindle version is best idea for me.

A side benefit of the two binges is my comic book geek son and I can chat for hours about TWD.

View all my reviews

Shave and a haircut–Eugene!

That’s the One-liner for Wednesday and “S” for A2Z challenge that easily answers ‘What Day Is It Anyway?’. Bam! Take that!

SO, here is what I promised yesterday. This long hair has very few good days as it gets in my eyes and tickles my ears like bugs crawling on me. Here is the fairly good before. See? Combed back with my head tilted back not a problem. But who can run around like this?

Yeah, I don’t know how to do a selfie. I do have eyes that open!

Series of excuses for everything in no particular order:

Over Seventy

Have to wear glasses (not good for self-haircuts)

fibro/arthritis that lowers my energy to do anything

It’s raining

Bad mirror system

Razor in razorcomb dull on the longer side and not quite sharp enough on shorter side

Found out that ambidextrous doesn’t play well with baseball, crochet, or haircutting. Especially with the CombPal Scissor Clipper.

Sorry. I figured folks who don’t care would have quit reading by now. Oh, one final excuse. Flowbee doesn’t work and company following COVID19 suggestions so I can’t get the replacement part I need which I applaud, yet it saddens me.

Since the above didn’t work for me and I tried the method that I used on my babies. Finger-comb cut which makes everything about an inch long (fatter fingers longer skinny fingers shorter)

But lack o’ glasses caused this sore bit that caused me to quit, for now, fingers didn’t need to be cut. Just saying.

The sides and top turned out okay. I can’t see the back and I’m not finished so nicer front view first:

Now the reason for Eugene in the one-liner. It seems I now have the Eugene Top-Hat from The Walking Dead.

But I’m not stuck with it. My wonderful spouse says he will do the back for me, YAY!

So how is your pandemic going?

P.S. Wordage count for CampNaNo is 27,509. But I am still working on it.


Wow! I have to ask myself, what did I do today? It is 10:30 PM. My wake up was a little over 12 hours ago. Here is a little of what my day held for me.

On Sundays, we wake up and watch CBS Sunday Morning. I eat my breakfast toast or bagel during the show and get the coffee or other caffeine onboard. Anyone who has been watching “live” shows sees a big difference in how the shows are done now. Even our Sunday Morning showed the social distancing in effect. That makes me both happy and not so much. Knowing that we are still in the early stages of this pandemic. How will it change? Much of the show was dedicated to our new normal.

I know we watched another show after that but I can’t remember what it was. I know with all the bingeing we did we are now trying to catch up on our recorded shows. I might not remember because the highlight of my day was taking a stroll or two or three around the yard. I’m nearly ready to leave for a real walk. Thank heavens for sunny warm days. Yes, 55 degrees is warm. We are still dripping faucets at night as it is in the 20s. But after a cold, low snow winter, I was able to walk without a sweater or coat. I must have adapted to this weather as I used to freeze at 67! I’m not ready to wear shorts like some friends and a neighbor out here, but no coat is a thumbs up!

Most of my day is knitting, as you know. I’m anxious to take my daughter’s first sock off the loom. I want to try a certain cast-off and I feel I want to be aware of the tutorial on YouTube to make the best stretchy cuff for her. Meanwhile, the second sock is at the cuff part and the stitches used are more time consuming so I put it off. I do have her boyfriend’s first sock to the point that I’ll be making the heel soon. Now that I have his on two of the same size looms I am trying to keep both socks nearly caught up with each other. So I may put off the heel one until sock two is caught up. I still have a couple of hats in the making. But I only worked on boyfriend’s socks today.

During the knitting, I watched Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets:

It was weirdish but good for entertainment. In spite of whoever did the chest plate for our female star, must have been male, there were plenty of good lines from out starlet that I not only applauded, I shouted out to my three males of the house!

There might have been other shows. But it is Sunday and my evenings are usually watching The Walking Dead and The Talking Dead. I think having watched so much of these kinds of shows in the past few years, I find myself not as panicky. You see it isn’t about the zombies, but how people come together. How the good and the bad are affected. How old rules of social life can change and how to adapt.

If you haven’t watched it and are into it, this was a great show and there were tears. I hope that wasn’t too much of a spoiler. But The Talking Dead helps me get over whatever trauma I hold from TWD.

By the way, this is not tonight’s show. More on that in a moment.

Tonight’s show was done from the homes or offices of the stars. Like all live shows, keeping the social distancing so as to stay alive and well.

While I did my Duolingo lessons, I focus on German and Spanish but have added French and Esperanto. and while writing this blog I have had on one of my favorite go-tos: Alaska the Last Frontier. My brother knows the Kilchers and has shared his experience being up there one summer with me as I watch. I love that family. I wish I would have tried living up there like that when I was younger and energetic. I wonder how they are dealing with this new normal? Probably just fine as they are already socially distant.

Well for some people this is a boring kind of day. But for us, this is how we’ve been living since SSDI and then retirement SSI. I keep my hands busy trying to do something for others (yay! socks!) and keep my mind occupied watching writing, directing, acting out stories. Or listening to stories on Audible or Kindle Text-to-Speech.

So this is my version of What Day Is It Anyway? A prompt given to us by Linda G. Hill.

Per Linda:

Why I’m writing this post:

Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are going to be hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress and all over the Internet as well, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

Oh My–Almost Monday!

Okay, so here we are with Sunday nearly over. According to my A-Z challenge for myself, this is ‘O’ day and I almost didn’t get this blog done!

As a retired person, Monday holds no sway for me. Except that my sweetie and I spend the weekends binging shows. During the week we are in separate rooms working on our own pursuits, writing, Facebooking, etc.

This weekend binge was first Lost in Space , what fun it was! I loved it because as a sci-fi it included everyone, all ages, colors, genders and still remained exciting. It even manages to have good and bad in an inclusive manner.

Sundays have been mostly The Walking Dead or Fear of the Walking Dead. Again, the reasons I love these shows are the all-inclusiveness. And the story-line is always fresh.

But I never just sit and stare at a screen. I am usually knitting or playing a game on my phone or –TADA editing! I did 4 hours today. I did do some knitting and played a couple games of FreeCell while I gnashed on sentences that beg to be fixed but I couldn’t figure them out while staring at them.

Since I am not signed up Officially with the A-Z Challenge I will say if you want to learn more about it click on the blued URL above.

If you can spare a moment to beta-read my first 13 chapters of Haven, I would be ever so grateful. Leave me questions or critiques (Please be kind–this is scary!)


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