Tag Archive: umbrella academy

This day has pretended to be anything but Thursday. Thank goodness my brother knew it was the trash is ready for tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I’ve been in password hell. My laptop went belly up. A new cell and Fire should help until we can get a new laptop. But every little thing needs a sign-in and new passwords. Maybe others do okay with all of that, but ADD/dyslexia of 2022 with all the two-step verification makes me wish for the simplicity of 1998.

I haven’t talked about the binges lately.

My friend and I between her two visits here and mine to her home, have enjoyed a couple shows. We really got sucked into The Umbrella Academy. I kind of hope there will be more, yet it doesn’t leave you on a cliff.

Stranger Things is on the edge of your seat exciting.

To calm down I’ve resorted to Bridgerton.

It’s kind of a nice change and you can’t take it seriously.

Ah, but as I’m busy with password hell or writing (I have gotten a little done but have no idea how much. I’m not working in yWriter so accurate word count, etc. can’t happen.) It’s back to old trusted noise of Outlander, Jurassic Park, The Walking Dead, etc. I figure I’ve shared them often enough. I can’t wait to get back to the history of  Doctor Who on Amazon. By the way, the others are on Netflix.

I think I’ll get back to my writing and TWD. I’m two weeks behind! Yikes! I’m filling in with trip memories. I’ll put them in the right journal later. I just need to write.

My friend had to go home today. I hate goodbyes, don’t you?

We had a lot of fun despite the 90+ heat. It was nicer inside, thanks to my daughter and her fiance, who sent us an air conditioner. It keeps it cool in our home. Sometimes it’s cold.

Anyway, we binged on The Umbrella Academy while knitting or diamond painting.

My friend finished her moon on side one. I finished the heart side one. Sorry I didn’t take a picture of her project but here’s mine.

I think I already shared this, sorry.

Here’s here knitting project to donate to charity.

That’s a garter stitch brim. She chose this yarn from my donated stash. I liked it so much I left it out to see if I could make slipper socks to go with the hat.  Oh, and she did this on the 36 peg Knifty Knitter loom using e-wrap. She  made it in one sitting.

So I started the slippers on the Flexee fine-gauge loom with 40 pegs. I used the following cast-on using the cuff-down rather than my usual toe-up.

After a couple weeks away I finally got the chance to DP. Here’s the progress.

The animals reclaimed the sofa.

But they miss her, too. No one to bug in the night. No one to stab with razor sharp claws. But also one less person to cuddle with.

I brought my little kit with me. My friend and I sat and DPed while watching The Umbrella Academy.

It’s been in the 100s so sitting around in the cool house made for quieter fun.

Here’s what I got done so far.

Bits of the kit. How the moon looked before the diamonds.
First side finished yesterday.

Back side finished today. I still have a couple more forms to work on. This kit is portable and easy to do in small bits.

I’ve got a pair of socks going, too.

Just a couple of rows and it’ll be time for the heels. This yarn is soft. It’s charity yarn so these will go to the giveaway bag. I need to take the bag to the charity. It’s getting full!

We took a little trip to see our friend. It was good to see her healthy. We laughed and enjoyed each other’s company at a park. Starting the visit with a COVID test to make sure the exposure she had from a previous meeting was negative is a weird way to start a visit. But we are rather in that vulnerable population so we have to be careful. She was negative. So we celebrated life.

I’m having a blast this week. Friends and my adult children on long visits are building my memory banks with love.


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Sophia's Baseball Blog

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