Tag Archive: UU

Sunday Funday, Mostly

After enjoying  CBS Sunday Morning, and may I say I am a Cindy McCain fan now. I mosied over to my Zoom service. I have missed the last few weeks. How does one miss a Zoom service when you don’t have to dress up and be somewhere? Well, one does have to wake up on time. And I haven’t lately. So it was fun and informative. I was convinced to order this book on Audible.

Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents
Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Isabel Wilkerson (Goodreads Author),
Robin Miles (Narrator)
Then I spent the rest of the day knitting and watching free live Galaxycons that I had signed up for earlier. I found I will watch any of them, even shows I never cared for, as I love hearing the people talk about their times, learning about following their passions of acting. I even watched one about Goofy and Mickey Mouse voices and the Little Mermaid’s stars. Here is one of their commercials. Maybe the ones talking aren’t who you are interested in, but go in and see if they have some convention stars you might like to know more about.


So I put off this blog hoping to show you that I had completed a pair of socks. And though that is true, what I found at the latest sock was larger than the first one. After another count of pegs, I saw I had miss counted hence the larger-sized one. Now I have the decision to frog the big one and put it on the smaller-counted pegged arm of the CinDWood X-loom. Or Frog both and start over on another couple looms. OR make two more socks on the same two arms of the loom that the ones I just finished came off of giving me two pairs, one bigger than the other like this time. Decisions, decisions! I like the one sock. I don’t want to frog it. I hate working on the big loom, so I dread knitting two more socks on it. I think I can handle one more, so that is what I will do. Frog the big put on the lessor pegs, and hopefully, I will be done with the smaller pair soon.

Let the frogging begin!

leaf umbrella

Cyber Sunday

Sunday is a special day of the week for me, thanks to technology. A 3 AM bedtime means my day starts at 10ish. I turn on the laptop and run and get my toast and coffee (or tea). By the time I’ve taken out the dog and set up my bubble sitting, I am ready to place the laptop on the footrest of the recliner and the plate on my lap. No, I don’t stick my feet out. I sit in a chair, in half-lotus, as that is far more comfortable and keeps my stocking feet warmer. On frigid mornings, I throw my electric lap warmer (Thank you, Rizza 💜) over me before setting up the computer and breakfast.

Now I go to church. No camera on, I may or may not have brushed my hair yet. And who wants to watch me eat? The church is a Zoom meeting of Unitarian Universalist is in Reno, Nevada. When I lived there, I only went a handful of times. I used to be into the weekly get up, get dressed up, especially when my children were small. But now that I can go in comfort in my own time and clothing. I can sing with the congregation as I choose. No stand up, sit down, thank you very much, my coffee is great.

The last few weekends, I have been enjoying different stars showing up for Galaxycon.com.

The above was one of my favorites. Though I am double or triple her age, I relate to her life story a lot. And she is a writer. I picked up her latest book:

Amazon link

By the way, I had a free credit, so I got it on Audible. So Felicia is going to read it to me.


She also suggests her favorite book about screenwriting:

Amazon link 

Today I got to meet Michael Biehn of the Mandalorian and this afternoon Jessica Jones’ stars:

  • Krysten Ritter “Jessica Jones”
  • Wil Traval “Will Simpson”

Both cons were fun. By the way, many of these are free live. You only have to give your email address to send the confirmation and URL to get to the interview. If like me, life gets in the way, your computer glitches, you can still click on the confirmation within 24-48 hours to watch a taped version. And many can be found later on the YouTubes. Here’s an example of what I am going to watch later on tonight:

Once again. Going to a con is something I don’t think I would do. I know this is going to sound weird, but I can’t deal with costumes and masks. One of my best friends LOVES this kind of thing. I certainly enjoy it through her. And the mask issue is still an issue during COVID19. I wear one if I need to. I love it when you wear one around me. It shows you care. But I need to see lips and gesticulations to understand people talking to me. And Halloween scares me. Haunted houses scare me. I always worry that a real crazy person with real weapons will be there. And I HATE when folks jump out to scare me.

When the lockdown ends, and all things go back to live events, I will be, once again, the fair-weather friend that probably won’t be there. When the pains started, I had to bow out of writer’s meetings and board games meetings, or, yeah, the church; I’d ask to be Skyped in, but everything virtual was still new and uncomfortable. I hope that people will still do things like this. My eyes can’t drive nights, I can’t take flu shots for being allergic to the base (nearly died), and pain often keeps me from doing things I want to do. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to be a part of the meets. I’m sure I am not alone in hoping the zooming continues.

And the Tubes have great bits of help for people like me who are learning to edit their novels:

Oh, I forgot to say the other Sunday thing, and I think you all know what I’m going to say CBS Sunday Morning. My favorite part is the moment of zen at the end. By the way, YouTube has the full lineup of the show. Happy Birthday to my friend Yve and to PBS. And now:


Sunday Is the Answer

Hey, look. I’m here at nine and the computer is working properly. I don’t know why it gets so glitchy the closer to midnight it gets.

Most of the day I listened to the audio of The Stand. It is interesting to see the story in depth. The characters still remain the ones on the older series. Molly Ringwold, etc. I do understand the crazier ones through the book. Yet I am only at 68%. Five more days until it is due to go back to the library.

Meanwhile, I’m following this tutorial to make myself some scrubby washrags.


No, I haven’t received my flex-skinny yet. I’m using my old broken Hers of the KB His Hers sock loom. I like how they feel in my hands. I’m working on two other pairs of socks, two hats, and a couple toys. I do what hurts my hands least.

I still haven’t gotten my crafty things done or the socks to my daughter and her beau.

Oh, before I started reading my hubby and I watch Ad Astra. I think I would have liked the book better. Another sci-fi for the guys.

Still, it was fun to watch it together.

It was a gorgeous day here. Just right. Just enough breeze to ripple the flag. Kali and I enjoyed ‘outside’ just standing or sitting and feeling free.

CBS Sunday Morning was touching. As was the UU Zoom meeting. I’m rather sad that Sunday is nearly over.

Wow! Look at that! A whole blog without the frustration of my computer being slower than snail mail!

I hope you all had a good day. Find your quiet zen moments if you can. And


Have you had those kinds of days where what can go wrong isn’t what does go wrong, despite your best efforts to laugh it away?

Sunday is usually the ‘refresh’ day.  But Zoom needed an update and the sound of the UU meet was horrid. Trying to fix that I pulled out my Bluetooth headset. Well, it seemed to grab everything but the laptop. And then the Fire tried to grab the phone. Then the phone made a call to my hubby with the name Chloe. What???? It was MY phone and number he received! And to top that I had to charge each of the tech items. So there were wires everywhere and I was stuck in the chair with all that on my lap.

Picture this with gray hair and a recliner instead of a desk:


The day didn’t ever reach a calm so I think I will leave you laughing at this to keep from crying like me. I need to knit!

Hope your day was better.

I’m sure tomorrow will be another day!


What Day Is It Anyway?

Where has this day gone? I know I did a bit of knitting. I looked at my CampNaNo book from last month but never did any editing. I did add a prompt to work on tomorrow.

Oh, yeah I spent the day doing laundry. I still have one more basket to fold. Well, that’s exciting. Okay. I am grateful to have clothes, washer, and dryer. detergent and all. I am. Just tired.

It was a nicer day today (70) and tomorrow should be even warmer (72). We don’t have to drip the faucets. Another thing to be grateful for. I was glancing at photos from last year at this time and we had snow on the 21st.  This whole winter was far less snow but way colder temps that just seemed like they’d never give up. Maybe we are on a warming trend. Please no 100s.

Okay. I know it was Sunday as we did the Zoomie church (UU) and CBS Sunday Morning. But no John Oliver to round it out.

I got on a kick and decided to watch Battlestar Galactic from the very beginning to see if I could get it this time.  So season one from– I think–the seventies. Wow! The hairdos! I found the first season on SyFy the app. It seems like we were growing as a people. Though this is heavy in males, and the women were arm candy or mothers or both, at least the arm candy mothers were becoming pilots of the fighters.

I do love the shiny hair! And the boy and the dog robot. Oh, and heard the first FRACK!

May you have a nice Memorial Day tomorrow if you celebrate it where you are.



A Day In The Life

Country Style

When we moved into this mobile in the country we knew that there were sacrifices in lifestyle we’d have to make. We’re still getting used to it. In the first year, we only had heating in our bedrooms so we spent the winter there. I was closest to the bedroom door. These guys:

Rosey (sorry, I never seem to get a good picture of this shiny beautiful black cat.)

and Teddy,

had me opening and shutting the bedroom door all night long. Not only did I lose a lot of sleep, but it chilled the room.

One day, kind hubby made a pet door so I didn’t have to do that anymore. The room stayed warm and the cats could come and go as they needed.

Rosey is a sweety. She likes to share with her humans. In the middle of the night, she will bring in socks or other presents.  Here are some of the gifts:

The Snoopy and the Phantom were gifts from a very good friend. I tried to keep them on the piano but Rosey thought we’d needed them in the bed with us.

Teddy is a sweety and lays on our shoulders and purrs. It helps me. It hurts my husband. Teddy switches between us all night.

Oh, the Ninja Turtles? They came with Kali. She never plays with them. But Rosey knows we need them. They are nearly as big as she is. It is difficult for her to get through the pet door with them. But she manages to yell in kitty meows about what she is bringing from the livingroom. She has brought us big hiking boots, even my rainboots. I don’t know how she does it!

Anyway, last night or rather ‘at stupid o’clock’ as my friend Willow21 calls it, this time it was about 5AM, we hear the meowing and thumping that let us know we were in for a present. But there was a jingle sound that didn’t sound like her tags. I got out my phone to put a flashlight on the situation. There she was flopping something that looked like this around.




Yeah, not my picture because the phone was the light.

Most of the years we have lived here there have been mice. But not many and things were generally okay. This year before COVID19 we were inundated. So we were already fighting Hantavirus. We’ve, well, my brother mostly, set traps all around. We had been catching two or three a day. It had calmed down a lot lately, so a mouse wasn’t what I expected.

I hate killing them. They are so cute. One day, a few years ago, I went into the bedroom and saw one like this on my made bed.


Except that the one on my bed was more cinnamon with white on his/her belly and feet. It had its hands folded together in prayer form like it was pleading for its life. My heart was broken. I wanted to pick it up and pet it. I wanted to sit and draw it so puffy and soft. But I remembered Hanta and called my brother to see what he could do about it. He didn’t have the heart to kill it either. He scooped it up with a kerchief and set it free outside. We didn’t have the rooster yet. Nowadays the poor thing would be eaten. We have tried the live traps hoping not to kill them. But I think, no matter how far away from the house we set them free, they call their friends and tell them about the big house full of free meals. Yeah, they didn’t read the contract. Sometimes I’m tempted to put them in cages to tame them and hold them. But we barely have enough money to feed ourselves and the three furry friends. I don’t need to start a colony of more pets. So the quandary stands. The only choice is to trap them then feed the chickens.

So this was Sunday, yeah the usual Zoom church and CBS Sunday Morning defined it for me, even though it’s been a long, long day since rooster crow time. Let’s hope tomorrow is kinder to all of us furry or not.

What Day Is It Anyway? is another blog prompt by Linda G. Hill in her words:

Why I’m writing this post:

Because if you’re like me and stuck at home already, or if you’re going to be like me soon, the days of the week are hell to keep track of. We have a wonderful community here on WordPress and all over the Internet as well, and I’m sure many people are feeling nervous and/or isolated. I want to make sure every one of us has somewhere to congregate and someone to talk to.

I want everyone to know that you can start discussions with each other in the comments, and if you’d like to write your own “What Day is it Anyway?” post, you can link to this one. Hashtag #WDIIA.

Let’s keep in touch!


I don’t know if the croakers around here look like this guy. But as I take Kali out for the last couple times of the night I hear a chorus. It is so peaceful. I wish I could see them but they are in the neighbor’s yard this year so …

All-day bingeing Grey.  And playing games on my phone. Didn’t knit or draw or coloring. And Yipes it’s nearly the end of the month! There is a dragon with my name on it–or will be when I get it done.


Starting the morning I was able to Zoom a service. I nice way to start the day with a lot of positive goodness during a negative time.

And after that, we all watched Sunday Morning on CBS. I love that show. My favorite part is the moment of zen. Today no egrets, I mean, there were egrets.


So that’s #What Day It Is Anyway.



There are good things happening due to the forced isolation. My friends and I love Zoom.com. Yesterday I learned that the church I occasionally attended back in my past residence was using Zoom to join the flock. Since there is no church like this here in this small town, it was great to join in. It was fun to hear the story of how a string connects us all. That was the object lesson. Everyone was to bring a string to the service. One of the leaders read a book to everyone. It was a child’s illustrated book. My string, of course, was very near. My daughter’s Boyfriend Sock was there right next to me. So it represented the link to my friends and family in the town that the service was from and personally to my daughter. The service centered on the connectedness of us all while in isolation. It was comforting and inspirational.

As a person with social anxiety boarding on agoraphobia, this situation is natural. Add to that my coccyx/hip pain in sitting in most chairs and church is out. I must admit I am not one to endure a long-winded preacher. For me, it is all about the singing. Today’s service didn’t have the audience singing, but a couple of beautiful voices did sing. After a listen or two I was singing with them here. The pastor’s message was short and sweet. She blessed the virtual strings represented. I hope I can join again next week. In comfy clothes, in comfy chair with the camera on or off. Since Hubby joined me the camera was useless as it seemed to point to the wall between us, so I turned it off. There were over a hundred people present yet I felt zero discomforts.

On another note. This darn weather has been so bad for a walker like me. And tomorrow there may be lightning storms. I don’t walk in those, either. Maybe I will pull out one of the new yoga YouTubes and see if it will work better than the chair yoga which made my coccyx/hips hurt worse when I got into it before.

March is nearly over. It came in like a lion that just sat down and decided to stay. Grrr! Well, I guess I will use my time catching up on my coloring!

Thank you, Linda G. Hill for the prompt to keep us connected during this pandemic. #WDIIA 



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