Tag Archive: vanilla socks

Made it Monday

Finally! I think I’ve been working on these socks off and on for at least a year. I started off trying Crazy Sick Lady Vanilla Socks on Hiya Hiya Flyers then moved the project to Chiaogoo red-laced short cable needles. All that was too fiddly for me. I eventually transferred the socks to a long Chiaogoo red-laced cable of the same size. Finally, I felt I could finish.

Let me say, I don’t like working too down. I didn’t like how to do the heel. I certainly don’t like doing the Kitchener toe, though I think I did it okay for once.

See the yarn bits left? I was in a game of yarn chicken. But I made it with enough to patch little bits.

I do think I’ll try again on children’s socks. I think it is good to learn other techniques. And practice a few times.

One-Liner Wednesday

One tink, two tink, three tink four

This is what I’m knitting for?

I have spent my day knitting and then tinking on this pair of socks.

I started out with a blue denim yarn for the heel. The dye was turning my fingers blue and it wasn’t very soft. I tried and tinked a couple of times but hated the yarn. So I tinked back to the bluish white acrylic yarn.

Finally, I chose this brownish, yet soft cotton yarn for the heel. I still made mistakes and had to tink again. I think it is finally coming together. But my arms, back, shoulders, and fingers are unhappy.

Here is the YouTube I’m following for this pair:


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