GIRL TALK Letters Between Friends
GIRL TALK Letters Between Friends by Vicki Hinze writing as Kali Kaye
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was an inspiration to this non-letter-writing person. It made me want to write letters! I have a friend I met in 6th grade who managed to write to me often enough over the years of our developing womynhood that we are still friends now. Reading some of these letters made me think of our own. But now that we have email and cell phones we are both horrid at doing it. I have another friend who wants to exchange letters and she has written me, even though we live a couple miles from each other. But <> I haven’t followed through yet. Must get busy and write letters.

Letter writing is such a lost art. I remember when I moved from my parents house into a city far away that I was writing letters to them and other relatives all the time. There is something about writing pen to paper to help one to connect to themselves and others. If for no other reason, this book is worth reading for this inspiration.

I would guess that the womyn in this book are my age as the timeline has them in 7th grade when I was. I think that was why I was thrown off by a few things that felt needed a bit more research. But rather than getting nit-picky I’ll keep this review on the story itself. It told a wonderful story of four girls who stayed friends forever no matter what. To think that a teacher’s assignment could work such wonders! I loved that each person was individual and each had lives, goals and dreams of their own. I loved how it showed that opinionated people who are in opposing camps could love each other through it all.

I labeled this chic-lit but it was far deeper to me than that. It is a light read that takes half a day to read, but it had depth to it–and it inspired me. That’s worth something right there. I wish it hadn’t ended so abruptly. I want to see what happens as they get in their 60s and older.

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