Tag Archive: #WDIIA

Just Jot It January, Calendar

Per Linda:

Your prompt for JusJoJan January 30th, 2024 is “calendar.” Use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

I love calendars. I love the pictures so I often keep them. Like this one:

By the front door.
In the hallway
One for my purse (with the clip holds vax and other info) the other for next to my chair. I’m not fond of the web ones.

I have calendars all over the house. But can you believe it? I thought it was Wednesday most of the day. Remember What Day Is It Anyway? Yeah. I went back in time.

What Day Is It Anyway

Today I told my friend that I’d rather Zoom on Thursday. Only several hours later did I realize it was in fact, Thursday. Ah, adventures in #WDIIA

Maybe it’s the crazy weather. A month and a half of snow. A day of mud and weeds. Then today:

Thursday the Thirtiest ;-D

JunoWriMo is done as of today. I reached my lesser goal of 15K words added to my memoir, Moving. After two months of writing, I have accumulated 55,394 words, and I still have much more to write about. I don’t know how many of you have written a memoir, but it is far different for me than fiction. I just wrote the word friction and laughed. Yeah, either way, the writing is about friction. So my next part, I will make a new goal for CampNaNo and see how far it takes me.

I am trying to keep it about me, this book. That sounds selfish, but it is the only way I can keep from throwing others under a bus, of sorts. Did they do me wrong? Yeah. But many have grown, and many have left this plane of existence. So I am just trying to claim my own issues and experiences without awfully implicating others. Still, there are some that I haven’t figured out how to tell the story without the other person involved.

At the same time, I want to use this writing as a memory enhancer or therapy session. So I will have to remove names to protect the innocent or those who need their anonymity,

Just to give an idea as to how far into my life I’ve written, I am on the thirteenth move, I am well into my forties, and my oldest is now a young adult. So there are another thirty-something years to write about. Though this second half of life isn’t nearly as full of excitement, agitation, or losses as the first half.

The biggest fun I have had writing this is trying to tour through the homes as I get to that part of my life. It amazes me what I remember and what I have forgotten. It’s nice to pick my adult children’s brains for details I might have forgotten, and if not theirs, my brother’s. And then there’s that weird thing that happens. Every person recalls an incident differently, sometimes widely different than each other. That Mandela effect plays strongly on all of us. Heck, that plays a part when you send two people to the store with grocery lists, and they come home with none of the essential items.

But then we hardly agree on what day of the week, right? Hence, Linda G. Hill’s What Day Is It Anyway prompt. Several times today it has been Saturday. Other times it feels like a Monday. Maybe it is due to the long trip to Redmond we had to take on Tuesday. That has screwed up the space-time continuum for me this week.

Back to the writing. I think I will set up my CampNaNo goal for 15k more. That will allow for some special things I am planning for this month. I get to see family and friends! Yay!

Does anyone know if Linda G. Hill is still doing the Escapist Coloring prompt still? I have a page colored I could share tomorrow.

Happy Friday Eve!

#WDIIA Editing Day!

NaNoWriMo is doing another group push. It’s called Now What 2022. It helps to have these things to try to kick me in the butt to get my editing and more writing done. So for my own accountability, I’m keeping track of words as I add my second Haven book back into the newest version of Writer. I wrote this and Haven back when the program was newish. yWriter5. We are now to yWriter7. I am nothing but redundant in my saving my WIP. So I consistently save the day’s writing in that program to RTF. Now decades later, I am glad I did that.

In this case, I can find my book, Haven Above and Beyond, open it in Word, and then use Grammarly to help me weed through and make a better version, if not rewrite the whole thing to make more sense. And as I enter it into a new yWriter7 project, I can count the word as I paste the worked-out bit in. I set my goal to 25,000 words. I have a few of my other books set up with the same goal because I might feel like moving around. I am not good at editing. I love the adventure of imagining a new story. But jumping into the mess and fixing what already played out as a movie in my mind, I miss a lot, and fixing things just doesn’t come easily. So the word count to date is 2,949. There are two scenes within that that are entirely yellow highlighted as I hate how it reads and will have to totally rewrite them. That’s okay. I’m glad I can see the awful within that movie.

So between editing, Diamond Painting, making a new charity hat while watching Sweet Magnolias, Duolingo, finding the moments to walk or play the recorder, and having a high need dog, I can get pretty turned around. I am grateful to be retired, with nothing but time. But there is never enough even without a job hogging it up.

Oh! Did I mention that in our tiny little community that had one gas station/convenience store and a tiny grocery store, both of which are charging twice as much as they used to, and even then, they were high? We just got a Dollar General. My son and brother went the other day. They came home and told me that it was a TARDIS of a shop, bigger on the inside. My husband and I plan to check it out tomorrow. Who knew, back in my big city days that I would be this excited to go into a Dollar General?

Photo by Oleg Magni on Pexels.com

I’ll try to get my own pics tomorrow. As if most of you haven’t seen a Dollar General! 😂

Remember last year when we couldn’t remember what day it was? Yeah. Today.

Between recovering from the Monday doctor’s appointment/shopping trip, and finding myself unhappy with eating eggs, not doing that again, I’m so tired and confused.

Hope you are all having a smoother time of it.

Good News, Bad News

I’m back to What Day Is It Anyway.

I totally forgot it was Monday until 8:30. Shoot! I missed the writers group zoom, again!

The day started with my doctor appointment. Guess what? I lost 17 pounds now. Bad news? I had hoped for 20.

I have to go back tomorrow to get my toe x-rayed. It’s still discolored and hurting.

We got to 100. Ugh! Expecting 104 tomorrow. Then a downward trend hitting the high 90s the rest of the week.

Watched Alone on Netflix. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=m9CiTagKvJo

Sorry that the URL is all you get. I haven’t figured out how to bring the YouTube to my blog page when on my phone.

I try to watch shows that have snow in them. It sort of helps. Alone is in the Arctic. That should do it!

While doing Duolingo, (oh! I just hit 700 days!) and writing this I had Day After Tomorrow playing on Amazon Prime.

Has anyone noticed the sound difference between the networks? For example, even with the volume on at 100% we can barely hear Netflix. While Amazon Prime I had to turn down to 60%.

Even between ABC and Animal Channel a big difference. Weird!

Time to toot the recorder and tickle the keys before bed

You all keep cool and safe!

From the first flying fig of morning, this Friday has only been Wednesday.


A to Z, D

Drape closing time of the day. Daytime is ending with a beautiful sunset. Unfortunately, the pinks and reds my eyes saw, don’t show up for the picture. Darn!

I didn’t take a walk today. It was so cold and the wind was blowing hard. I hate to admit it but I missed doing it. I am watching a lot of YouTubes about Keto and Doctor Jason Fung, Intermittent Fasting. They are helping me see more things I can do to get healthier. I don’t want to claim the word Diabetes for a D word, but can’t get away from it!

By the way, the dog isn’t happy with today either. Not only is she so depressed she is sleeping, she seemed to pull that picture out of focus. (Hehe)

Daily editing for CampNaNo still happened. 9592 words went through Grammarly and I fixed a few of the mistakes. I am still happy with the story and can’t wait to get my series out into the world. I hope my appointment with the doctor tomorrow will help me with my vision issues.

I am back in the crazies of What Day Is It Anyway? And only just now did I realize that this is Monday and once again I missed my writing group. I guess I need to start putting DATES on my calendar that I want to be aware of. Now that I have more going on in my life I may need to keep a diary again!


What Day Is It Anyway?

Remember when we were playing that game at the beginning of the lockdown? Yeah. Somehow I have entered back into it. I stopped my brother from taking the trash out to the curb. “Hey, what are you doing? It’s only Wednesday!” We argued and he backed down. Hey. I would know. I hadn’t done a One-Liner so Wednesday didn’t happen.

Then a commercial for Grey’s Anatomy came on saying ‘tonight…’. The news was on and it said, Thursday down in the corner. What??? So I had to apologize to my brother and go grab the trash from my bedroom and bathroom. Where did the week go?

And how did it get to be almost tomorrow?

Well, it was a fun day. my friend and I are making a sort of creativity class from Felicia Day’s book, Embrace Your Weird. I have the Audible version and she has the book. We do the little exercises together and the bigger ones we do as ‘homework’. It is really challenging me. I am using a separate journal to do the work in and I feel I’m finding some of the blocks I have put up against the parts of me that want to express. And it is fun. I highly suggest finding and playing with this book.

Okay, I had better post this as I am getting distracted and don’t want midnight to surprise me again.



You know the week is crazy when you wake up on Wednesday but KNOW it is Saturday.


My husband got one cataract removed Monday. So yes, a lot of stress for a ten-minute operation that makes a big difference in his life. For me, it is just the stress and not the wonderful visual acuity. And how would I know the difference of days? Retired. Bingeing Netflix. No cartoons on Saturday. I just thought the feeling was a Saturday feeling. Maybe this fits with the What Day Is It Anyway? prompt? By the way, he’s fine and now can’t wait to get the other eye done.

Badge by Laura @ riddlefromthemiddle.com

One-liner Wednesday is one of the best prompts out there. Thank you, Linda!


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