A part of Linda’s Stream of Consciousness prompt.

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “oo.” Find a word with “oo” in it or just use “oo” because why not? Whatever you decide on, use it any way you’d like. Enjoy!

Boo! The best friend at the wedding. She and her daughter were so much fun. I want to share the daughter’s picture, but feel it might be a violation. ‘G’ did face paintings on all the kids at the wedding.

I’m still working through all the pics and deciding what to share. There were so many children, and most of the girls did the same as Spouse 1’s mother and I. Witches. We tried to take a group photo but couldn’t keep us all in one place long enough.

The memories of this great event still flood me, and I long for more. More Oos and Aws. So good!