Tag Archive: Willow

Just Jot It January, Gregorian

JusJoJan24 the 2nd – Gregorian

This prompt is brought to us by Willow and Linda is the instigator of this month’s madness. Click the first line above to learn how it all works and get connected.

As a music major, I was introduced to music I’d never heard before. Though I learned a lot of music in my protestant church growing up. I was in awe of the Gregorian Chants my professor shared. She even had our small class singing them before we left that segment of history. Now I love hearing the deep male voices singing the Chants. But seeing the music as we sang it was fascinating.

For all of our education, I finally found a playlist to teach and learn (again) how it all works. Enjoy!

Now I won’t forget where I found it!

Per Linda: Your prompt for JusJoJan January 2nd 2023, is “constellation.” Use the word “constellation” any way you’d like. Have fun!

Thanks, Willow, for today’s prompt. Click on her name to check out her blog.

Look at all those stars!

As Van Gogh illustrated it seems they are in motion. And they blink in and out. Magical. Even when we know the science behind the beauty. We are in awe.

As a young person, I gazed at the stars and learned the names of the constellations you would think that my favorite would be the archer. Sagittarius, after all. But I gravitated to the serpentine creature between the big bear and little bear. Draco. I could hear him call to me.

One day he joined the constellation of characters in my books. There are nearly as many dragons in the books I write as there are people. Dragons can teach, transfer in time and space, form living areas for everyone when the planet surface becomes uninhabitable due to meteors falling.

Best of all, dragons are a reflection of our inner being. That’s why my favorite dragon is Enelrad. Her mate is Sirch.

We can be brave and fly between bears (or the stars). We can fly between the constellations.

Someday I will be able to publish Haven’s stories.

Teddys, Tigers, and Toes

Theodore Tigre Trouble (pronounced Tru-blay) and his best friend Shiva. Who suddenly is possessed by Teddy’s parents. Teddy doesn’t know, yet that he can reflect certain animals, like tigers.

So with all that’s been happening here, leaks, fluffy Internet, snow, electrical issues, my NaNoWriMo, Reflexion had to go on the back burner. I readjusted my goal. I think I can get to 33,000 by the 30th. The story won’t be finished, but I’ll feel more like writing if I feel I’ve accomplished something. So word count for today is 31,047.

Ah, but look what I did finish today with a Kitchener closed toe. I’m so excited! Another pair made with DPNs (double pointed needles). Hehe! Thanks, Jennifer at the Willows for teaching me the hard stuff!


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