Tag Archive: word count

NaNoWriMo Word Count

What does this

have to do with this


Well, the first is the temporary book cover for Pandamapocalypse my CampNaNo and NaNoWriMo novel. The second is a discovery from lots of work today developing my main character and as close as I can come to what Liz (the main character) looks like is Aisha Tyler. Except Liz likes to wear her hair in big Afro Puffs on either side of her head. I may have to draw my characters rather than have them look like celebs. But I like Aisha a lot so I could see her dragoning up and saving the world!

Oh, my word count is 5,665. That is 664 words more than I needed. I think spending the time developing my peoples helps me feel the story better.

I still don’t have the name of the town. Maybe I will name it after the hero of the day. Her name is Violet. Has there been a town by that name? It seems a little weird. I’ll keep working on it.


Um, yeah. I have just gotten to the halfway point of the word count. I really should have worked the outline better. Still without one, I do like how the story is proceeding. Things have happened I didn’t expect and characters have evolved far differently than I imagined when I began. So even though I am not getting the cute dragon winner’s banner, I feel good for having a story to work on that I feel good about. I miss the days I could blast out a novel in the required 30 days, but many of those novels I wrote are not worth a lot. AND those quickies leave me with so much more work to do in the editing.

Meanwhile, I have still been reading a lot, so now I have a review to write. Heh!

Shared on Reno group on FB: 20548 I am so disappointed. Yesterday I was able to use my Dragon to get a bit of wordage. I’m so stuck right now. Yep, all that went before was in the outline I worked on in October. Now… Admittedly, my fibro is kicking in worse with the weather changes, but those all nighters seem to be saved for reading. I don’t have the brain to write that time of night. So when I wake at 4 in the afternoon there is no day to write in. 😦 Sorry for the whine. I know I will catch up somehow.

Okay, yes, I’m a little behind. I’ve had a flare or two and couple bad nights of sleep. So hopefully I’ll catch up in the next couple days.

Word Count 15,444

Not bad but still not caught up. 1667 X 11 should equal 18,337. I’m 2,893 words behind. But I got 2,604 words today and I feel pretty good about that.

I have to name a horse who is sentient and wants a people name. She is wise and loving and always knows how to help. Suggestions?

Wordage Update

I can’t believe it! In spite of myself, I am still slightly ahead of where I should be. I have 10,709. The goal for the day is 10,002. So that’s good. The story is about to get very exciting as my two main characters are about to be shot at. But it is too late to get into that kind of scene and still be able to go to sleep sometime before 3AM.

I am always surprised at how much I love writing and watching a story unfold itself to me. The stories are almost more exciting than reading someone else’s stories—even better than a lot of TV shows. Most things I can predict where they are going. My own stories surprise me. It is like all I have to do is type and the story spills through.

Well, that’s how it starts. But I know that somewhere about week two and a half or three I will be screaming at the muse for deserting me and the story.

As for the word count. I don’t understand how some of the people in the groups are almost to the 50k within the first week. My fingers and arms would be falling off. Not to mention my head and eyes would be longing for the chopping block. But good for them. Glad they can do it. AND I am thankful for what I can get done.

Hope all of you are doing well with your projects.

Time for quietness. Good night.

13,061 So Far

Okay, I should be at 17,741 words but considering that I started on day 7 with barely a story in mind I think I will be catching up. I don’t plan to make myself crazy by banging out something useless, though. So If I don’t finish on July 31st I won’t feel badly. I have finished on time many times. I have not finished at all and I have finished late. I know that what I want is to finish something that I have enjoyed writing. Not matter how long it takes.

So far my story has leaped my people back and forth in time. They have met with a ghost and a crazy hypnotherapist who is out to kill the main character. We don’t know why any of this is happening, but the main character is growing through these adventures, as is her best friend.

I love when the book writes itself. The characters feel real to me and their surroundings are quite clear. I hope I am creating the snapshots I see in the writing. I’m having fun. That’s all that matters!Image


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