Tag Archive: #WTIIA

Where Did the Day Go?


My first hat on the Flexee Loom. Just off the loom.

I used this method of decrease for the crown of the hat:

But with the Flexee loom, I could decrease further. I started with 80 pegs as the instruction for an adult hat on the enclosed page. I think that I should have made a few more rows to fit my size adult but I was anxious to see how it would work. So I did all the decreases per the video then moved the loops around to remove links of two every other grouping. In the first case, it was all the lighter color links. Then I did the decreases from the beginning with the video again. Again, at the end, I move the stitches around so as to remove every other link. I followed the video one more time and this time finished as Kristen suggests. I love how the crown looks.

Ah, look at the time! I think we are heading for Monday. I barely remember watching Sunday Morning.  Hence the answer to #WDIIA and #WTIIA.


But it wasn’t apparent at first. It was after lunch when we realized the trash hadn’t made it out to the curb. Oops!

Anyway, I had to share the daughter and boyfriend’s socks on their feet.

From this, you can see what a cute couple they are!

But the current finished project was this pair of slipper socks. They are headed to the charity, Hat Huggers.

There was enough yarn leftover that I have started a smaller pair of anklet slippers. I hope I have enough to finish that project.

I took pics of the Flexeeloom as I am making a hat for an adult. I know it seems weird to have a loom that wriggles around, but it is light and sturdy and I love working with it. Working the two-by-two ribbing is tedious on most looms and can actually hurt my hands. This loom is like working with butter.

As you can see I can wad it up or stretch it out and the stitches stay on the pegs and the work is fast and easy. Here is where I left off today.

This is the underside.

This is from the top.

Oh, look at the time! It is nearly tomorrow! S0 this concludes #WDIIA and #WTIIA Friday edition.

I think it is Sunday. The day and date faded in and out all day leaving me wondering.

We did watch CBS Sunday Morning. I remember having tears and laughter as the show progressed between the deaths of the famous and Jim Carrey’s humor. The most impressive moments of the show were these:


But as with most shows these days, a lot centered around COVID19 and our new normal.

I knitted my day away. We actually finishing Independence Day Resurgence. I didn’t find it so awful as I had the first time I watched it. And my husband and I found interesting faces and storylines that seemed not to tie in as they should. Come to find out there is a book (Independence Day: Crucible) that should be between the two movies. So I ordered it. I will try to read it when finished with this Outlander (at chapter 117 of 142-?)

The ID2 story seems more to ring true with COVID19’s global threats. Never in my lifetime do I remember having so much in common with other countries. Sure we lived through the ducking beneath our desks in case a bomb hit. Like that would ever help. But we were very young and the in-class movies showed us the importance.

Then we had an assassination of an actual president, that we most loved. In our protestant house, there was fear of him. My parents hated that I was glued to the set as Catholic services and movies kept the sadness front and center of everyone’s minds. But I don’t remember much about how the world handled it. It was mostly global in our heads.

How about the moon landing? That was massive. But was it? It was USA landing and claiming. Sure we connected in country but maybe that wasn’t as global as we thought.

So as a reverse independence day started occurring in March, as our social groups grew smaller our minds seemed to see farther than we have, well, at least in my lifetime. On the movie Independence Day, it was by Morse Code that we connected globally to attack the enemy. For twenty years the world stayed in harmony until the next threat of the alien beings tried to kill us all.

Do you think there will be a day as we fight the enemy that all countries will unite and kill the virus and we will be at peace? Will we find a happy ending to all this? This is far harder than shooting guns and flying spaceships. The enemy is unseen. So small most of us wouldn’t know what it looks like. We wear masks not to protect us but others. There is no shield we can hold up. It is only in seeing loved ones or people two degrees from us that we can see it not as a laugh but as serious as the insectoid/octopuslike aliens.

How odd to have something so deadly pointed at us and to stand weak, yet caring for others. The old adages of TV Westerns where the hero stands between the bandit and the loved one doesn’t apply. None of the rules of the games we have learned work for this. I know my mother and parents of we older boomers worried about the scum in ponds that could, in their minds, cause polio. But I don’t think that disease was as contagious as this. I know it was horrid. I remember stories. But I don’t remember meeting anyone who had it. I did meet a couple people later in life that had recovered from it with crutches and skinny legs. I was still too young to understand anything about it. We still got to go see our grandparents and go to church and school.

With the #WDIIA, we have a prompt that helps us to meander through our thoughts. Today, the day after Independence Day my thoughts see a tiny invisible thing that is more powerful than what Will Smith had to deal with. Today means that it is day 1 on fourteen days we who are more vulnerable have to stay isolated because others need their crowds. How many will die because you need to party? Couldn’t a day of introspection of how we won our Independence and the lines left for us, “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” be better than beer and hotdogs? Isn’t my life as important as your need to carry a gun?

Okay, that was a lot of wandering around. I know others can say all this so much better than I. But I needed to say it. And now it is nearly Monday #WTIIA

11:05 barely 55 minutes left to get this up and still get credit. So another short one that may seem like another boring repeat of the last few days. Because, Yes, I finished yet another scrubby and washcloth. And I finished book 7 of Outlander.

I think that amounts to 6 clothes and 6 scrubbies. I’m selfishly thinking I will keep the two laying out of the stacks for my own. I still have a bit of the yellow scrubby yarn left so I may make another one or two, just to keep on hand should I want to give a couple to the Hugger Hats charity.

The Outlander book was very good. I do look forward to more in the series, as I feel there is more out there. I will write the review tomorrow when I am more awake.

Oh, it was Monday. I know because it was Easy Writers Zoom meet. I had to tell them that the dog ate my homework as I hadn’t written anything about the prompts. That didn’t mean I didn’t like them. One being, have a discussion with your guardian angel, the other a letter to someone in gratitude. Since part of what I have been doing has to do with writing to friends the second one will be done multiple ways. I may or may not share when finished as I don’t know how private I will make each letter. If I feel I can and keep the recipient’s identity hidden, it might be fun to share. Stay tuned to see if I have the guts or creative energy to pull it off. I know I’m waiting with bated breath!

What do I read now? I think I am going to go through reading withdrawal. I have tens of thousands of books waiting for me. But after two very good but huge books, I worry that I can’t top that!

As of Sunday, the weather has gone back to early spring. Lots of wind and cool. This week we may have a night that is in the upper thirties. Not freezing but Brrrr!

I don’t often include this but our county now has 15 or 16 COVID19 cases. I know to most of you that may seem a small number, but since our tiny town has barely over one thousand people, and we certainly don’t have the population of other towns in the county, I wonder how many might actually be here now.  There are things we need that our little community can’t give us. No DMV, etc. And I would love to take care of some of the things around the house and yard but need the big stores. But if our little county is having that rise, I know the bigger towns are worse.

Do you ever go through your day and think of doing something you used to do without even thinking about it and realize, nope. that can’t happen. Like a lightning bolt goes through your head that, oh, yeah, things aren’t like that anymore. For a couple of months, we could hold the thoughts of ‘be careful,’ ‘wash your hands,’ etc. But suddenly the brain can’t hold those thoughts together with the old way that wants back out to play. I guess that is why I do understand the maskless party-goers. But the thing is the adult within tamps down on all that as you look around at those you love and know in your heart that you don’t want to be a part of making the ERs and medical teams demise as they might not be there when the loved one needs them. Our brains can hold all of that at one time. Maybe a toddler can’t. But adults can. (Sorry for the run-on rant.)

Anyway, it is getting late and I need to go rest my brain. And find something to read before going to sleep.

I hope you are all doing well. Take the time to yell into your pillow the frustration of being an adult and fluff that pillow and realize it is also a good place to dream


No, not the sound of a bee. I mean extremely busy! But somehow that doesn’t hold the strength of the energy of my days of late. And they always say ‘busy as a bee,’ so thereby I suggest we use BUZZY for this purpose. What do you think?

I’m back on the laptop. That makes my eyes happy. But after all the scans and utilities that were run, the internet is so darn slow that I find myself walking away and doing other things while it decides to do what I asked. Maybe because we are in the middle of Oregon Outback, maybe because everyone is using far more internet than ever before. Whatever the reason I am sick of it. I write whole paragraphs that don’t show up for a long time. While waiting I can knit whole rows.

In fact, the screen just went black, except for the taskbar so now I’m writing from my phone. At least it can keep up with me.

But the phone is harder to see and navigate. Oh, grrr!

Where did my stream go?

I decided that we needed some dishcloths. So I ordered Scrubby Cotton yarn. My plan was to mix it with regular cotton yarn. But I can’t find those skeins. So I’m clearing clutter. Still no cotton yarn. But things are getting cleaner.

Giving up on the cotton, I decided to just use the Scrubby stuff. It isn’t nice on the hands. I’m learning a new pattern. That’s fun.

All the while, and in between tutorials and fuzzy internets, The Stand is being read to me.

My eyes are begging for some zzz’s. So I better put the phone and blog away. That’s as far as the stream will take me today.

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “zz.” Find a word with double-z in it and use it in your post. Enjoy!


Carpenters had it right. Especially if fibromyalgia stabs the body and brain. Rainy days and Mondays. It started that way and never got better. I’m sorry for not having anything to say. A person should have a working brain to say something. Why am I hearing a scarecrow singing and dancing?

I hope your day was better. I’m aiming for back to bed.

Another busy day and here it is twenty minutes until tomorrow! Yikes! So here are the words you need–It was Sunday. I hope it was good. I hope Monday treats us all better!

Oops! Time has snuck up on me and it is nearly midnight, again. I have been so busy starting new projects that I got lost.

Yes, I’m making another pair of sock, but these will be for Hat Huggers, in other words, for charity. Oh, and I worked on my haircut and am feeling itchy so I may have to cut this short. See what I did there?

2019-2020 SoCS Badge by Shelley! https://www.quaintrevival.com/

Per Linda:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “nail.” Use it as a noun or a verb. Have fun!

Nails, I don’t do them, except keep them clean and not too long. When they get too long they tend to break below the quick and it hurts. On the other hand, giggle, I can’t cut them too short or my fingertips hurt. As a cosmetologist, I used to do my nails all the time. But eventually, I found that the acrylics and even just polish felt heavy on my nails. Weirdly, I feel the same way about hand lotions. Even though I need them more now than ever before, my hands need to get to nearly bloody before I remember to use them. My mother was the same way. What is that? I love a good looking nail and soft beautiful hands.

Oh, no, I just looked at the clock. I have fifteen minutes. So my Stream of Consciousness Saturday is curtailed to a little leak of nonsense. I hope you all had a good Saturday. I think I did. Just so busy I didn’t even notice.

Bitmoji Image

For ten more minutes.

Hours and hours ago I remember watching CBS Sunday Morning after lunch. It was one of those no sleeping nights so it was a late wake-up. And a day with a nice nap.

It was cold last night. We had to drip the faucets to keep them from freezing. Tonight the same. I’d believe it was mid-winter. Especially as the hail chose to fall at about the same time as yesterday’s noisy downfall. The wind had been horrid for days. Okay. I guess I am complaining. Sorry. I just hate using the heater and wearing socks when the calendar says June.

On the other hand, It is barely dark at 10:30. Here’s are a couple of pictures of how light it was at 9PM:

The pictures are very blurry because I had to stand out in the cold to snap these. But you get the idea. The sun didn’t set for another half hour! I guess I am surprised. This is the furthest north I have lived and some things still catch me off-guard.

I remember nearly two decades ago my husband, still, a boyfriend and I took a cruise to Alaska in June. It was cool that it was still daylight at midnight. Darkness didn’t stay past 3AM. Here I get up at 4:30 and I can see my way to the bathroom without feeling my way there or even a lit cell-phone. So here Summer is screaming that she wants to stay up late. But Winter is freezing us out for those hours. My bare feet are crying inside socks. Nice socks, I made myself. But socks!

Okay, there’s the day and time covered with lots of griping in-between. On the plus side, the stomach problems from a couple days ago? Turned out to be just normal stomach problems. The lack of sleep last night wasn’t COVID19 related. It would have happened any time before. I finished Outlander Book 7 and downloaded Book 8 (review coming soon). I also tried to download a library audiobook of the Stand but for some reason, my Fire and the old tablet didn’t do well. And who knew that if you are listening to a book while playing games can be dangerous? At every level a new commercial would come on, interrupting the story and nearly blowing out my eardrums. Sorry. Another gripe. Needless to say, I won’t be playing those games while listening. So even while claiming the good I still found a way to find the bad. The take away here, Lack of sleep was just lack of sleep.


I love Fridays. That my Zoom with Friends day. It would be more fun if we could get together but we are all of the age that COVID19 loves the most. So we play or complain or just love each other the best we can with the face-to-face connection. Look if we didn’t get to your top issues and solve them, then nobody can! Now if only we could figure out how to get a good night’s sleep, we would win all the awards out there!

Ending the day with another beautiful sunset:

Now it is fifteen minutes until Saturday. My brain is done trying to figure out What Day Is It Anyway. Besides, it’s night. That ventures into What Time Is It Anyway, and we know that is a horse of a different color!



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