Tag Archive: yWriter

Wow! It is Saturday again, so soon!



Per Linda G. Hill:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “dough/d’oh.” Use one, use both, use ’em any way you like. Enjoy!

I choose D’oh! I would use a picture of drooling Homer Simpson here but figure that has to be a copyright infringement.

I was not only surprised at the sudden appearance of Saturday but of the sudden appearance of April and that means:

No. Not NaNoWriMo. But CampNaNo. (Couldn’t find an icon for that). And that sudden realization put me in a rush to get ready. After a day of reinstalling WriteItNow.

And setting up for choosing characters and a place to figure out plots, etc.

And because I can’t seem to put my own pictures in I made sure to install the latest version of yWriter, where I usually do my writing.

After watching OA I was inspired that they could actually keep writing on that show through infinity as there are that many possible dimensions. Then I remembered that postcard my friend sent:

I felt there was a story there. But I didn’t feel like writing historical fiction of the Little House on the Prairie has already been done.

Then suddenly the picture and OA crashed in my head and I think I have a synopsis. As I wrote in the CampNaNo info:

Haven the sentient planet has learned to travel to other worlds, times, and dimensions while maintaining Her own world. What does She look like? What could possibly happen to this unearthly body?

Haven hasn’t talked to me lately but this looks like fun and a lot of potential problems to work out.

OH but then I realized that this is:

So I challenge myself to somehow do both. Maybe what I blog for A2Z will show up in the story or vice versa.

Do you think I will ever get these novels out there and make some dough?

(Did you see what I did there?)

More Programs


Look what I found:






Though there are real books you can get at Amazon and the like, they are all very expensive, at least they are for my pocketbook. This one is free and in PDF format. I downloaded to my tablet so I can read as I work. So Now I can give a better review of Scrivener. I think I like it. In many ways it reminds me of how FreeMind (I’ll tell you about this one later) a mind mapping software. It lets you click or drag and drop. It calls the main (chapter) folder a parent folder and text (scene) the child. Those texts that are on the same level are siblings, etc. As with any program it takes playing with it a bit to understand. Scrivener has a free trial for 30 days. After that it is $40. If you were to get the above PDF you would have nice little novel/manuscript writer. Sometimes Scrivener has deals with NaNoWriMo so go to Scrivener to sign up for newsletters or contact the people there. They are very nice. I got my software a while ago but never could get started until I got that PDF to walk me through the first steps. Now I think I will like it.








Sometimes when I am working out a story I like to draw out a mind-map. It gives me ideas on how thing will interrelate.  Simon Hayes of yWriter suggested this one:









FreeMind is helpful for more than just writing novels, it can help you figure out other problems in your life that seem to run in circles. If you read about Mind-Mapping and how it works with pencil and paper You will see the advantages of working this map on the laptop or tablet.






I have actually used the manual method to write term papers. It helped my visual mind to organize my thoughts. And just like the one above you can color code and illustrate to your heart’s content!. By the way, those for the tablet are best bought rather than trying the free versions. It wouldn’t work as well on a small screen. As it is, I would like to have the wall-sized screens of the movies for things like this.




Oh, when I was writing about programs yesterday I forgot to include RoughDraft:






I have a friend who swears by this software. For me it is no different than Word or OpenOffice. It is free or on donations,




My husband recently turned me on to Grammar Check Anywhere






I am still learning to use it (when I remember to use it) It is a quick way to check on an email or scene or what have you.


Well, that is enough for tonight. Look how much I get done on other things when I have NaNo to work on! 😀


Busy, Busy, Busy!

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With NaNoWriMo lurking on the calendar I have been busy getting ready. I want to have a working outline. I have plenty of ideas for my characters but not enough yet to feel I can get 50k words. So I have been playing with programs to go through what I have already written during Camp NaNo. In the process I have deleted over a thousand words bring the total there from nearly 21k to 19k. Either way I need to come up with enough story to bake a 70k+.


yWriter is my go-to program to write in. It is writer friendly. Simon Hayes has quite a great program and so far between yesterday and today it seems to be a winner. What it has that other programs do not is the read to me feature so I can hear how the scene sounds. I pick up many mistakes by listening. I can highlight in multiple colors to quickly cue me to things that need research, uncomfortable sentence structure to work with later, mark ideas that need to be elaborated, etc.I can grow the population of characters in one book and into a series should I choose, same with locations and items. The biggest feature of yWriter is the ability to send wordage directly to NaNoWriMo’s wordcounter without a chance anyone reading your novel. It is so simple and I have done it so many times. Nothing beats the feeling when NaNo’s site tells you you have won!! What it doesn’t have are questionnaires to help build character and personality descriptions.


WriteItNowHeader         NextUpListenLearnLogoTRANS2011

WriteItNow has those questionnaires. So I build my people and places in this program. My husband uses this program extensively. He tried to help me get past the beginner’s stage on this one. He doesn’t seem to need the color coding that I do and for listening to his scenes he uses TextAloud. He picked that up quite a few years ago. Visually, WriteItNow is more exciting. You can click on the name of a person or location or ‘references’ to link items or webpages for your research.  I will keep using this program to help develop characters and see the links to make sure no thread of plot gets tangled.



What confuses the life out of me is Scrivener. There are so many authors who swear by this but I can’t seem to get my story started on this one. One feature I want to use it for is the index cards on corkboard. It seems like that would help a person get better organized. But if I could have thrown it across the room today, I would have. Some people even use this one for writing their blogs. Since my IT guy (my hubby) doesn’t have it, he can’t help me figure it out. There is a lot of reading involved at the start and it is all on white screen with small font so it is hard for me to stay with it for long enough to get started. Maybe there is a Scrivener for Dummies book out there. One could only hope.

All of these programs can get your manuscript from outline to draft and to finished product to submit or send to Kindle or other readers.

What are the rest of you using for your writing?

Butterfly Wings

I recently found a spiral notebook full of exercises I did during a writers group in 2006. This must have been between the time when I wrote on my Palm Pilot via  portable keyboard and laptop or tablet. Most are crap, some might spark an idea for future scribblings. I have been Dragon NaturallySpeaking them into my yWriter project I’ve titled Anthology. This one I felt held promise.

Prompt: Renaissance, unfold, somewhere, consequences.

English: A Butterfly Taken at Tropical Wings i...

English: A Butterfly Taken at Tropical Wings in the butterfly house. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Butterfly Wings

The consequences unfold, somewhere the Renaissance begin again.

The consequences unfold,

somewhere the Renaissance begin again.

Oppression has had her awful reign.

Foreign and domestically,

monies have met their doom.

Religious Right-wing Activists.

Real wings will unfold.

History repeats itself globally.

No longer will others suppress expression.

Without money to back itself,

the vocal minority slinks back in revolt.

The poor house value, creativity, love.

Those they couldn’t express for fear

Fear of reprisal, jail, or even death.

Now rising from Renaissance’s ashes,

the Phoenix of truth takes wing.

Somewhere out on an island

in the middle of the Pacific

a cry is heard.

A shout that travels

over the island,

over the seas.

A very small being

makes itself heard.

The drummers send signals

attesting the sound.

Dancers prance out

the message,

while singers unite

in harmonious chorus.

They whisper to us,

as the shout is heard

around the world.

Newscasters learn of this event,

walk off the job,

to new lives.

Employees learn crafts to barter,

while Wall Street shuts down to silence.

Murals depicted on subway walls,

and freeway underpasses,

proclaiming the truth once more.

Learning to live and survive

then thrive as wings unfold


What is the message?

Who shouted out?

It was that butterfly

that batted it’s wings

once maybe twice,

the bird above soaring

and everyone heard.

Be alive!

Be free!

Be unique!

The world celebrated

the small butterfly

his three days of life–

set the world free.

copyright 2006 Darlene Milner


Notebook collection

Notebook collection (Photo credit: Dvortygirl)

I can’t believe it! After months of very little done in the way of writing, and a day of miserable flaring, I actually got something accomplished.

I recently found a spiral notebook that I had fill with stories I wrote at my writing group a few years ago. They were hand written in the years between my Palm dying and laptop or Tablet of the present. I spent this afternoon DragonSpeaking these stories into a project in my yWriter program. I have named the project, Anthology. As I entered these stories I saw many that held promise of larger works. None looked to be starts of the new NaNo, but I might put them into the Stories part of this blog as I feel confident.

Yay, for feeling better! 🙂

Yay, for Dragon Naturally Speaking!

Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Dragon NaturallySpeaking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Progress Report

Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Dragon NaturallySpeaking (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


As of right now, I have 18,450 words. I managed a little over 3k yesterday. I used Dragon Naturally Speaking to give my the larger word count. Today I don’t have that “cone of silence” or privacy, that I need to dictate my novel as my step son is on his week end. My next day to dragon is Friday.

Today was my writers group so I added a thousand or so to the story. I hope to get another thousand before I go to sleep. Though I know I should be at the halfway point, 25k, since we are halfway through the month, I allow that I did start late and may not actually finish until mid-August at this rate.

I like to write in yWriter. Well, I actually start my character development in WriteItNow as they have a lot of questionnaires to get a better handle on the new people. It also helps me with the world building. Then I move into yWriter. It helps me stay on some kind of outline as I go as it makes you think in chapters and scenes and POVs. It helps me stay organized in other words.

I was calling the novel Lost in Time. I have the beginning of the novel under my “Stories” tab. I think I will change the title to Locket(s) in Time as that is the mechanism that moves the characters back and forth in time. I probably won’t post more of the story until I get to the editing part in a month or so.

By the way, this story will not be G or GP. It will be  talking about adult subjects and adult situations. Some of them are hot but others are ugly secrets that society has tried to hide between family members. I don’t mind writing a sex scene or two but those stories of dangers and angers are very hard to write. I didn’t know where this story was going to go when I started but the main characters and the antagonist has directed this from the beginning. I just need to write the truth they tell me.

Well, that was more than I planned to write in the blog. I needed that wordage in my story! Think I’ll copy and paste it into yWriter under a new scene called Blog. 🙂


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