Another Fibromyalgia & Exercise Study. Sigh.. I have been turning down stories about this latest news because I felt it wasn’t true. The worse cases, most likely to be shot into flares by the exercise programs, either didn’t find it possible to follow through, or didn’t even start.

I try to be the person who exercises. I can’t stay with it. I have dreams of running. I can’t make it to the kitchen or bathroom without being dizzy and putting myself into a flare, especially when the weather is unstable. My husband and I start by just walking around our apartment complex. We feel excited when we can make one round. It is .10 of a mile. I used to walk a lot. Eight miles was nothing. I loved being outside. I used to love swimming. The big F hit and the only swimming I can do is in a hot springs pool.

Instead, to keep my mind active, I am on the internet all day or reading books. At least I am one step above curling up and sleeping all day. Those are the worst days. So I applaud myself for the small things I can do! Yay, me!