Archive for September 5, 2013

Somedays by Lisa Fulham : FibroModem. I empathize with this.

Dar49 Daily.Is out!!!

UnEnchanted by Chanda Hahn
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Well, this was a new take on the fairytales, at times very grimm–get it? Pa-dum-dum. Sorry, I couldn’t resist. And, no, this doesn’t reflect on the stories woven into this book, a couple overlapping each other. There might be humor within the pages but not as cheesy as mine.

Mina Grime doesn’t think there is anything funny about her life. Imagine being stuck with that name, for instance. Then she has to live through the modern life of of a klutzy teen, just trying to make it out alive, with some level of self-esteem intact.

Though this follows the YA fantasy of teen-wakes-with-new-powers/gifts/threats format, Mina isn’t lost in the woods or other triteness. Her unique nature causes everything to happen right in front of her classmates giving her even more uncomfortable attention.

Ms. Grime isn’t always strong but she learns that she must be, she has to save her brother and her friends. So, more than anything else, this book reflects her growth as a person.

My thoughts? I liked the characters and the plots within plots, enough so, that I will try to read the next books in the series. Luckily this one didn’t leave you on a cliff. It gave you enough of a resolution to feel you could walk away, but clues enough to make you want to see what more is in store for poor Mina.

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