Archive for March 25, 2014

Caged in Bone
Caged in Bone by S.M. Reine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Whew! Another 3:30 morning for sleep. Today I slept until nearly 3:00 in the afternoon. Caged in Bone was so stimulating that I just couldn’t go to sleep even when I finished reading it. Sure we were left in a safe spot having a few threads tied up. But you could tell there was more. Luckily, I was too tired to see if I had the next book ready so I didn’t start reading it yet. I am itchy to get started on it, though.

Have I mentioned that I love Elise Cavanough? After this many books with her as the main character, I nearly think of her as real. Heck, she did live in Reno for quite a while; she could have been a neighbor. **wink**

This book is a continuation of the stories before, saving Heaven (Shamain), trying to resurrect someone we love (sorry, Spoilers!) all the while each character fighting their own personal demons, real and imagined. The book grabs you and won’t let go.

By the way, disclaimer: I was given this book by the author for an honest review. So I say, those five stars and my review are fully an honest reaction to a fantastic book in a fantastic series of serieses (is that a word?).

Please read these books. Starting with Seasons of the Moon series, then Cain Chronicles, then Descension and Ascension (which I think I am nearing the end) then the newest one is the Preternatural Affairs series. I can’t wait!

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