Archive for July 19, 2014

20140719 SoC Saturday This post is part of SoCS: The prompt for this Stream of Consciousness Saturday is ‘side’.

I can’t decide which way to go. There are so many words and sayings that use the word side: sidecar, an aside, sideboard, sidebar, sideburns,  side dish, and so many more. But looking to my side, I realized the most important side.

I’ve talked about my fibro and exhaustion. Through it all the man at my side, my husband, has been the best things that has happened to me. He takes care me so sweetly, every day, whether I am hurting or not. At my worst he cooks my food and cleans. At my best he is my best friend, someone who laughs with me and watches even the most ‘girly’ shows with me.

We are partners in this life and have so much in common, reading and writing at the top of the list. I am so lucky! How many people can say that? As I say all this you might think we are newly weds. Nope. We have been together for about twenty years, married for a decade.

Aside from that what more does my consciousness want to go? I seem to have gotten sidetracked. That is because my hubby and I are watching Hemlock Grove. Wow. What a show! Hey, that was merely a sidelight. I hope to do this more often. This was such a good day for me. I look forward, and to my side, to more of them!

The Scriptorium Daily.

Dar49 Daily.

Shafter Shafter by Margaret McGaffey Fisk
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Twelve year old Darlene would have LOVED this book. Yet at 64 I love it even deeper. As a kid, reading about Trina’s adventures on her home world while dreaming of space travel would have captured my heart, as that was my dream. As an older adult, I can see the fuller picture that includes the choices Trina and her sister, Katie, must make as they grow to become adults.


Feminism embraces these choices. The old world explorers knew some of these choices. Stay with the family you know or explore. Meeting new people and finding yourself in new family happens, our population wouldn’t be so large if that wasn’t the case. But then which dream to do you follow? Do you stay or do you go? Can you live without your loved ones? Would they want you to? All these questions are addressed within a tight, well-written story I didn’t want to leave.


You know those tales you leave with sadness, that make you read slower to savor your time with the characters but the plot won’t let you? Yeah, that’s what happened to me with this book. I am so glad to know Margaret McGaffey-Fisk! Maybe I can put peer pressure on her to make this a series? What an excellent read!

View all my reviews


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