Spontaneous HappinessSpontaneous Happiness by Andrew Weil

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As someone on disability for depression and now fibromyalgia for over a decade, I felt I needed some new answers. I have always admired Dr. Andrew Weil so when my friend told me she liked it, I thought I ought to give it a try.

Kindle and their whispersynched Audible co-play helped me get through the techno-speak. Kindle’s ability to fast forward Dr. Weil’s slower speaking speed, helped this to be a fast and educational read. By the way, that was a hint my husband pointed out to me. That on smart phones, tablets and Fires one can speed up the narrator’s voice and not lose quality. It’s like the person is speaking faster, not higher like a chipmunk.

I can see that the paperback or hardback book would have its points as one could highlight or check back on references later, still, I like this version for the first run-through. That way I got the gist of what it was all about in a quick over-read. I will go back and take notes and try to follow many of the suggestions presented in this book. Meanwhile, I will try a couple ideas that stayed with me and see how they help with the mental and physical pain.

This book is well worth the read, and further study.

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