Tag Archive: self-help

WorthyWorthy by Jada Pinkett Smith
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Autobiographies are hard to rate. It feels like I’m rating the person or their life experiences. So, instead, I will say this was interesting. Ms. Smith did her own narration, which is always more authentic.

What is different about this book is that Jada takes the time to address the reader and guides us through our own issues that might be like what she went through. A little journal prompts the reader to write out their own feelings.

This was a Libby audiobook. I think you all might like it.

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The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer (Blue Zones, The)The Blue Zones Secrets for Living Longer by Dan Buettner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was quite interesting. I was lucky to get the Kindle from Libby. Now, I want to get the paper version to catch the pictures, recipes, and ideas to read more slowly and start bringing more of these ideas into my life. What I’d really like to do is travel to these countries myself. I look forward to watching this on Netflix.

I used to live near the Seventh Day Adventist communities, the one in Loma Linda and the one in La Sierra, California. My friends attended that church, so I had an early intro to the vegetarian diet. That fit quite well for me as I never liked meat. I got to have special dinners with those friends and was amazed at the variety and full flavor of everything offered. The only thing I would object to is the smog. It was very thick in those areas. I would bet that these people would live even longer elsewhere.

This wasn’t a long or engaging read. I used Text-to-Speech and was through it in a couple of nights. Like I said, I look forward to having the book.

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And the flounder is how to not hyperfocus on diamond painting and reading. I find there’s so much to do and read and so little time. I need at least 48 hours for my day!

Feeling Good: The New Mood TherapyFeeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

If you are feeling suicidal or want to hurt someone else, please don’t rely on just a book. Find a therapist. If they don’t click with you, keep looking. Meanwhile, there is a lot this book can do for you if you put in the work.

My daughter recommended this book. She laughed and said she just loved the title. I had no idea what the book was like, so I picked up the audiobook on Libby.

A friend of mine and I have been working on our creativity. Trying to get the muses to work with us. In the process, we have found some glitches we keep running into. Feelings of not being good enough seem to scream at us, feeling stuck and unable to finish what we planned. These are just a couple of issues that have plagued us. While listening to this book, I saw so many ways that Doctor Burns’ methods could help those concerns and reach a few deeper, long-seated matters.

I have been in therapy in the past for depression and anxiety. The doctor even put me on disability. I fought against that one, but once he put me on the pharmaceuticals I knew I couldn’t do much. Each drug had so many side effects that it wasn’t long before I had to give them up. But I was left with more issues than I started. Working in public was not an option for quite a while. When depressed and feeling anxious, shaking, or gaining more weight doesn’t promote the self-esteem needed to meet anyone new. So I gave them up. If you find yourself in that position, try to have the doctor help you. My insurance ran out, and I was stuck figuring out how to get off those powerful chemicals. Titrating off is harder than titrating onto a drug. Anyway, with no one to help me, I had to find ways to cope. Writing helped. Being creative, even when I didn’t feel like it, helped get me out of my head. And it was nice to have a finished project to feel good about. I wish I would have had this book back then.

The only problem with the audio version from the library is that it didn’t come with all the charts, forms, and other thought instigators that are in the paper book, so I will buy it when I get paid.

David D. Burns often says that if you have a deeper problem than these cognitive-behavioral prompts can deal with, seek help. Meanwhile, they might help a little while you are looking for someone to assist you.

At first, my plan is to hit the creativity snags in my psyche using his methods. But deeper still will be health, exercise, and housekeeping. Because I think the method can be viewed from many levels and handle many problems. And having a friend to reflect with as we go through this together will help both of us. If it gets too heavy we’ll know when to gently suggest when we might need a professional. Hopefully, we won’t need that, but it is nice to get out of our heads and into productive living.

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It's Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond (Artist's Way)It’s Never Too Late to Begin Again: Discovering Creativity and Meaning at Midlife and Beyond by Julia Cameron
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I’ve been meaning to review this. I finally remembered. A friend and I have been working through the book as a sort of class to get our creative muses up and running again. We would do the tasks and work on our memoirs as homework. We both picked up quite a bit through this book.

We both had the paperback, and I had the Audible, which we would listen to on Zoom while we followed along in the paper copy. That worked pretty well. We both felt we got more in touch with areas of our lives we wanted to improve.

My biggest gripe was that I felt too old for the book. It seems if you are an early retiree, this would be perfect. We had already passed the floundering when you aren’t part of the workforce. If, in fact, you are at that stage, I think this would be the perfect book to start the next part of your life.

Heather Henderson (Narrator) was excellent in leading our little ‘class.’

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The Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain TimesThe Light We Carry: Overcoming in Uncertain Times by Michelle Obama
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was what I needed during the time I was a new mom, or working and feeling inadequate, even as I was getting home from the ER and feeling feverish from newly diagnosed diverticulitis. Michelle’s gentle voice made me feel like my mother was sitting and holding my hand. Or I was in a very good counselor session. So much good advice for all of us when we are feeling ‘less than.’

Okay, I know that some will not hold with her political point of view. But this book isn’t about that. It is about feeling awkward and being uncool. In so many ways, she nailed the feeling I know I had as a kid or teen. But mostly how I felt as a new mother. Everyone else had it together. How was I supposed to be a parent to this little one? Everyone I knew did it better. I know it was just part of growing up and becoming a parent. But I remember that insecure feeling well. This book reached inside and hugged that young mother and childhood me.

I highly recommend especially women to read this. And if you get the chance to listen to the audio version, do it! Her voice was comforting while I was still feeling the fever.

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The Self-Care Solution: A Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter--One Month at a TimeThe Self-Care Solution: A Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter–One Month at a Time by Jennifer Ashton
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Doctor Jen does her own narration and does a great job of it. She keeps the reader’s interest.

I love the idea she promoted here of attacking one habit a month. I always feel there are so many habits I’d like to form or eliminate, but how does one do that with the hope of success? Ms. Jennifer takes us with her on her own journey, so we see how it all works and occasionally doesn’t work for her.

Since this was a Libby audiobook, I felt I missed the stats and ways to connect with the ideas. So I have ordered the hardback to actually start my own Self-Care odyssey.

Are there some habits easier for a doctor than a person on Social Security to form or banish? Absolutely! But I think her methods could work with any that one would like to try. And the bonus is that by the end of the book, she had learned lessons along the way and kept many habits, and could keep track of those ideas she didn’t want anymore.

I highly recommend this book and these ideas for change.

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Two Old Broads: Stuff You Need to Know That You Didn’t Know You Needed to KnowTwo Old Broads: Stuff You Need to Know That You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know by Dr. M. E. Hecht
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had high hopes for this book. After all, Whoopi. Need I say more? I hoped for sassy and smart. And I hoped she’d do her own narration. Instead, listed for narration are Devon O’Day and Jackie Schlicher. I don’t know that I heard two different people. They both sounded like teens to thirty years old and spoke without a feeling of relating to the information given.

About that information. We old broads already know most of the suggestions given. We’ve lived long enough to figure it out. The author didn’t get how those with disabilities and low income can follow much of that advice.

Okay, there might be a thing or two to learn, but I wish there were far more discussions about aging while female.

I can remember reading everything about menstruation at twelve. I couldn’t get enough of pregnancy and giving birth. We did have Our Bodies Ourselves to learn about our biology and psychology. But then we are left in a desert of drying parts. Try figuring out what your private bits should look or feel like after a certain age. Go ahead Google it! All you find is a bunch of porn. Not helpful!

So I guess I’m happy someone has done something. Please more. And if Whoopi, please let it be Whoopi!!!!

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The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal FreedomThe Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Miguel Ruiz
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Our church is using this book for discussion. I was happy it was a quick, easy read. I picked up the Audible version. I liked it very much, and I am sure after listening to the discussions, I will have learned so much more than my quick read. I will be listening to it a few more times and maybe have a notebook ready as I think I glossed over some parts. If I do pick up a lot more, I will come back and revise my review.

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Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash CreativityEmbrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Creativity by Felicia Day
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This has been on my Currently Reading list for a year! It wasn’t that I was struggling to read it. It was digesting and doing the homework. I highly suggest doing it the way a friend and I did it. We held each other accountable as we worked through all the tasks, well, most of them. We often thought about bringing other people on board but realized adding anyone else would make it harder to stay on task.

Both my friend and I found many of our creative issues met through Ms. Day’s carefully set up agenda toward creativity.

Felicia kept us going, her sense of humor lightening some old personal issues of social anxiety and performance anxiety, worries if our art is good enough, and seeing us through those walls we had built up for ourselves. Ms. Day told us about her own issues and helped us see from another point of view. And though her problems were from a young mother’s perspective, we could relate, having been through her issues, and could apply the precepts to our seniors years. We all feel insecure about our soul searching writing and artwork.

Whether or not you use the book in the buddy system or solo, I think you will find depths in your own abilities if you take your time and work on the tasks.

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Way to Go, Linda. Eight years of Streaming Consciousness Saturday!

Sometimes in a person’s life they need more ‘atta girl’s. Not always. Sometimes just everyday keeps us going. But I have found that when I feel least alive and I can’t find motivation for even breathing, I need to stop and take stock of my day, week, life. While it is nice when others congratulate me. I find my own boost in saying, “Look at that! Look what you survived, created, loved!”

This blog has been that for me. Day-to-day can be dull. Downright angsty. Especially these last two years. So I am learning to see small accomplishments. Not earth-shattering wins. But things that make me smile and feel alive.

Today’s win is I ran out of Haven 2 to edit. There were 52,053 words altogether. There was no ‘the end’ and quite a few undeveloped characters, scenes, and plot bunnies to work on. I have a better working title: Haven, Above, Beneath, Beyond. My next step is to work toward 60k a full story, minus stuff that needs to be deleted.


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Sentient Metaphysics

Spirituality And Psychic Development

Verse Voyager Books

Embark on Literary Journeys with Verses Unveiled.

The Wild Coach

The truth of the light and the light of the truth

Towards Good Life

Make your life more productive and feel free.

Enabling Residual Income

Earning Passive Internet Income With one-Time Action

The World Through My Glasses

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Spirit of Tarot

Tarot for Insight and Self-Awareness

Heartland Echoes

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Sunra Rainz

Poetry. Art. Photography. Musings.