Archive for December 11, 2014

The Scriptorium Daily

The Scriptorium Daily.

Dar49 Daily.

Deadly Wrong (Preternatural Affairs, #5)Deadly Wrong by S.M. Reine

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I thought I was caught up with Ms. Sara Reine’s series. That’s what I get for thinking! She sent me another couple books to review. Whew! That is one prolific author!!!!!

Okay, my tags may include zombies. Don’t be afraid she’s not the “Brains” kind. She just a little undead. Or should I say, a little or almost dead? I love the main character. I like her a lot more than the usual person who inhabits the Preternatural Affairs series. Even though Cesar Chavez is an interesting person, I think Ms. Isobel Stonecrow is much more interesting. Even if she is nearly dead.

When I get e-books sent to me, I have the choice to use my USB to transfer to my Kindle, or email to my Kindle address. But it is so much easier to download the e-book into my Moon Reader Pro. Then I don’t need to read it on my Kindle and my Tablet or Fire together. Because I need the text-to-speech feature I need two items to read with. On MRP I listen on my tablet and the font is adjustable. So it makes me very happy, everything on one reader.

This was a quick read for me. I found it fun and scary. I mean, it does take us to Dis/Hell for a while with demons and nightmares all around. But Isobel can hold her own and even when she makes mistakes they seem to go in her favor in the end. I can’t wait to read more!

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The Fruit Of The FallenThe Fruit Of The Fallen by J.C. Burnham

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book has taken me a LONG time to read. It was my first experience with Wattpad. Wattpad is a wonderful idea. But for people with eyes like mine, it is very difficult. The font is not adjustable. There is no text-to-speech to help me out. I should have spent the money and read it on Kindle but by the time I knew it was on Amazon I was about halfway through the book.

Then there is the story itself. I loved the nice quiet fun parts in the school. But most of the book was suspenseful and gave me anxiety. It seemed from the beginning to be a paranoia-producing plot. I didn’t know who to trust. Who was the good guy? Who was the bad guys? And there were so many names to keep track of that I felt I needed a program.

But I did like the main character. She was well, developed and had guts. Even as a small child.

Maybe if you read it you won’t have the troubles I had with it. Maybe it was just me. If your eyes can handle it try it on Wattpad as it is a free read. If not, go ahead and read the Kindle version. Maybe as a quicker read it will have more continuity.

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