Crux (Southern Arcana, #1)Crux by Moira Rogers

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When my husband recommends a book, I grab it up. It will be good. And Crux is proof. Just a side note. When he first mentioned Crux to me, there was another book called Crux by Julie Reece that was also free. I will read that one very soon. I doubt it will be as steamy as this one. How could it be?

This Crux, by the writers who combine their talents and become Moira Rogers, author, has everything! BUT if you don’t like shapeshifters, great romance, complex characters with relationships to a seedier, yet more honest side, or hot steamy (wait, I used that word already), volatile (yeah, that’ll do it!) erotic lovemaking, don’t bother. I can’t remember gratuitous cussing. Maybe I was already enthralled and didn’t notice. Let that be a warning: THIS IS FOR ADULTS! even I might be too young! (LOL. 65!)

The thing is, the young woman is running for her life. No place is safe for her or those she may give her heart to. Someone is out to get her. When she learns why, it still doesn’t explain WHY. So what if she has an inner cougar begging her to shapeshift. That’s not a good reason to kill those who get too close.

By the way, Fifty Shades and the pain be damned. This is what turns me on. It is just as hungry, sexually, but more in the moment and involved.

AND there are witches and seers trying to help the young woman become all she can be while fighting the bad guy.

This book is free. The rest of the series is out of my reach for now, but not impossibly high. Go check it out…if you dare!

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