Serious Leigh (Literal Leigh Romance Diaries, #2)Serious Leigh by Melanie James

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is such a fun series! I barely finished reading book one that I grabbed the next one and started reading. There are many laugh-out-loud moments with this witch in training. Leigh, her cursed writing desk and her very familiar, marvelous cat, Luna, find ways to have adventures no one had thought would happen in the life of an author. Writing after all is a lonely, boring life. Right? Not for this newbie witch.

These are quick reads but don’t feel like short stories. They are layered with full characters and a world that melds the real, current world with a few fantasy yet historic realms thrown in. Each book is based on the last but has its own personality.

I picked up the first book and this book for free. Now I have to find a few pennies ($2.99) to get the next book, so it may take a while before I get to read the rest of the series. But I will after the move is completed and I am bored–probably in the coming winter. That will add some light to my frozen life ahead.

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