Alpha: An Urban Fantasy Novel (War of the Alphas Book 3)Alpha: An Urban Fantasy Novel by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Disclaimer: I was given this 4 in 1 book containing this series for free for review. I have to admit that is has been the best way to read it. One right after the other. In this case, listening to British female text-to-speech just kept the story going. But I couldn’t tell when I was in the “Alpha” book. I did feel Deidre becoming stronger though this book shows her struggles with authority and addictions more than the others, I feel. Even so, it is fun to watch her grow as a character and as a leader. Mostly I stick to the first review below.

Disclaimer: I was gifted this book for an honest review.

Maybe it was because my life has been so busy with fun road trips and not so fun hospital time for my husband, but, I had a hard time getting through this story. Usually, I can’t stop reading a Sara Reine book. There were just so many places where my mind wandered away from the story.

I think it is hard to make the main character a favorite for me. Deidre has no respect for Rylie our favorite Alpha werewolf. She doesn’t even have respect for her own alpha. But then he isn’t worth the respect. Meanwhile, Deidre Tombs goes all gooey about a dragon shifter and/or her alpha. It’s hard to know where she stands. She hasn’t much to stand on as she searches for her own animal to shift to. Once she finds it, she has a hard time making it happen.

Okay, all that aside, I am still looking forward to the next book to see what happens next. No, we weren’t left on a cliffhanger. We were left with many threads left undone, possibly fraying at the ends. How can our prolific author tie this all up? Wow!

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